Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend for Me!


Well. Here we are again, Sunday evening, twittering lorikeets, lovely breeze, cold beer, Ahhhhhh mid-winter in Queensland! Boy, after 3 years in NYC and then 4 in NZ, this
kind of winter just never gets old, even if I have been here 3 & ½ years. I suppose it goes back to growing up in San Diego’s climate……

So work. Yep. It’s good. My project really is at the printing house being printed and burned, soon to be shipped out to fire stations all over Queensland and loaded up onto all fire computers. Yes, am happy it’s finally finished and away! But as far as any other projects, well, have been given the red light on those, soooooooo now my big project is to apply for as many jobs between now and the 28th of August! Shame, but there it is.

And then the weekend! Waaahhoooo! 4-day weekend! Took Thursday and Friday off in honor of ME! Thursday was mah birthday, and I never work on mah birthday if I can help it, is Work Rule #1. So chatted on the phone, catching up with folks in the States, then quickly got ready to go meet some folks to see the new Harry Potter movie (ooooooooh, was goooooood!) then we walked down the road to Gambaro’s for a fantastic and very posh seafood dinner, followed by ice cream at Cold Rock down in the ‘hood of Rosalie afterwards. Ahhhhh, it was a very quiet but very lovely birthday. Now, next year, hopefully, is going to be a different story, am planning it already (I have to cos it’s gonna cost me that much to do it how I want to!)! This year had to be a bit quiet because of The Trip and impending unemployment, which is why next year has to be doubly bitchin’!

And then Friday. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh up and out early to go to Ikea and eat their cheap breakfast! Hooray! Been meaning to go there for a wee while now as I’ve really needed some new sheets, light bulbs, and just little bits of stuff. I stupidly bought a reallyreally nice mohair-mix throw blanket for the couch – what an absolute mistake that is. If I thought I had problems staying awake as it is with no blankie….. I also picked up a new pillow, bloody expensive but so far sooooooo good! My first step in trying to solve the mystery of my kinks and aches and headaches…..! Then, errands all run and money definitely all spent, dashed home to meet Sarah for post/pre-birthday lunch (hers is Monday) at the Botanical Gardens, not far from my house! Ahhhh it was lovely! If you come for a visit, we’re going there. Tummies happily full we had a good and thorough wander through the place. It was excellent. Really really nice. Unfortunately I didn’t think to bring my camera, so the few photos I took were with my little cell phone…. Ehhh, not toooo bad for a telephone!

And then Saturday. Nothing. Rested. Did research for mah birthday next year……Read my book about Bartholomew Roberts – biggest, bestest pirate in the 1700’s. It’s really good; I’m even thinking of writing it into a movie because it’s that fascinating. Was just nice for one day not to have to run around. My wallet was happy to have the rest too.

And today, last day of a very lovely weekend. Weather was gorgeous and sunny, and magically I had itchy feet to go for a good long walk, haven’t done that in ages. And it just so happened that the Northern Busway was having it’s Open Day – a chance for anyone interested to go for a walk along the whole busway (the bits that are finished anyways), cos otherwise it’s death by bus or a big fine from the transit police. So I headed over to check it out as I’ve never been keen enough to scope out a new piece of public road transport. I went mainly because I’ve been taking this particular bus to work for the last couple of years and have watched them build this thing from nothing. So have been really curious to see it finished. And to get to walk around in it – cool! So I went and had a good long walk around in it (neat) and took probably way too many pictures of a boring cement busway, so thus satisfied, I headed off through my old ‘hood of Spring Hill (still nice, wish I still lived there), took myself up through town and finally up through Paddington to home. Whew! Am outta shape, need to get out and walk more, have become way lazy. Sad. Will be one of my new year resolutions!

And that’s that! Sooooo nice to have a bit of a break to do stuff I want to when the stores are open and to not have to rush. I know, I shouldn’t say things like that when I’m looking at nothing but never-ending free time on my hands due to unemployment…… But for now, it’s just nice. And speaking of free time, if you happen to find yourself with any around October, come on down, I’ll show you around! Hurry while Qantas is still having their cheap airfare sale!!!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cold for a Nice, Sunny Weekend


Well. Here it is. Sunday evening (on time – gasp!). What a lovely weekend this was, aside from the fact am kicking a cold, but I couldn’t have done it in better weather! But hey, check it out, stuffy head and runny nose aside – am checking in on time! Hooray for naps and Sudafed!

