Monday, March 14, 2011

Elderly Computer Edits the Chores


Well. Here we are…. Little late. Time just got away from me this weekend. I got really busy cleaning out closets and throwing out (donating) stuff. Plus it was stinking hot and humid, and by the end of the day I was too tired and dirty to think. Plus, it stayed hot until late in the day and I couldn’t put my elderly little computer through that. So yes, that’s why we’re checking in today. But, the afternoon isn’t nearly as gross as yesterday, tho no groovy jazz tunes, the lorikeets are sure out there – they’ve come back from wherever they go for the worst of the summer. I love how they pick their branch for the night and chatter manically away for about an hour as the sun sets. I sure wish I knew what they were talking about so excitedly. But here we are – got my nice glass of red wine – Hardy’s Merlot, the old standby, a lovely sunset, chattering lorikeets – life is good!

So work. Yep. Ticking along. Still without a whole heck of a lot to do, am slowly but surely going through the website finding things to update, but as far as any real editing, nothing……… Which is kind of a shame, but I don’t mind. Lots of other things to keep me busy, mainly immigration paperwork kinda stuff. And studying for an accreditation exam from the Institute of Professional Editors…. Still haven’t decided if I’m going to do it ($600+), but studying can’t hurt. So yeah, work is good, if not quiet. As always, dreading the day when they dump a week’s worth of editing on me demanding that it be done in a 20 hour marathon, as has happened repeatedly in the past, apparently. Yeah, dreading that. Otherwise, all’s well at my desk!

And then the weekend. Pretty quiet for the most part. Chores, cleaning, donating stuff I don’t wear or use anymore… This is, what, the second time this year (or at least in the last 6 months) I’ve thrown stuff out? Wow. Am only just one girl, am not a clothes or shoe horse, and I have absolutely no storage in my little apartment whatsoever. So how I can find like 5 bags worth of stuff to toss out so far this year, I have no idea. And I don’t buy stuff. And to think, I have a long list of stuff I want to sell on eBay! What the?! But that stuff I want to sell is a TV stand, bookshelves (want to consolidate TV stand and bookshelves into one unit), my couch (want a leather one), scooter gear I haven’t worn since, well, selling my wee scooter (sniffsniff, I still kind of miss it… but not the danger element), and anything else I’m tired of the look of and want to make dough from. I will conquer eBay!

So yeah. That was the week and the weekend. Dull, yes, but wait – relief is at hand! Yes, I’ve booked An Adventure for a week at the end of April…… visiting friends in New Zealand (Auckland)! Ok, so it’s not an Adventure as per my standard Adventure guidelines, I’ve been there before and pretty much swore I’d never go back even if I was dead. But I miss Catherine and Paul, haven’t seen them in yeeeeears, and because we get almost a week off for Easter and Anzac Day (hooray for Jesus and wars!). So I thought what the heck, I’ll go say hi. So that’s really going to be pretty exciting in its own way.

So there you are. Hope you’re all well up there and surviving natural disasters as they happen on opposite sides of the earth… poor Japan. Hurry and get a flight down here before a chunk of South America breaks off and clobbers Australia!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...