Sunday, December 02, 2012

Home Is Where the Hot Is......

Ekka Ferris Wheel... Cages....!Hi!

Well. Here we are. A little late, but I'd mentioned that last week/end was going to be a busy one. And it was. But in a good way! So here we are now, a hot, breezy day, thankfully the humidity isn't as bad as it can be (what the hell, it's the second day of summer, this is it until March...), got some way cool French tunes courtesy of my new fave ever internet streaming radio station(s) SkyFm (I can't recommend them enough), got a very nice, cold glass of iced tea (thank you wicked strong Australian sun) - life is good!

So work. Yep, is good, still bloody busy, but that's ok, I'd rather beA Typical Day At Work... busy and am always happy to have gainful employment while I can. Still no idea what's happening come March when I'm due to expire....... Fingers crossed!? Otherwise we're in the homestretch until a week off for Xmas........ that'll be a nice break. Nice to have more than 2 days to get stuff done and rest!

And there were a couple weekends in there..... But before them Street Art - Fitzroy, Melbournethere was the week - that was most excellent! Tuesday evening went and heard my favorite crime writer (well, living anyways) Ian Rankin talk about his new Rebus book, and subsequently had it signed (!), and also geekily learned that the main character, Rebus, isn't loyal to any one single malt scotch like I kinda thought he was. He said "Rebus drinks what I do!". How funny. Am such a geek. But before then, while killing time and because I'd come straight from work and was kinda hungry, I had a couple glasses of champagne and a salmon tasting platter from the attached Watt Restaurant (was gooooooooooood!), right there next to the river, it was lovely! I should take mahself out more often! Shame the talk didn't go for longer than 45 minutes/an hour, but it was good nonetheless. Always neat to learn stuff from highly successful writers.....!

And then Thursday I took the day off to go see the new James Bond "Skyfall"!!!! It was goooooood! Also managed to buy two new pairs of jeans (uh, yes, even tho it's summer, I'll be ready for next winter......) and to get a pedicure and manicure - a right proper bored housewife kinda day! The kinda day I could totally get used to, if only I was a bored housewife....... But the movie (and martini and caviar and prosciutto......) was fantastic! Well worth the wait and worry over MGM going bust! If you like James Bond, this one was better than most of them. It had a decent story (I know, novel idea right?) and it wasn't silly with the special effects. All I can say, without giving much away, is to go see it!

Then last weekend was good but also busy - did the chores (yawn) then Kim's House in th' 'hood of Strathpine!headed up to my friend Kim's house to hang out, eat pizza and watch "Finding Nemo" (always have time for pizza and Nemo!). Then Sunday headed over to Jason and Clare's for Rhys' third birthday party (apologies for spelling his name wrong previously. Gotta keep up with these "modern"/European names......), which was fun and always nice to catch up with everyone - we haven't had a pizza and games night in ages, so it was nice to see the usual suspects after so many months of busy-ness!

And then there was this weekend..... Positively dull in comparison...... Since it's been so hot, well, yesterday all I had the energy and will to do was one load of laundry, a nap, made sun Serial Killer!tea and watched what felt like 10 episodes of Magnum PI...... Ahhhhhhhhhh Saturday! And today, with slightly more energy due to less humidity, managed to get  two more loads of laundry done and some computer stuff...... which brings us to now! All I can say is it's a crying shame we only get two days out of seven to do what we want/need. Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there. All is well here... Kona is now what I'd deem a 'serial killer', having successfully taken down Young Rat #2 (bleck, but better dead than eating my food and spreading plague). Good boy! And that's about it from here in Brisbane! Drop a line sometime - tell me your news (all one or two of you reading this.......)!

Frangipanis in the Botanical Gardens, Toowong (Brisbane)

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...