Monday, May 31, 2010

Mountains of Tamborines and Wine!


Well. Checking in late, again. Am sorry. This time I have no good excuse other than I just plain wasn’t in the mood. Actually, I was busy being artistic – I made my very first ever lino-cut print! Neeeeeat. So my mind was in that sort of artsy mode as opposed to semi-interesting chatty writing mode. But here we are!

So work. Yep. Miraculously still here…… so far……..! Writing this from work as it so happens. Only because I have nothing to do. Literally. For the time being. Course I’ve had nothing to do since last week….. But I’ve actually just now found out that they want to keep me around for another month or so to help with some editing in another section of the same department I’ve been in… if that makes any sense. So I have work for another month-ish! HOORAY! I was a bit worried there last week, and even today coming in I had no idea if the gal that thought she might want me to help would want me or not! But have had a few meetings this morning and they’re so excited I’m here to help, even tho am still not entirely sure what it is exactly I’ll be doing/editing…….. Heck, I’m just happy to have some place to be for the next month and even happier to be doing real-life editing (and not just some menial crapola)! Hooray! So, whew, bullet dodged for now!

And then the weekend. Friday was quiet, laundry, got to get in early to beat the weekend rush. We only have the one washing machine (takes 45 minutes to wash….. like forever in laundry-land time) and one dryer……. And besides, not having a TV, it’s not like I was missing any movies or shows! Sad.

But now Saturday, Saturday was way coooool! My friend Dom got a group of us together to go up to Mt. Tamborine for a winery tour in honor of his birthday last week! Hooray! Such a good idea. The weather was pretty poop most of the time but it didn’t matter, we had wine and beer and schnapps! It was really neat up there. Never been to Mt. Tamborine. Have heard of it, been on my list of places to go, but never had the chance/reason until now! It’s about an hour’s drive south of town, towards the Gold Coast but inland. In fact, from the last winery we went to, Heritage Wines (and had a totally awesome sooooo good lunch), once the fog and clouds kinda cleared you could see the buildings at the Gold Coast and the sea beyond – was very pretty. We only went for the day but would love to spend a weekend up there checking everything out without rushing. The first winery we hit was Cedar Creek Estate, a nice little place and a very informative presentation and tasting (needless to say I didn’t like any of their wines. Shame.). Then we were off to the MT Brewery – where we tried I think all of their beers. Pretty good I thought, for a brewery on top of a mountain, tho kinda hard to drink that many beers (even if they did come in teeny glasses) in such a short amount of time at 11 in the morning! Then we piled back into the little van and went to a really cool little distillery called, inventively enough the Tamborine Mountain Distillery. It was way totally cool. So unique. Entirely family owned and operated. They even hand paint all the bottles. Never saw a place like it. Gooooooooood stuff too, but way expensive, as I guess you’d expect. I was tempted to buy a couple bottles of schnapps but once I did the math I decided perhaps another time! And after that we headed over to the last winery, Heritage Wines where we had our awesome lunch and our last wine tasting with the lovely view, once the clouds and fog blew away. And then next thing we knew we were back in Brisbane! Seemed to go so quick! Now I know I want to go up there for a weekend and check it all out some more. It was just really cool.

And then Sunday. Ran some errands and got started with my little lino-cut printing experiment. Pretty quiet day really, which is just fine for a Sunday!

So there you have it! See? Get job – have Adventure. I knew it’d happen sooner or later! Hooray! Which reminds me, you should come on down for a visit while I have a job and am able to go on Adventures! C’mon down – it’ll be fun!



Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cold Derby Liquor!


Well. Here we are. Sunday evening finds us,
well, here in front of the little computer! There's no sunset or twittering lorrikeets to send us on our way because it's been cold and rainy all day.... So unlike Brisbane! But it is meant to be Autumn after all, so the fact that it's "cold" (70 degrees) is pretty much fine by me - no more summer, searing humid days and nights! Wahoo! But am sorry for not checking in last week. Last Sunday evening as I sat down to write I took one look at the little computer and my brain went into creative and sentence-stringing freeze-up. I'd spent the whole day pretty much outside in the chill and damp on the River helping Kim to show her parent's around Brisbane (they're visiting from NZ), and by the time I got home that evening, and even after a hothot shower, I just couldn't get warm.... long story short - I caught a cold and it kicked mah butt all week. But I kicked it's butt back (note to self: write to Sudafed and pledge undying love) and now here we are - cured!

So work. Yeah... about that... I still have it
... for now. Found out last week that this coming week could well be my last. They've taken me off the Big Project, through no fault of my own (contrary to what my Pimp might think), but because there's simply nothing doing. Apparently we've done all we can on our side of the proverbial tennis court, now it's over to the Sheik's in Dubai...... which means nothing's happening at the moment. So, to give me something to do they set me up in a little cubicle (with strangely high walls.....) to do data-entry..... At first I was pretty cranky about it all (that could've been the strangely high walls), but then reason took over when I realized I was being paid $42 bucks an hour to do basic mind-numbing data-entry, where I could listen to my music all day and no one wants me for annnnnything - sweeeeeeet! Shame to see it all end so soon! I figure I have this week left and that's the curtain on the JW - SuperTemp Show at Qld Health. Bummer, but oh well. What can one do? Have applied for a couple jobs out there, but otherwise it's back into the cold, harsh world of contracting. Will keep you posted!

