Well. Here we are. Let's try this again, only this time here's hoping the whole thing doesn't get mysteriously deleted, again............... Once again here we are on another too warm and too muggy Sunday afternoon....... But, have the hip n' groovy
So work. Yep. Is good. They f i n a l l y extended my contract for another year, although only after much hand-wringing and soul-searching (apparently). Whew! So that's a big relief and I can start planning vacations and maybe

And then there were the weekends. Hmmmmmmm...... Casting my memory back...... Last, last weekend started off slightly more exciting than am used to - my one good work friend Kim (who's apartment I may take over their lease in July, maybe) was let go along with six other folks because their project is
And then the rest of that weekend was the usual chores and fluffing around, although Sunday had a slightly sadder twist.... I don't know if I ever

But other than that little burst, that was the week I'd finally found out about
And then this weekend has been the usual chores and reading - have been reading The Falcon and the Snowman and the sequel The Flight of the Falcon -
And that's really been about it. Quiet. Of course, during the week the weather is perfect and on the weekends it's stinking hot and humid - so unfair. And because it's too hot and humid to do much more than sit and read, well, I haven't been up to much. But there you have it. Kinda dull but Adventures are on their way! And honestly, I thought this weather would be finished by now, but you're still more than welcome to come on down and visit annnny time from now until December!
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