Sunday, November 18, 2012

Expendable Weekends.......

Modern Sculpture at the Melbourne Gallery of Art

Well. Here we are. A little late, yes, but never mind, we're here now on a cool and very stormy afternoon. The whole weekend has been quite lively for crazy storms - thunder, lighting, hail, wind, the whole shebang. It's great. We haven't had storms like these for at least 2 years.... We had about two, three months or so of storms like this a couple years ago which is what lead to the floods in 2011, thankfully this is, no pun intended, a drop in the bucket compared. We haven't had that amount of rain....... yet. For now we seem to have a break inRainbow Over Spring Hill the storms - full sun, little breeze, yet everything is soaking wet. I don't mind, it beats being stinking hot and super muggy like it could be! But the birds are happy, probably because they're not having to run (fly fast?) and duck for cover, and they have a chance to dry their little wings. Otherwise they all sound happy and content out there....... And we're all happy and content in here - got the bare minimum chores done, got the old skool 80's tunes courtesy of 91X's streaming Resurrection radio station, got a cool glass of the stand-by white wine - life is good!

The Usual, Daily Commute to Work.....
So work. Yep. Is good. Bloody busy. Which is fantastic but by the end of the day (and especially last weekend) my brain feels like a piece of beef jerky. Am by no means complaining tho, don't get me wrong, I love being busy, but when I'm so busy I forget to do stuff like pay bills or write an email?! Whew. Thankfully I must be getting used to it because this weekend I don't feel as fried (as last weekend) and I'm actually able to write coherently. But yes, will enjoy the gainful employment while I have it (until March arrives, then I don't know what's happening.......)!

And then there were some weekends in there.... Last weekend I didn't check in because, quite honestly, embarrassingly, I didn't do much more than chores and catch up on DVDs. Like I said, the last couple of weeks have beenAnd That's Check-Mate! super busy at work and by the end of the week all the good brain cells have been used and have to be recharged. The only brain cells left are the ones able to watch drivel like "The Expendables" (of which I want my hour and a half back, "dude flick", Jason Statham or not, I want it back). Although it was redeemed by an interesting movie called "In The Electric Mist" with Tommy Lee Jones as a, surprise, detective investigating some murders, past and present, in southern Louisiana. Kind of hard to explain, but look it up and see if you can rent it. It was actually really pretty good. That or my brain had been stunned by Expendables and I just thought I liked it a lot compared to Sly Stallone's directorial debut. Hmm.

And then there was this weekend. Nearly as dull as the previous, but certainly more lively weather-wise. Really, who wants to be out driving in that stuff? Tho I did manage to take the car out today, in between storm An Australian Staple. I prefer paperclips....cells, for a wee spin around the block a few times, even made a stop in the hippie grocery store to stock up on Lavender oil and Rose Hip oil (for the hair and skin, you see) and to try a new thing which I've heard so much about and folks at work use it for cooking - coconut oil. My hair likes it, lets see what mushrooms and onions think??! Will have to let you know. But I hear it's the new bees knees in cooking - coconut oil or butter. And apparently you can use it on toast instead of butter? Either way it has to be better than Vegemite (no offense Australia)... Hmm indeed. All experiments I will have to try and let you know (just in case, my living will is in an envelope, here under my desk, in the blue file box).

And that was the weekend(s). Quiet but last weekend my brain needed it and this weekend the weather won. Plus, this week is going to be a busy week - Tuesday evening I have a ticket to go hear one of my favorite writers,Kona Practices His 'Murderer in the Closet' Routine..... Ian Rankin, talk about and sign his new book Standing in Another Man's Grave! Cooooooool. Tho, not as cool as seeing The Church just before Xmas last year, but cool nonetheless. Shame is, I haven't had the time to start reading said new book (have to refresh my memory with the previous one, don't I? Gah), so won't have super good questions when the time comes. Ahhh well. There's always email, Twitter, Facebook, interwebs.......! And then Thursday am taking my one free day a month off from work to go see the new James Bond "Skyfall" the day it opens here!!!! Wooooooot! Booked mah Gold Class ticket package deal that comes with a French Martini (had them at Xmas last year and they are dangerously gooooood) and gourmet nibbles, including caviar! I swear, you guys have got to get Gold Class up there. It's really not much more than a regular ticket (here in Australia anyways) and you order and pay for your drinks and nibbles ahead of time and they bring it to you, as stealthly as they can, when you tell them to, big comfy chairs like La-Z-Boys, it's The Best! And then next Sunday have been invited to my friend's Jason and Clare's for their little boy Reece's third birthday party (how cute). So a busy week and a fun little weekend. Well, it's all a bit livelier than it has been!

So there you have it. I hope you're all well up there! I'd say come on down but hopefully by now you'll know that now is not a great time of year, unless you like Florida weather during hurricane season. But come March all should be back to beautiful normal!



Flowers, Grass and Little Flowers..... Somewhere....

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...