Sunday, February 10, 2013

Naps: 1, Sleep Deprivation: 0 - Ahhhhhh, the Weekend!

Building art, Melbourne. Cool, huh?

Well. Here we are (on time, yes, I spotted that too!). Got a lovely breeze that's finally picked up after a fairly warm, muggy and still day. Got a nice, cool glass of bubbles for something different - Veuve D'Argent. Ehh, not at all bad. Dangerously easy to drink and cheap too - on discount via my friend who's husband does IT at the brewery! I actually have no tunes running today; for some reason quiet is better this afternoon. I guess it's all those sleepless nights listening to crying babies (downstairs) and possums shuffling around (upstairs), together with music 8+ hours at work so that I can stay awake, means on the weekends I sometimes like peace and quiet (if, on the rare occasion, I can actually get it). You come live here and see what I mean! Otherwise, all is well - the chores have been done and the laundry is happily blowing in the breeze - life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy, but not so busy I wish I was dead. Just enough to keep me outMilo looks like how I feel at work most days.........! of trouble (errr, hopefully) and make the hours march past. Although lately work has been... not drudgery, but routine. A lot like Groundhog Day most days (heh, or even Office Space - my favorite office-y movie ever). And that's kind of ok - to a point. Am still waiting to hear about my contract, or a decent job to be advertised that'll be worth the effort to get an application in for...... If they extend my contract, am thinking of working only four days a week, but only for like six months. I just need the break and to get stuff done...... I noticed too that the days I do call in "sick" are usually Mondays (never a good look)........ Not because I don't like work, I do for Screw work! Is what I thought while staying at Glen & Alison's......once like my job and the folks I work with, but I just need a wee break...... Am still thinking about it tho..... Have floated it past my Manager and he didn't mind. We're not as crazy busy as we were and he's one of those folks that subscribes to the idea that life is more important than ol' work. Could be why he's not climbing that corporate ladder as quick as some! So we'll see. Another month or so to wait and see what shakes down, one way or another. Hell, be careful what I wish for - I could well end up unemployed - there's some time off for me! Crikey. Won't that be fun, again. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen! Otherwise, all is well at work. Happy to have it while I've got it!!!!

And then there was the weekend. Thankfully, no crazy weather to batten the hatches down for (unlike the northeast coast. Ha haaaaa! Ever so happy I don't live there anymore!) and thankfullyAlfie has the same attitude to ironing that I do...... it wasn't stinking hot and humid like it's supposed to be during February. Feb is meant to be The Worst Month of Summer here and so far this year it's been (knock on wood) pretty nice. Here's hoping it doesn't make up for lost time by dragging into March.......... (that and the fact my good fan finally died)! But didn't really get up to much....... See, I know what you're thinking - why would I need three days (and less pay) to sit around when I don't do much on the weekends, usually, anyways?? Well. It seems the routine has been to chill on Saturdays - read, nap, watch movies, New roommate eats my food, doesn't pay rent.not think or move much - rest up from being at work all week; and because usually I average four hours of sleep most nights during the week due to possums and/or crying/fussing baby, so by the time I get to Friday, I am well sleep-deprived and in desperate need of sleeping-in (with ear plugs). So when I get to Saturday, all I really have the sleep-deprived energy to do is, well, nothing. And then Sunday I have to make up for channeling my inner slacker all day Saturday by running around and doing all the chores and stuff. And then whoosh - come Sunday afternoon and checking in with my demanding fans (of which there seem to be three - thanks guys), that's the weekend goneskis! So, er, there you go. I didn't get up to much this weekend. But rest assured, Sydney will be a totally cool little Adventure! Have to save my pennies for that, right?!

Street Art, Fitzroy, Melbourne
And that's about that. Sorry for the dullness but hopefully with my little explanation/rationalization you have a better idea why A) I don't seem to be painting the town red on weekends, lately and B) I'd like to work four days, if only for like six months..... And besides, stuff is open on Mondays and I won't have to rush through my lunch hour to do things.... or god forbid, haul into town on the weekend. So there!

Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there! So far as I can tell the weather looks to be pretty good until we get the all-clear in March - no more gross heat or crazy storms! Then feel free to come on down any time! Errrr, until December/November that is.... Unless you're a glutton for Florida-in-the-summer kinda hot!! Either way, c'mon down!

Residents at Charleville Airport.....!

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