So. Work. Yep. It’s there, in Kedron. One big huge construction site every which way you look. I mean, in a way it’s kinda neat to be right in the middle of what is, apparently, one of Australia’s biggest transport development projects ever. It’s meant to connect the airport to, I dunno, more roads (could be a hint in the project title “BrisConnections” and “Airport Link Tunnel”, hmmm), plus they’re building a bus-way, plus they’re digging a massive great tunnel that dumps out right where I work. Soon it’ll be clover-leafs, ramps, stoplights as far as the eye can see. Would be kinda interesting to work under a massive overpass……… But, as far as my desk goes, yeah, it’s still there. Am trying to validate the need for my continued existence, but, we’ll see. I live in hope. Am also not silly and am looking for new work, painful process that it always is. Otherwise, all is well. I finally sent off my great big RoboHelp project to the printing house to be copied and distributed throughout Queensland. Coooool. Fingers crossed the masses can figure it out and understand it….! Am pretty proud of it, all things considered. Not so sure what to focus on next project-wise, seeing as my future is down to a mere handful of weeks….. There’s a huge manual that needs redoing urgently…….. I think I’ll start that tomorrow… Have to have something to do while am there besides look for work! Fingers crossed!!!!!

And then the weekend. Ahhhh the weather was simply beautiful. Warm, sunny, breezy, not too chilly, not too hot. Ahhhh. Lovely weather to sit on the couch and sniffle to while watching DVD’s. Perfect. In fact, the weekend started off a bit early, I had to take Friday off sick because this cold has been kicking my butt since Wednesday and I should have stayed home Thursday but nooo, am a tough chick. Not so Friday morning! It was all I could do to call work at a reasonable hour and not sleep through the morning, which I did after calling in. Only to get up, shower and set up shop on the couch for the rest of the day. I love my couch and my DVD player with its modern remote control, if only my TV had a remote too…..

And then Saturday. Up early from resting all day Friday, whereupon I got all the major chores done and then some! I did my taxes and am hopefully gonna get back like $600 of what they took! Cool! I also have my car listed for sale online and a guy called to ask about it, tho he never materialized, but it was enough to get me to vacuum it! All it really needs now is a good bath and wax (I can only get so much done in a day with a headachy snot-filled head). Oh yeah, and its smog check certificate thingy… Hmmm, will do that tomorrow…… Productive!

And then today – looovely day to relax. I must’ve overdone it with the chores yesterday because all I had the energy for today was reading and napping. But hey, as a result I feel lots better than I did Friday! I just hate being sick. What a waste of perfectly good time. It disrupts your sleep and ruins what could be a productive day. Tho in saying that, I still managed to get two loads of laundry done!

And that is my pathetic, yet productive, tissue-strewn weekend. It was nice not to run around and just lay sniffling on the couch, no demands. And to think, this coming week is only going to be 3 days long! Wwaaahhhoooo! Am taking Thursday and Friday off in honor of mah birthday! Yippie! So far, in light of the upcoming Adventure, it’s going to be a fairly low-key event – not much planned really, going to see the new Harry Potter movie (hey, I don’t care, I like the Harry Potter movies; it’s become a mini-birthday event… bummer when they end tho…) with a couple folks from work and then a few of us are going out to dinner at Gambaro’s – a swish seafood restaurant at the other end of my ‘hood; it’s meant to be the best in town, so we shall see! And that’s it. Quiet. Am saving up for mah trip home!

So there you are. Was nice, yet quiet, yet productive in the chores category. I hope you’re all well up there! Say, if you have any hints for things for me to show a coupla tourists, lemme know!


Monday, July 13, 2009

New 'Burbs with New HairCuts


Well. Yes, late again. Becoming a bad habit. But I do have good enough reason for this time too…. Laundry……?! Honest! But yes, am here, thumping headache and all, tho I must say, every minute that passes since arriving home from work I feel better and better… but then, maybe that’s the wine….. hmmm. So here I am – ready to report for, uh, reporting duty!

So work. Yep. Is actually quite good. Because my contract looks like it really is gonna end, my Boss has been giving other people my work, in addition to going to other people for things, which most certainly lightens up my workload considerably, thus leaving me all the time in the world to really finally finish my Big Project. Oh and look for jobs too. Sigh. Queensland government job applications, they suck. So much blahblahblah just to apply for a job. I’d put the whole horrible process right out of my head all this time. But, if a gal wants to get anywhere in this world, it has to be done. Got one application in today – excellent feeling of accomplishment there, even tho it wasn’t due until next Monday. Got another 2 to submit – after the 20 page work biography that they like to require. So yes, work is pretty good thus far! Still tho, quite sad to leave this gig… Oh well, change is good and inevitable!

And then the weekend. Started off as it so often does with drinks at the pub with a couple of nice work folks. Home at a respectable hour as had to get up early Saturday to get mah hair cut. Hooray for short hair and needing to get it cut every 6 or so weeks!

