Well. Here it is again, Sunday evening, just like every week. Only this week was nice because it was so short, and during mid-week too. I took Tuesday off because I had stuff to do, and then we automatically got the Wednesday off as "People's Day" - the day everyone in the city gets off to go to the Ekka. And seeing as I'd gone the week before - hooray! Extra day off! Ahhhhhh, love short, paid-for weeks! Ha! Am gonna enjoy them while I can!
So work. Yep. Talk about enjoying the paid time off while I can.....

And then the, uh, mid-week weekend! Tuesday was nice, had stuff to do which was really just the usual errands and supervising the real estate guy in his "inspection" [invasion] of my teeny little apartment. I
And the Wednesday. Well. A young guy'd called Tuesday saying that he wanted to come look at my big car on Thursday. Oh boy! So Wed I bought car soap and spent a good 3 hours washing,
And then the weekend. As if the short week wasn't good enough! Saturday was nice, a bit of a relaxing day. Because my neighbor downstairs loves his surround-sound at all hours, I don't sleep so well during the week, naturally, but thankfully they weren't home Friday night. I went to bed around 11.30pm and woke up at 10am. Yeah, I was tired. So I took Saturday to relax and enjoy them not being home. I even had a nap it was so lovely and quiet. Ahhhhhh Saturdays without the noisy neighbors!
And then today. Was up early-ish and out the door by 10am to meet Kim for a good loooong walk
So there you have it. What an excellent and productive and short week that was! Hoorays all around! Now I just have to really focus on making sure all is sorted for our Trip! Wow, 2 weeks! Oh dear, I know how fast those 14 days can go. Better get ready! See you soon! YAY!
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