Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chores to Paint By


Well. I now know not to have short weeks. Nice as they are, it sure makes it harder to go back to work and the daily routine. By the 4th day off, I must admit, I got kinda bored. But, if I were retired, or didn’t ever have to work again owing to winning the lottery, or that rich uncle finding me, I would never, ever, until my dying day, be bored. Promise.

So work. Yep. Is good. Have managed to get the projects to a reasonable, workable level where am not running around like a headless chicken (or ‘chook’ as they’re called in these here parts). Is nice. Tho I’ve hit a small bump in the road with my way awesome RoboHelp project, small bump, but a bump nonetheless. And this little bump, which I asked Adobe about (you know how hard it is to get tech support from them? Yeah. Just as easy as it is to find the help you need online. “Buy another one of our products to make the one you’re using work better”. Sigh), kinda lead to another, bigger, meaner, more off-road type of a bump. A) The guy couldn’t help me with my problem as its trial software and they don’t touch trial stuff with an 80 foot pole. Fair enough but would’ve been good to know before I bothered going through the hopeless automated menu system. B) Then the guy said that I shouldn’t actually be creating a whole project using the trial version of the software. I asked ‘why not – how else are you supposed to see what the hell it does?’ He said ‘because’, and this is where it got hazy, could’ve been the language differences, not sure, but something along the lines of I ‘won’t be able to transfer my trial version project to the purchased version’. Huh? So now I have such a fear in me that I’ll have to do the whole project over again when the purchased software arrives (which I ordered on the 12th. Must call IT). And that makes me really sad. If this is how Adobe works, egads, there has to be better, comparable software out there!? Otherwise, work is good. On the 26th it was a year to the day that I’ve been in my ‘new’ job! Hooray! Man that went fast.

And then the weekend. Friday started off nice and restrained for once. Met some of the folks I used to work with from TAFE at the Plough Inn in Southbank for a couple glasses of wine. Always good to see them and catch up. But I must say, I don’t know even a third of the folks that go to these anymore. I love to see the few that I do know, but I get sad and frustrated for them for continuing to work for the same brain donors. Now I know am not working for atom-splitters myself, but the monkeys they have to put up with, eeessshhh. So it can get a bit, what’s the word, tedious, after a while. So I motored early. Which was a good thing in the end. I didn’t spend money I should be saving and I woke up bright and early with no hangover – yyaaahhoooo! Plus, another episode of Rebus was on – much more entertaining!

And Saturday was good and productive. Did the chores. Laundry. Napped. Read. Watched some spectacularly crappy movies on TV. I must say I was really disappointed with “Happy Feet”. George Miller, Australian, the same guy that brought us ‘Mad Max’, I had high-ish hopes. But ooooooooh nooo. Stinker. If I was 10 I probably would’ve liked it. And following that was “What Women Want”. I just shoulda known better. And not only cos it has Helen ‘No Expressions’ Hunt. And Mel Gibson. He could do comedy in Lethal Weapon 22 years ago (mygod), but a goofy, middle-aged, corporate ad man? Phew, you could smell it through the TV. And to think I had a couple episodes of "Deadwood" or “Goldfinger” I coulda watched instead. I must’ve been tired from all my chores.

And today. I painted the cabinets in the kitchen. That only took me 7 months. They still need one more coat but my god it looks a bazillion times better. Course, anything other than dirty and scratched up lime green would’ve been better. Followed by nap time. I love nap time. And now here we are! The sun is setting, the lorikeets are chattering, the wine is chilled, life is good.

So yes. Things are well. The trip planning is going slow but well. Just want to get some big stuff booked and then it’ll sort of plan itself. Shame we only have 4 weeks. I even thought of setting up my own little tour company – personalized, guided tours around the US. How cool would that be for those Australians who are too scared or intimidated to go to the US on their own?? Once the economy picks up, I just might have a business plan ready! Otherwise, hope you’re all well up there. And hey, if you think you want to come down here for a visit, my friend Dom is thinking of setting up his own personalized tours around Australia business – he’ll be your guide! It’ll be fun and highly informative! Come on down!