And then the weekend(s). Last weekend was pretty cool, aside from the cold I caught. Saturday I went with a friend to go see the Roller Derby! Waaahhhoooo! We tried to go a few weeks back but tickets had sold out instantly. But we got in this time! And even then we still had to stand the place was so crowded! It was fun. After every one of those bouts I'm always this close to signing up. But my they're so tame here compared to how it's played in the States! So polite! So clothed and clean! No crazy punk-rocker make-up, no awesome costumes, the torn fish-nets were there, but that's about as crazy as it got. Never mind, it was good fun. Gee, maybe I should join up and introduce punk-rocker makeup and crazy costumes...... Then again, must find job over joining roller derby! Then after that, we met some more people and headed over a couple blocks to a really way totally cool little corner bar called The Joynt. Been meaning to go there for aaaaages. Once there we realized we were just in time for the "headline act" of a totally cool honky-tonk/Rockabilly band called Corn Liquor - they were bitchin'! Oh I was so happy we caught the very beginning of their set! And they played for ages! I liked 'em so much I collared the lead singer to harass him for a cd but they'd sold out (good for them!), but he did give me a play-list so I can go hunt down the stuff I'd heard. Cool! So a totally bitchin' night was had! Hooray!

Then that Sunday, Kim and her folk's came 'round and we walked into town, showing them the sights along the way. They're really pretty cool. They've been visiting Brisbane for yeeeeeeaaars and love the place, so why they don't move here yet......? But I must say, the really cool City Cat ferry tour, must cut that down to just one leg of the trip, otherwise it gets butt-numbingly boring. Much as I love it, I will finally admit that it gets old after a bit. So after that we wandered around SouthBank a little, stopped for lunch and a hot cup of tea before heading back into the City and then home. Was a good day but, well, you know the rest. Stupid cold.

And then this weekend. Well, after spending all week kicking that cold's butt, all I really wanted to do was hang around and nap really. Which I did with much success! I even got the chores done too. Funny, with the weather the way its been all week, and as crappy as I'd felt, all I wanted was to veg out in front of the TV. But no. No TV. TV dead. In fact, to stop it torturing me, I took it and stashed it under our dumpy building, where it seems a collection of unwanted broken things have gathered to collect dust. So now I have this strange empty spot in the middle of my teeny living room that's hollow, like a tooth when it falls out. Hmmm. I have mah little computer tho and many TV series' to get through with no interruption! So far am nearly finished with "Deadwood" - one of the best shows ever, next to Magnum PI and Northern Exposure. But I do yearn for the news, "Spicks and Specks", the odd mindless sitcom, and even commercials now and then.... Oh well. Once a decent gig is secured, then will get a TV.

And that is pretty much that. Sorry for missing last week, but you understand. And that was this week. Bit of a bummer about the gig but oh well. I think I went through this last time before landing my really good gig. Time. Will enjoy the pay while I have it! So hope you're all well up there! I see that both Qantas and Virgin Australia have screamin' deals to come down here - and notice the dollar has gotten stronger against the Aussie dollar! Which is tres bad for stock-market but tres good for plane tickets and spending monies! So take advantage of the latest market plunge and c'mon down!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Head Aching to be Busy Bee!


Well. Here we are. Monday. Checking in late. Am sorry. I had a wicked headache for most of the day Sunday and by the time it cleared it was late afternoon and the last thing I wanted to do was sit on front of the little computer and try to summarize my week/end in a semi-clever and witty manner……... But here I am! Fulla beans and rarin’ to be semi-clever and witty!?

So. Work. Yep. Is good to have, regardless how bored I am. In fact, I wrote the little blog at work today for lack of having anything constructive to do…. But don’t get me wrong by any means, way, shape, or form – I LOVE HAVING A GIG! So far the novelty of, well, the pay check, won’t ever get old, and it’s sure nice to have someplace to be everyday. But as to the way I wile away the 7.5 hours, well…….. I try to help anywhere I can, but so far they haven’t given me a lot…. Yet. Am trying to organize 2 Big Projects, but they have yet to figure out what it is I can organize exactly. So I sit here and mess around formatting spreadsheets (whether they need it or not) and designing flow-charts (whether they need them or not). Otherwise, it’s tough to predict what they want without a crystal ball or amazing mind-reading skills. Maybe am rusty in the mind-reading department……. Then again, maybe I’ve decided not to kill myself over this gig like I did the last one. Either way, when am not cruising the hallways checking out the posh meeting rooms with views and trying out all the chairs, I look out my window next to mah desk and pine for busy-ness! Otherwise, all’s is well! Hooray for work!