So yes, Saturday, was up early to catch the buses out to Springwood, which is a ‘burb about 20 minutes south of me, it’s actually the neighborhood that Ikea lives in! Hooray! But, I was really good and resisted that Swedish siren song, which could be one reason I forced myself to take the bus. So yes, got mah hair cut (looks groovy and short, tho apologies for goofy picture - was squinting into the sun while passers-by stared at me - wierd that they do that when someone is having their picture taken) and then ran a couple errands then it was time for home to get ready to go up to Strathpine for a sleep-over at my Kiwi friend Kim’s house! Strathpine is a ‘burb about ½ an hour north of me by train, a funny kinda ‘burb in that 80% of it is industrial and warehouses, the other 20% and growing is housing estates – gated communities, etc. Which is what she lives in and what I now dream of living in. Man. Her place is modern, solid and you can’t hear the neighbors or anything, unlike my place where I can hear my neighbors do everything from fight to fart. Her place is 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms (with a real bathtub), a garage, a little back yard and a normal kitchen. Basically, her place is everything mine isn’t. The only bummer is it seems so far out in the land of the ‘burbs…. But everyone tells me it’s not that bad of a commute…. I tell you what, am tempted…….. So we got pizzas, gossiped and watch James Bond “Casino Royale”. We had a most excellent evening.

Then it was Sunday. Took our time, had breakfast, then a wander around her complex, which only solidified my desire to live there (4 swimming pools, 2 tennis courts, I don’t play tennis but I’d certainly reconsider it). Then we piled into her new little car and took a drive up to Redcliffe (near where the Bee Gees come from!) for a look around and lunch by the sea. It was just lovely. The weather was glorious, sunny and warm for being mid-winter (take that NYC!), our sandwiches were perfect, and we even picked up a package of cookies imported straight from New Zealand! Was such a lovely day. Tho next thing I noticed it was after 3pm and I had to catch the train home to my 3 loads of dirty laundry that had to be done before today…..! So, and this is where late excuse #267 comes into play, got home around 5, quickly threw the mountain of laundry together, made dinner, babysat the clothes dryer (because it stops every 5 minutes and needs a push-start to go again) and next thing I knew, it was 9.30pm, showertime, then bedtime. Whew.

So yes. The weekend simply flew by and now I need a weekend to relax. So that is why am late checking in – I was busy, well, being busy! But today was another beautiful and warm day, the laundry is all dried and put away, work is done for another Monday, got my glass of wine, life is good. So I hope you’re all well up there! Apologies for not sending emails. Am going to make a real effort this week (since I seem to have a cleaner desk at work now……)!



Monday, July 06, 2009

Checking-In to the Hotel of Yawns, with Dessert


Well. Yes. Am late. Am sorry.
See, I had kinda planned to write earlier in the day, but somehow that day got away from me, looking for a new job tends to have that day-draining affect. Then I needed a break from looking for work, so I took myself out with a friend for a really nice walk down to Rosalie, where tea and dessert and wine were had. Next thing I know, it’s time to get ready for Monday and bed! Sheesh weekends go by fast.

So work. Yep. Is good. Have been so focused on drawing up a massive, comprehensive list of allllllll the stuff I do, including estimated dates of completion, etc, as well as trying to tidy up the final bits of my big RoboHelp project, that I really haven’t had much time for much else. But, after 2 meetings with IT, my project looks good enough to launch live. Almost. One last glance from the client and see what happens. My massive task list is finished, all that’s left is a meeting with The Boss about it, and then we’ll know where we’re at. Hmmm……………….

And then the weekend. Quiet was the name of the game (contrary to what Abba say). Friday was so quiet I think I fell asleep in front of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” like 4 times. And I started it at around 7.30pm. Sadsadsad. Most of it is really based on the fear of being outside of the house when it’s not work or a real errand – it costs me money every time. Am safest inside, well away from cash registers.

And then there was Saturday. Much the same. Only with some chores thrown in for variety. Sprinkled with a dash of job-hunting. Ahhhhhhhh, nothing like a huge trip overseas combined with looming unemployment to put the brakes on any fun. Oh yeah.

And then Sunday. Well, you kind of know how that went. It was quite nice to get out of the house and go for a walk, haven’t gone for a walk around my ‘hood for ages. Because it usually ends up costing me money in one way shape or form! But, fresh air, a stretch of the legs and dessert are always worth it in the end.

And that’s about that! Sad, I know. ‘Why bother writing at all’, I can hear you grumble. Because after nearly 3 years of checking in on a Sunday afternoon, it’s become kind of a nice little habit, and I actually feel a bit guilty if I don’t check in, adventures or no adventures. If only with the very few of you on the other side were as easy to know what’s going on! Either way, I hope you’re all well up there. Just a few weeks to go until The Trip (and unemployment, but let’s focus on the positives, shall we?)!


P.S. To liven up a pretty dull check-in, I’ve includ
ed some lovely photos at Magnetic Island from a couple weeks ago….. Now that was a nice adventure!

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...