Sunday, March 20, 2011

eReading Romance Novels Over Lasagna


Well. Sunday evening, yet again. They just keep co
ming around with alarming regularity. Funny how when you're on vacation you never know what day it is and no one day is like another. But when you work (or don't as the case may be), every day is pretty much the same, the only difference being its name and place in the weekly scheme of things. Hmmmm. A slightly pensive start to be checking in with, but the weather has dictated it. It's been raining and drizzly and grey all weekend. Little warm, but not unbearable. Tho later this week it's supposed to go back to being unbearable.... This is meant to be autumn for cryin' out loud! Summer just can't let go. It's just mad because it wasn't as awful as it was last year, so it's trying to make up for it by hanging around. Autumn can come any day now! But I digress. Checking in just in time for the strange show tunes radio show - today it's tunes from Dr. Who (the longest running science fiction TV show ever, according to the DJ, with theme song written by an Australian. There you go.) and Star Trek (which include some awkward but inevitable William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy "songs")! Told you it was a wierd show! But at least it makes me laugh. And the birds are sort of out there chattering away, tho they're a bit muted. It's the warm damp and the rain. Still, we have our cool glass of white wine, Semillion Sav Blanc, courtesy of Rosemount Estate and, well, life is good!

So work. Yep. Still pretty quiet. I've offered my editing savvy to the bid/proposal folks I'm supposed to be helping on a bid coming up, but I've been told (more than once) that that's why they hired
<some outside agency> to do everything, including the editing, and thank you but no they don't need my help just now. Go away. So, in other words, I'm still without much to do. Thankfully friends have thrown some editing my way, which is way awesome. I was thinking I might rattle the cage of my little DTP biz that I didn't quite get off the ground and see if I can't drum up some work on the side, just to keep my hand in it. And nonono, it won't conflict with work in the slightest. I don't know how it could, but I'll make sure of that. Otherwise, work is good, if not dead quiet. I'm happy - quiet or not!

And then there was the weekend. Well, go back a sec, I had Wednesday off (we get one day off a month if we put in the few e
xtra hours) to supervise the installation of another fire alarm in my dumpy little apartment. Not sure why because we already have one hard-wired. I'm gonna guess it doesn't work (how long hasn't it???! I wonder, nervously) which is why they sent a guy to nail a battery operated one up to the ceiling next to it. Hmmm. And you know me and my trust issues with strangers coming in to my place unsupervised.... So I had the day off. It was pretty good actually, even if it was mid-week. I caught up on sleep and got lots done! I've been editing my neighbor's romance novel that she's going to send to Mills & Boon to be published (soooo cheesy but so much fun to write - and she says people buy this crap!), so she made me a way awesome lasagna for dinner as a thank-you. That was pretty nice and really good. Hooray for editing = food!

Ok, back to the weekend. What little of i
t there was. It was pretty dull. Saturday it rained all day and I couldn't be bothered doing much at all, so I sat and watched "Doc Martin" all day. Such a good show with great characters and creative little story lines. Kind of reminds me of a British "Northern Exposure" in a sort of way..... Fish out of water story, I love those. And that was the day. Nice in a dull, rained-in kind of way!

And today I at least got the ironing done and finished the edits on her romance novel, well, the first 3 chapters she's written so far. Again,
I couldn't be bothered doing much at all this weekend. It's the weather. Next weekend I'll be more productive. Next Saturday is the Chris Isaak concert! Hooray! He's awesome! Have any of you gone out to see him yet like I told you to the last time I saw him???? Huge fan or not, I highly recommend going to see him - it's a gooooood night out. Plus, the drummer Kenny is my friend Katie's cousin - support the family, in a disconnected, unrelated kinda way....!

So there you have it. Another dull and quiet weekend breathes its last. Again. Saving for fun and Adventures, I tell you! No more spending until May, at least. Oh yeah, another reason no spending, I bought myself an early birthday present, something I've had my eye on for a few months now after having done my research (and discovering you can't find them anywhere now due to a shortage of production and too-high a demand) - a Sony eReader, the latest model, in red, with a 6 inch screen...... It's the bomb! Still trying to work it all out, especially how to get books from libraries, but a gal at work has a similar eReader, so will ask her for hints tomorrow..... It's soooooooooo cool! I can have so many books in one place! Some you have to buy, obviously, but a lot are public domain, so are free. Cooool! Hello more reading in more places! It's really cool and I'm pretty happy I got it. Yeah yeah yeah, I know there are iThings out there that do similar and more things than this, but this won't burn my eyeballs out of my skull like an LCD screen will. Nor does it cost me money as far as internet goes because it doesn't do it, which is fine because I have a computer at work or at home or on my cell phone...... I think that's plenty. I just want to read! Oh, plus it'll play mp3's and show photos, tho only in black and white, which is kinda cool too. The type of screen it is, "e-ink", makes photos look like old tin or glass negative photographs from the 1900's. They just have this strange depth and quality to them..... It's neat. So yes, no more spending! Must save for trip and debt!

o there you are. Go see Chris Isaak if he comes to a town near you. Buy a plane ticket and come down here and visit dammit. And drop a line and let me know how you all are! Hope you're well! Let me know if you need directions to get from the airport to town!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...