Sunday, August 09, 2009

Fair Enough Weekend....!


Well. Here we are, Sunday evening, happy sounds of the birds as they chirp the sun down, Penguin Cafe on the cd player trying to drown out the sound of the neighbors killing each other in the apartment downstairs,
ahhh yes, the sounds of nature and the city combined: such is the coming of spring!

So work. Yep. Suffice to say, well, the less said the better at the moment. Apart from stuff, it would be pretty good. Had Friday off. Much needed. Getting down to a mere handful of weeks now....... Sigh. Am gonna miss this gig.

And then the weekend! Was most excellent, if not slightly quiet. But
that has to be because Friday was so much fun. I took the day off and met a friend and his Dad to go to the Ekka! Also known as the Royal Queensland Show (how they get Ekka out of that I have no idea. Must have to be born here to know). I've been twice before, it's their version of a country fair, on a big scale, kinda the size of maybe the Del Mar Fair.... Maybe. Either way I love going, I don't know why. It's just an excellent, fun day out, especially when I'm able to take a legit day off of work to go with folks who've been going religiously for 17+ years! Hooray! But boy, I have to say, I was absolutely beat by the time I got home around 10.30pm (bloody full buses at 10 at night, what kinda city is this). We were there from about 10am until about 8.45pm. Eh, good practice for Disneyland I say! It was such a good day. The weather was absolutely perfect, the crowds weren't too, uh, crowded, the food was salty, greasy and sweet, the beer beautifully bubbly and cold, I had a tummy ache by the time the fireworks were ready for launching, ahhhhh, it was a fantastic day!!!!! If you plan your visit right, for the early part of August, we'll go. It's fun.

And then the rest of the weekend was comparatively, decidedly
quiet. Saturday I know I got some stuff done, just can't remember what exactly...... Definitely stuff was done. Laundry stuff...... Relaxing stuff........ Yeah, stuff.

And today. Quite productive. For the first time in like a year and a half I have an apartment inspection (I hate them, such a blatant invasion of privacy, but such is the lowly, little life of a renter) this coming Tuesday. So I took the energy saved up from yesterday and my little list of chores to do, and did the best I could with a dump like this. Patching holes made by the combination of rain and cheap construction (and me poking said saggy ceiling), painted scratched bits of windowsill, painted rain stains on the ceiling, what a good tenant I am. Then the usual chores on top of that. In addition to having a bit of a spring clean, results of which are now happily sitting in one half of my car trunk! Love spring cleaning. Love tossing out crap I no longer need, or really didn't need in the first place, would rather toss to someone else who may be in need of some crap. Hooray for recycling! Somewhat necessary clutter has been streamlined and is now residing under the bed (sorry Kona, your scaredy hidey place is much needed), and evidence of the illegal cat roommate has also been secretly stashed, ahhhhhhh it has been a very productive day.

And that's about that. I think the neighbors have finally stormed off to their respective corners of the apartment below, as all seems quiet down there for now (at least my floor has stopped the occasional earthquakes from the slamming doors below, replaced instead by his incessant video game machine guns). Kona is tucked into his little nest in the Poang chair that I never get to sit in. The chill of a winter's evening is starting to creep in signaling time to put the heater on (hooray for "electricity included" - suckers!). Ahhhhhh, Sunday evening. Y'know what makes tonight so extra-excellent? I only have to work tomorrow then I have Tuesday off for the "inspection/invasion", and as Brisbanites we all get the Wednesday off to go to the Ekka (if you're not as lucky as I am to work for the government and earn a day off to go beforehand), then it's only Thursday and Friday to get through - excellent if I do say so myself. Now I'm not one to wish work away, but after last week, it's just nice to have some paid time away......... So hope you're all well up there. Plan your trip down here cos I'll be up there soon to guilt you into coming to the Land Down Under!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...