And then the weekend. Started off rather early in the week on Thursday evening when I met up with a friend to go to the Judith Wright Centre’s Institute of Modern Art for an art exhibit and a performance/music/film…. ‘thing’. Who knew you could mix steel-string slide guitar (with many psychedelic effects, played by a guy who looked like an Australian Jimmy Buffet) with a silent 1960’s Italian documentary about where Gauguin lived when he lived in Tahiti, with a xylophone (with many psychedelic effects, played by a seemingly straight-laced, older American guy)? All I can say is – FREE! Plus, bonus, they gave us free wine/beer/champagne the whole time! HOORAY! And I must add, we had pre-‘thing’ tapas in the attached bar/restaurant and it was fantastic, which is a pretty mean feat because am usually disappointed by tapas…. Anyways, after the performance……. ‘thing’, we hung around in the attached bar to take in the hip and groovy jazz band. Then, tired of that we headed over to this chic new club/restaurant called Cloudland for one more drink of wine. What can I say about Cloudland……? People practically killed themselves to be invited to the opening parties…. Is meant to be the hippest place in town…. It has an interesting outside…. And an even more interesting inside. I’ll just say it’s very cavernous (height-wise) and the décor…. Uuummmmmhhhmmmmm…….. my first impressions were “Goodfellas” meets the Copacabana circa 1960’s Las Vegas, meets Bat Cave, meets sub-tropical rainforest.……. Anyways, the couches were comfy and the service was pretty good. At least now I know and I can scratch that venue off mah list! But wwwhhooooweeee, never again on a school night. Friday was pretty tough to get through on 4 hours of sleep, a slight hangover, and no real work to be had. Curse getting old (angrily shaking fist in air)!

And then there was the real weekend. Very quiet compared. Chores. Napped. Read. Can’t say I vegged in front of the TV, as it’s still dead. Just the usual exciting and thrilling life I lead down here on most weekends. But I will say in my defence, am way outta work-shape, so come the weekend am beat. I’ll get into the swing of it all eventually. I had 7 months of napping at will! It doesn’t help that am not run off my feet all day Monday – Friday, like I was at the last gig, which could be why am so tired at the end of the week – from not having a lot to do…. Yet? Fingers crossed!

So there you have it. Sorry for checking in late. Hope you’re all well up there. I hear Qantas is giving away round-trip tickets for $900 or so…….. No excuse now! Good weather and cheap flights – who do I meet at the airport first!??!



Monday, May 03, 2010

Labor Day, Free From Labor!


Well. Here we are, only it's.... Monday evening..... We had another 3-day weekend (Labor Day) and I just now realized I missed last night, thinking last night was Saturday.....
Whooopsies! But here we are! The breeze is stirring the palms, the crows are crowing, don't know where the chatter-box lorikeets are, maybe it's too early for them and their sunset meeting, the weather is beautiful tho, hooray!

So work. Yep. Just finished Week Two, even tho it was an easy, short week,
and then this coming week will be short too.... Still, it's good to kind of ease back into it. So far all seems good. We moved to our new office on Tuesday, got settled, and went to work on mah projects..... Even tho am not entirely sure what I'm doing, am trying to figure it all out with a minimum of info! But so far everyone seems nice, the project(s) seem easy, at least at this stage, and they'll probably get even easier when we get two more people to help.... Ok! Soooo, am just going to take it one week at a time, squirrel away mah paychecks and hope for the best and that the gig goes a long time!? Will keep you posted when I know more about what I'm doing!

And then the weekend! Cos I can have a real one again, just like normal people! Hooray! Started out Friday evening at a friend's with wine and cheese, which turned into cocktails in the city until 2am. Whhooooowweeee I can't do too many of those nights! But I must say it was sure fun to get out for a change. Then Saturday I met Kim and her friend who was visiting from the States just for the weekend (she's a flight attendant with a weekend to spare while waiting for her 'working' flight) for Kim's birthday dinner at Da Sette Soldi.... It was a pretty good meal, can never go too wrong with Italian, and good conversation! Always fun to meet friends of friends! Then Sunday I met up with them again and we showed her friend around the city, along the river then over to the Pig n' Whistle for fish and chips and wines! Yum! By then we were all pretty beat and it was getting on to bedtime, which is kinda why I zoned on writing last night...... Ahhhhh well, we had a great day out sightseeing, the weather was beautiful and warm, it was nice. It's always nice to show someone around the city! And am getting so good at it that I can tailor your tour down to the minute and interest/needs! So c'mon down!

And then today, a free day, I'd intended to do chores, but decided the place wasn't too bad and that I can do them next weekend...........So have just been messing around on the Internet and helping a friend with his resume.... I would watch a few DVD's but mah TV is dead..... Still, I have 3 books to hurry up and get through before they're due back at the library..... I got lots to keep me entertained without TV!

So there you go. Kinda quiet, but definitely exciting in the work category (more or less, as exciting as work can be. But the paycheck is sure exciting!). So hope you're all well up there! Feel free to come on down and check the place out - the weather's gorgeous!


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...