Sunday, February 17, 2013

All Quiet on the Weekend Front.....

Art at GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art), BrisbaneHi!

Well. Lookee here - on time, again! Starting to be some sort of routine or something! Actually, I said I'd make more of an effort, regardless if there's much to chatter about, and here I am! And there isn't really much to chatter about. The weather's been lovely tho - not very hot, cloudy with the oddAaahhhhhhh - views and wine at Mt. Coot-tha! shower, sometimes a helpful cool breeze... It sure beats as bad as it could be for Feb. Happy too knowing that autumn is right around the corner. It's already taking a little longer for the sun to come up in the mornings, and I kinda don't mind. But, for now, we have some groovy jazz tunes thanks to SkyFm (have you checked them out yet? You should!), got a nice, fresh, hot bowl of popcorn (I make mine on the stove the old-skool way and use coconut oil and salt instead of the other oils - serious noms, can't recommend it enough), and got a nice, cool glass of last week's bubbles (although a new bottle.... not the same bottle from last week.... are you crazy? Booze would never, ever last that long undrunk in this casa!!!!) - life is good!

So work. Yep. Same ol' story there. Busy, but not so much so (still, that can't bode well for justifying renewing the ol' contract...... eeek).... And yeah, still The view from the business end of Ikea......!no word on what they intend to do with me in 6 weeks or so; I keep getting the response "We're waiting to hear what R wants to do, when she wants to come back......". I have asked if anyone's tried, y'know, asking her, but no one seems to've considered it yet. Honestly. Otherwise, work is good. But just to be safe, I spent yesterday updating the resume, tidying it up, etc. Then spent the other half of the afternoon looking for work. Or not, as the case turned out to be. There are just no jobs out there, right now anyways, that need what I do. Hmmmm. Can only wait (and hope) and see I guess. At least the rez is in fighting shape, and that's most important. Otherwise, fingers crossed they decide to hang on to me a wee while longer.............?! (Heh, or my new catch-phrase could well be "would you like an Allen key with that?")

And then there was the weekend. Quiet, again. Did some chores yesterday and updated the rez........ Trying to watch "Ghost Rider" with Nick Cage. Meh.Kona waits for the movie to get better........... Am the wrong demographic (i.e., not a teenage boy) so am finding it tough to get into. Parts of it are funny, but I don't think it's meant to be funny. Nick Cage can just be so silly sometimes that's it's hard not to just laugh. And the other movie I have yet to watch is Iron Man II. I've never even seen the first one, tho it's on my list. Bless my little DVDs by mail, Ezyflix - they sent me the second one before sending me the first one. Oh well. Here's hoping you're not meant to see them in order.......?? Not that there's anything deep and meaningful about the series anyways (or so it is my understanding..........). I hear Robert Downey Jr. is quite good tho, so will watch that later......... 

And today. Quiet. Went out for a drive, casing new 'hoods to move to, even tho I'm still pretty sure I'll take over the lease at my friend's place in A more permanent move.........Enoggera (a bit further out of the city, still in a good 'hood tho) when they move to their new house in July (same week as my lease expires here at Stafford Palace). So this time I scoped out the 'hood of New Farm really good instead of the usual quick walk-bys. It's spitting distance to the city, in fact, I'd dare say it's closer to town than where I am now, minus the mad hills. It's really cool, hip n' groovy, tho just as expensive as the 'hood am in now.......... For fun and torture I had a look at Newstead - so lovely, so for sale online. Ha, Yeah. Won't ever be buying in that 'hood any time, well, ever. And most of the stuff for sale around there, even the million-plus range stuff, are apartments! Gasp. And rentals, well, the place is chock full of rentals - all which seem to have been built in the '60s and haven't been refurbished since. Hrm. Also like mine now, only it hasn't been refurbished since it was built in the late 40s. Hmmmmmmmm. Bummer dude. It sure sucks being broke. 

So it looks like Enoggera will be the new 'hood come July. Oh well. If all works out, it'll be a muuuuch bigger place than where I am now and slightly more Possum don't care! And neither does Kona!modern (tho 1970s cinder-block kinda modern)...... Cheaper than anywhere else for its size (it's a two-bedroom, 1 bathroom with a kind of self-contained one bedroom and a study granny-flat attached downstairs that I could rent out if I had to.... or someplace for friends/family to stay maybe...........!), and hopefully a shade quieter (no crying babies or thieving possums at least)...... Am trying not to be too sentimental about this place tho, aside from living here a whopping total of 5 1/2 years............ Am trying not to be too attached to my walks into work everyday........ Am trying to not think about the fact that I have the post office (with the really nice guy who knows my name and PO Box number!) and both booze and food (in order of priority apparently (!)) a two-minute walk away.......... two bus lines into town - one express and one local............... Am trying not to enjoy the teeny tiny thrill I get when folks ask me what 'hood I live in (worst house, best block and all that  - but they don't know that)........... That Kona can bring me no end of headless geckos or skinks or eat as much grass as he likes from our massiveAhhhhhh, the Hills Hoist, my chariot and the great expanse of yard.....! backyard, albeit unused except for the hills hoist and parking............ Yeah, I'll get over it, eventually, I'm sure. I won't miss hearing the neighbors do, well, everything. I won't miss how rickety the apartment is physically and how the owner staunchly refuses to maintain it............ I won't miss the four breeds of ants in my kitchen at any given time................. and last but certainly not least - I will not miss those F@#$%^G possums, EVER.....................! Hmmmmmmmmmmm....... Will keep you posted with those developments!

An old resting spot at an old work (QSPGA), overgrown......And that's about that. Y'know, I warned you things would be kind of quiet for a wee while - I have Sydney to save for (in a mere week and a half - wooooooot! Get yer orders in now for any souvenirs) and the big Kahuna - potential unemployment...... So yes, quiet is the order of the day. And too, the weekends have usually been so stinking hot that an Adventure walk was usually the dumbest idea on the planet, but seeing how the weather appears to be calming down and cooling off, hey, Adventure walks are freeeeeee! Will pencil more of those in (weather permitting) and freshen up my stock of photos!

The GBR - You just have to see it for yourself........! So there. Hope you're all well up there! Say, speaking of moving, y'know, the beginning of July will pretty much be the beginning of winter - excellent weather for scoping out Brisbane and points north (Great Barrier Reef, etc)........... And, gosh, after moving, I'll have more than enough room for guests................... Just sayin'!

Ahhhhhhhhh - Palm Cove in the Wintertime!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...