Well. Here we are, Sunday evening, happy sounds of the birds as they chirp the sun down, Penguin Cafe on the cd player trying to drown out the sound of the neighbors killing each other in the apartment downstairs, ahhh yes, the sounds of nature and the city combined: such is the coming of spring!
So work. Yep. Suffice to say, well, the less said the better at the moment. Apart from stuff, it would be pretty good. Had Friday off. Much needed. Getting down to a mere handful of weeks now....... Sigh. Am gonna miss this gig.
And then the weekend! Was most excellent, if not slightly quiet. But
And then the rest of the weekend was comparatively, decidedly quiet. Saturday I know I got some stuff done, just can't remember what exactly...... Definitely stuff was done. Laundry stuff...... Relaxing stuff........ Yeah, stuff.
And that's about that. I think the neighbors have finally stormed off to their respective corners of the apartment below, as all seems quiet

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