Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Happy Holiday Weekend with Bees Who Tidy....

Where the TV comes from - Mt. Coot-tha.

Well. Here we are, Sunday afternoon. Although it's been thankfully nice and cool for once on a weekend, it's also rained off and on. That's ok tho, not complaining. Even the birds are out there happy to have the cool breeze instead of the stifling hot and humid we usually have on the weekends. They don't even seem to mind the rain. Then again they might sing a different tune if they knew what was coming, because unless they have email, the weather service has issued a "severe weather warning" for our little corner of Queensland over the next few hours and this little spattering of rain must be the start of the festivities. Geez, with my luck lately, I hope I can finish checking in before the lighting bolts start landing......... Otherwise, the early evening is lovely and cool with a nice breeze, the happy clean laundry is cowering inside with me away from the rain....... Got the usual hip n' groovy jazz tunes, even have a nice cool glass of one of the many stand-by white wines..... yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good..... We had to move to a much smaller area than where
The view from my "old" desk....
we were occupying (we basically commandeered a whole big corner of our vast and empty floor), and after the dust settled, I was issued a desk with a view of my kennel walls and the main walkway to the kitchen. Crap. I used to have a great view of the river and, well, the sky, with no pedestrians to distract me (or peek over my kennel walls as they now do). I'd get into the reasons why our little group of six had to move to cozier digs but it would bore you stupid. Suffice to say the pencil pushers in Finance didn't like the fact the we occupied a big space when, seeing as there's really only six of us, we could jam into a tiny space - apparently it's all about square footage versus Just another day at the office...cost codes, and logic/sanity. And just in time for the start of another apparent banner flu season. Fabulous. Good thing we all get along. And so much for our blistering productivity, now we just turn around in our seats and talk all day, solving the problems of the world and such. Ahhhhhh, whining aside, work is good. Not tooooo busy, but busy enough to make the day pass. And yes, although I may whine about my smaller kennel without a view, am just happy to have a kennel to go to everyday! Hooray for gainful employment!

Yes, just lazing around.....!And then there has been the weekend. And this weekend it has just been the bee's knees because it's Easter, and Jesus says we can have the Friday and Monday off. Awesome! And not content with just four days off, I've thrown in two of my "free" days off (March and April days off) so I can have the Tues and Wed off - even more awesome! Ok, so the weather is a bit poopy, that's ok - am not at work, am having a break! And the little break started off nicely after work on Thursday with a few (too many) glasses of wine with a couple work-folks at the quietest little bar I've seen in ages. It was a great evening. Unfortunately for Friday though, things weren't as rosy. Thankfully it was nothing some Advil, lots of water and about 4 episodes of Downton Abbey couldn't cure. And later that evening, my friends Kim and Carlos, along with a couple of their friends, at the last minute discovered they had a spare ticket to the rugby gameBrisbane Broncos vs. Melbourne Storm. Brisbane lost. that evening and asked if I'd join them. Cooool. Haven't been to this kind of rugby game before (there're like three different kinds and I can't tell them apart even after like 11 years being down here (NZ & Oz)). So went along to that and it was actually a fun albeit short evening. Bless 'em for having short games, not like football or baseball in the US that go for hoooouuuurrrrs. These games are a neat and tidy hour and a half, with something like a 15 minute half-time and no time-outs or any of that silly fluffing around. And even tho it's Easter weekend and most locals bolt out of town to go camping, there were still some 40,000+ folks filling the stadium! So even tho the local team, Brisbane Broncos, lost to the Melbourne Storm, I'd venture to say a good time was had by all. I did!

Kona tries to help tidy, gets distracted.
And then there's been the rest of the weekend. Lots of chores and much tidying. Not that the tiny apartment is all that dirty or cluttered, but seeing as I have the Invasion of the Real Estate Agency/Owner this Wednesday, I thought I might as well do the stack of ironing and organize the kitchen (and mah cluttered desk) a bit better, more presentable instead of, well, functional/comfortable. Nearly there. 

Vacations past and future......!Otherwise, that's the nice, looooong weekend. No big plans but that's ok. Listening to some of my friends/work folks, they didn't have plans either. Am saving my $$$$ and my time for mah trip in July (I told you about that, right? SD from the 19th to the 26th, Tucson from the 26th to the 2nd of Aug, so see you then!), and then mah biiiiig Aussie road trip in October! So the vacation time is a precious commodity and the savings definitely need a bit of bulking up! But Adventure is coming!

And that's about it really. The usual - work, home, chores, repeat. And, like I say every time, the weather is only getting better, therefore, feel free to plan that trip down thisaway anytime! And let me know if you need any help or tips, although I've tried to think of everything you might need to help you plan by adding those links over on the right..... Let me know if there's something else you'd like to add or if you just have any comments at all! Hooray!

Artistically out-of-focus resident of Coffs Harbour Botanical Gardens

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