Well. Here we are, another sunny Sunday afternoon. The birds are all happy because it's not as stinking hot and humid like it has been and no scary storms to blow them off their branches. Got the swingin' jazz tunes courtesy of SkyFM, have a nice, cool glass of a new Sauv Blanc - Giesen, from Marlborough in New Zealand. Eh. Tastes a lot like the others from the same region. But it's not un-drinkable! Got a nice breeze which helps to push the warm air around...... Ahhhhh summer!
So work. Yep. Is good. Still crazy busy but this coming week should be good - we have our team Xmas party on Friday, which will consist of a scavenger
And then there has been the weekend. Yesterday was quiet yet productive in a choresy launderyey kinda way. With the obligatory two hour nap, of

And that's about that. Quiet, yes I know, but am so busy during the week, it's
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