P.S. Happy Birthday KT!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cultured Bees & Other Gems


Well. First off, sorry am late. Yesterday was a busy day, culturally speaking – art galleries, dinner out, concert, etc and didn’t get home until late. And even now, Monday evening, even with the whole day off, am writing a bit later than usual (but the time has been cut in less than half – hooray for fast internet!) Otherwise the week was quite good and really productive and even went by pretty fast!

So work. Yep. Is good. Getting pretty close to finishing my big RoboHelp project. And after all that it was really kinda easy! I mean, it’s not a fancy website or anything, that’s not quite what the program does, but my little project looks a heck of a lot better than how it used to originally! And so far, the folks that I’m doing this for are reallyreally happy! Hooray! And the best part is, with the invaluable help of the two IT guys in my section, together we muddled through and taught, well, myself, how to use it. So for fun I looked up how much it would’ve cost to take a course in what I’ve just done, maaaan, I saved our department $1,900 by being, well, smart! When I finish it and get it “published” I’ll figure out a way for you to see it. It’s dull as mud for anyone not interested in fire department policies and procedures, etc, but if I can show you kinda what I do as part of my work day, cool! Otherwise, all’s well on the work front. Still always soooooo happy to have a gig that I really like!!!! Here’s hoping I get to hang around after June (when my “new” contract extension expires)!?

And then the weekend. Friday...... was quiet. Watched a new episode of “Rebus” – British TV series based on the Scottish crime book series by Ian Rankin. It’s always been one of my favorites. Bummer is, they can only cram so much into one hour! Gaaaahhhh! But the TV series is actually pretty good compared to how bad some books try to transfer over. If you like character-based crime novels, I highly recommend the Inspector Rebus series. By character-based I mean he doesn’t waste pages and pages and pages yammering on about the technical aspects of, well, everything. His main focus is on the characters and what they go through. Hard to explain but suffice to say they ain’t Patricia Cornwell books!

And Saturday. Got the hair cut (and when I got home I put some red in it, just to change the scenery a little). I know it sounds stupid to get it cut when I’m trying to grow it out. And sometimes I fell like a fool for not being able to ride out the gangly growing-out months, because I’ve done this before. But towards the end, just before this trim, I really couldn’t take it anymore. Ehhh. It’ll grow eventually! And the rest of the day was errands. I don’t know why I do it to myself sometimes, but I really need to remember that one of my least favorite places to be on a lovely Saturday afternoon is the Queen Street Mall. Too many people! But the day was a success, not too much money was spent, supplies are restocked, life is good.

