Well. Here we are on another rainy, late Sunday afternoon. Still, at least it's not hot and humid! Apologies for not checking in last weekend. We have a new express bus service, City Glider (Maroon), swinging through the 'hood and last weekend was the last time it would be free. So I thought I'd ride it from one end of its run to the other, just to see where all it goes and if it's any good. But more on that little adventure later. Suffice to say the evening ended a total waste and I should've stayed home and checked in on time! But never mind. Am here now, happy with a stand-by glass of red - 2011 Beaujolais-Villages - not bad, incredibly easy to drink (thank you France). Got some hip n' groovy swingin' jazz tunes (thank you SkyFM!), the day has been rainy, windy and generally miserable, but thankfully not hot - life is good!
So work. Yep. Is good........ But before I left Tuesday afternoon, my manager sent me a rather ominous meeting invite for Monday afternoon "to discuss my future with the team". Gulp. I asked if it was good news or bad news so I didn't ruin my Sydney Adventure Weekend worrying about it - he said "just go and have fun. We'll talk on Monday". Uhh, gotta love non-answers (would it
And then there were a few weekends in there. Last weekend was chores and then Sunday was the Maroon City Glider Adventure. It was ok. I think the only
reason why they set it up is to get sports crazy folks from Suncorp Stadium here in Paddington (where I saw U2 a couple Decembers ago!) out to the big cricket stadium, creatively called the Gabba, which is in the 'hood of Woolloongabba (hence the 'Gabba bit......) - all on the one bus. Other than that I saw no real reason to use it, well, other than it's a third bus added to our line through the 'hood that goes to town. Hmmmm. It does go to a collection of really good grocery stores in the next 'hood over, Ashgrove, but otherwise, eh. So I rode that for a while and when I got back to Ashgrove I thought I'd check out the huge grocery store and pick up some things to make corn tortillas and refried beans from scratch. Well. Turned out everyone in a ten mile radius had the same idea on a Sunday afternoon and the place was packed. I hate going grocery shopping at the best of times and to go to a massive crowded one, good god I thought I'd freak out at the next kid or angry housewife to drive into me with their overloaded cart. So I quickly
picked up a few things, and finally made it home, but by then it was waaaaay too late to check in. So I figured seeing as checking in wasn't going to happen, I could at least make some corn tortillas to make sure the day wasn't a complete write-off. Well. Turns out Corn Flour in Australia isn't actually corn flour, even though it says it is all over the box and the ingredients say Maize Corn Flour. No. Two boxes later and with an almost-graduated chef's assistance, it's actually corn starch.Why they added the word 'flour' to it is a mystery. What a mess. A $5.40 solid, starchy, muddy mess. Hrm. So the hunt continues for real corn flour. Good grief. I will escape the confines of Old El Paso if it kills me by costing a fortune!

And then there was this weekend. Well, it started off pretty good, if not
stupid early, Wednesday morning when I flew down to Sydney! Got into town, checked into my hotel, the Amora Hotel Jamison - one of those LastMinute.com "mystery" hotels and it was a score! I mean, it was still expensive, but where I stayed, in The Rocks, which is spitting distance to the Opera House, The Rocks historical
district and Circular Quay - it was cheaper than usual hotels in that 'hood. Put it this way, I tried to book a room at the Holiday Inn at the Rocks and I couldn't afford it. What kind of world is it a gal can't afford the Holiday Inn???! So I always have good luck with that LastMinute site....... Anyways, dumped my bag and headed off to see what to see. The day was really warm and muggy, contrary to all the weather reports I'd read the day before - so here was me stomping
around Sydney harbor in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt wishing I was dead or at least had a pair of shorts and a tank top. Wandered around and took as many photos as I could before I decided to jump on the inner-city tourist hop on - hop off loop bus and get the lay of the land. Well. All I can recommend is if you ever
get to Sydney, don't take the Sydney Explorer bus through the city. No no no. Waste of time (and monies). When you're not stuck in traffic you're waiting to pick people up. And really, afterwards, I walked to pretty much most of the places it stopped. But, to redeem itself, the Bondi & Bays Explorer tour was muuuuuuuuuuuuch much
better. Can't recommend it enough. So I endured a hot sunny ride in traffic for two hours before rushing back to the hotel to get ready to go see Nick Cave at the Opera House! Oh it was SOoooo good! I know Nick Cave isn't for everyone, but man they were a
goooooood show. Awesome! And by the time that finished and I got back to the hotel, I was dead on my feet (cut me some slack, I was up at like 3.30 that morning).
Next day was up at a respectable hour to get mahself back together to check out and meet Kim and her friend Tanya (flight attendant with United
And that was the rained-out Sydney Adventure! I had planned to do all kinds
And then today, Sunday was pretty much back to the usual dullness - went to
And that's pretty much that! Whew! Otherwise all is well.
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