Sunday, August 16, 2009

Short and Sweet Week! Sweeeeet!


Well. Here it is again, Sunday evening, just like every week. Only this week was nice because it was so short, and during mid-week too. I took Tuesday off because I had stuff to do, and then we automatically got
the Wednesday off as "People's Day" - the day everyone in the city gets off to go to the Ekka. And seeing as I'd gone the week before - hooray! Extra day off! Ahhhhhh, love short, paid-for weeks! Ha! Am gonna enjoy them while I can!

So work. Yep. Talk about enjoying the paid time off while I can..... yeah, its nice to have paid days off to get stuff done. In my short time working fuh the gov'ment, the whole legit paid day off just never got old, as you well know by now. But, the resume is out and about, just waiting for that phone to ring with the offer of Best Job Ever..... Oh wait, some English guy won that up at the Great Barrier Reef...... Ok, Second Best Job in the World, just waiting for them to call me and tell me I can start whenever! Cooool. I wish. But yes, so far in the time I have left, work seems fine. Which is good because I can focus on wrapping up my job properly and planning The Trip..... My god it's 2 weeks to the day........... Eeeeek!

And then the, uh, mid-week weekend! Tuesday was nice, had stuff to do
which was really just the usual errands and supervising the real estate guy in his "inspection" [invasion] of my teeny little apartment. I think he was in here all of 5 minutes with his little clipboard before he said, "Well, I think I've seen all I need to". I didn't have the heart to tell him mine is most likely the best looking one in the block, but he was new, so let him figure that out. Now hopefully they won't come bothering me again! It's a lot of work making this place presentable in addition to hiding evidence of the illegal roommate. Sheesh. But, trip going well and job forthcoming, I'm so moving out of here upon my return. My downstairs neighbors, well, I'll just say I've had to call the agency twice about his totally awesome surround-sound system that he'll listen to allllllll night. Oh yeah. The agency says there're fees for "breaking a lease" but to me that's a cheap price to pay for peace, quiet and freedom. (P.S. - photo on the left there, that's one of a few possums that live in my ceiling and sometimes sneak into my kitchen in the middle of the night if I've accidentally left that window just slightly open.Yeah.).

And the Wednesday. Well. A young guy'd called Tuesday saying that he wanted to come look at my big car on Thursday. Oh boy! So Wed I bought car soap and spent a good 3 hours washing, vacuuming, polishing that big car. Took ages! Finally had it sparkling, went inside and sat down for a well-deserved beer when the clouds rolled in, lightning struck, thunder rolled and rain pelted my nice, shiny, clean car. Then that storm blew away but hot on the heels of that one was one more. And this one was good. It packed wind, lightning, thunder rain and bonus - hail! All over my nice clean shiny car that was all ready for the guy to come look at to see if he wanted to buy it. I just watched the hail and laughed. What else could I do??? Finally, when that one finished and the news promised there were no more storms coming, I went out with my little chamois and cleaned the car again. Man. But, silver lining, in the end, Thursday evening I was $4,500 dollars richer! First thing Friday I went to the bank and paid off the loan in full and closed the account! Now I don't owe anyone any money! am officially debt free! HOORAY!

And then the weekend. As if the short week wasn't good enough! Saturday was nice, a bit of a relaxing day. Because my neighbor downstairs loves his surround-sound at all hours, I don't sleep so well during the week, naturally, but thankfully they weren't home Friday night. I went to bed around 11.30pm and woke up at 10am. Yeah, I was tired. So I took Saturday to relax and enjoy them not being home. I even had a nap it was so lovely and quiet. Ahhhhhh Saturdays without the noisy neighbors!

And then today. Was up early-ish and out the door by 10am to meet Kim for
a good loooong walk around the 'hood and then some! Ahhhh what a gorgeous day it was today! And getting pretty warm too. We walked for a good 5 hours, through Paddington, up to Bardon, down into Rosalie (where we had hamburgers and fries and ice cream for dessert - yum!), then it was over through to Milton and the Park Road cafes (keep walking, nothing affordable to eat here), down to the riverside where we walked along and then up into town, to Central Station where I left her to catch her train home! Whew! Man it feels good to go on marathon walks again. In one way, well, in many ways, but especially one, am kinda happy to have sold the car seeing as lovely weather is upon us (not that it ever went away), because it'll really force me to get out and walk again. Good. I miss the exercise! Hooray!

So there you have it. What an excellent and productive and short week that was! Hoorays all around! Now I just have to really focus on making sure all is sorted for our Trip! Wow, 2 weeks! Oh dear, I know how fast those 14 days can go. Better get ready! See you soon! YAY!


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