And Sunday. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. What a fantastic day that was! Was a busy bee actually, did all the chores in the a.m. then quickly put myself together to go meet Sarah (gal I work with and sometimes Ikea buddy) in town at the GoMA (Gallery of Modern Art) to go see a show by an artist she quite likes (I thought it was “interesting”, as is my usual reaction to Modern Art). And then we wandered from one gallery exhibit to another which turned out to be chocked full of really cool Aboriginal art – some traditional, lots modern, lots contemporary – it was way awesome. I love Aboriginal art – oldest art style on the planet! And then we headed into town to meet Bruce (another cool guy I work for/with) for dinner. Ha, went to the same Italian place that made me so sick a couple weeks ago. I guess I like to think trial and error – learn which dishes the place can’t do and don’t have those again! So dumb, but the food seems like a good idea at the time. And bonus – this time it didn’t make me sick! And then the 3 of us headed over to My Favorite Concert Venue in the World – Riverstage (, to go see Chris Isaak from the comfort of our 3rd row center seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was an awesomely fantastically bitchin’ cool show!!!!!!!!! (apologies for the crappy quality pictures, I used the camera on my cell phone cos I didn't know you could bring real cameras into the gig!) I swear, even if you’re not much of a fan it’s such a great show to see. He’s such a charasmatic performer and you can really tell that the band genuinely love what they do. They’re funny, fulla energy, talented, everything. They’ve been together for 25 years so they clearly get along and are onto a good thing! I can’t trumpet the show enough. Just go next time he’s in town, heck, maybe I’ll even help you pay for the ticket – it’s worth every penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then today, Monday, was a bit of a slow, yet busy, day. I got a couple little things done, like cancelled my way overpriced remedial massage appointments with my day spa as they suddenly decided to charge me $100 bucks – I about had a heart attack, so have found a new, much cheaper place to try. And, speaking of heart attacks, I booked myself an appointment to have my will drawn up! It’s free through the Queensland Public Trustee’s office. Cool. Have been meaning to do this for yeeeeears, well, since living overseas, and that’s going on, my god, 7 some odd years now. Wow. Just so if something were to happen people know what to do with all my Ikea crap (donate it to the Blind Foundation), etc. Then Sarah came around, cos we both had the day off from work, cos we can, so we decided to go wander around Ikea, which is always a hundred times better to do on a weekday than a weekend – lot less screaming children. I think it was one of my cheaper trips to Ikea – clocked in only $25 bucks spent (bookends, candles, lint roller, the usual)! I love Ikea. I know it’s sad and their stuff, for the most part, is particle-board, I know this but I can‘t help it. And it’s even kinda torturous in that my place will never look as cool as some of their displays, but otherwise usually inspirational.

And then I got home and looked at my little cell phone to see I’d missed a call. Awwwwwwww, turns out it was the Yamaha Dealer – they sold my Wee Scooter and when did I want to come in and collect my check? They sold it for $1,790 and they’re only going to take $90 for their cut cos they’re nice and cool, plus they ended up selling the guy a jacket and a helmet. The Wee Scooter is apparently going to live a happy and cared-for new life with a Metro Boy. Awwwww. May he look after it as well as I did and get many happy miles out of it!

And then tomorrow – have made the executive decision and am taking the day off. Cos I can. Cos I need one day of no running around or errands! I think the most I plan to do is go to the grocery store and post office – just 2 minutes down the road! I have the time saved up, it’s kinda quiet at work as there seem to be lots of folks on vacation at the moment, so what the hell, I earned it! Hooray!

So there you go. Hope you’re all well up there! Come down here for a visit, and if Chris Isaak comes to a town near you – GO!



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend with Theatrics


Well. That was a nice week. The weather has settled down, it even rained a little bit, the week was a day short, and I actually got some work done. Ahhhhhhh. Here’s hoping this coming week is just as nice!

So work. Yep. Is quite good. I wrote my job description and had to have it evaluated by HR. I wrote it to be at least a pay level or two higher than what I’m at now, and have been busting my backside to aspire to. Yeah. HR said no to pay raise. They want to keep my job and alllllll it’s little duties at the same pay rate. So I’ll be deleting a few of those “duties”. No pay – no play! Simple as that. Now don’t get me wrong, I still reallyreally like my job, this evaluation just reminds me not to knock myself out. There is a job in my office that’s a level below mine so I think I’ll be handing a couple things over……….. See the Government only sees you as a pay level, AO4.2 is what I’m currently at. AO means Administration Officer, pay level 4 (out of like 8), tier 2 (out of 4), just to keep it all straightforward (not!). They don’t actually pay you on performance or skill. You can have AO2’s and 3’s doing the work of 4’s and 5’s, they don’t care, they get something for nothing because it’s not performance-based pay. It sucks but that’s how it is. The Catch 22 of it all is The Government pays about 10% or more than the private sector, yet you have more at stake and more to earn in private sector. Like if you’re a lazy loser in private industry, out you go. Whereas in Government it doesn’t matter, they have a job for life cos The Government can’t get rid of them. Government here is just weird. And sad. Because you can have some stellar people working as 2’s in Government yet they’re not promoted or rewarded. It’s weird. Yet, after all this, at the end of the day, I don’t actually own my job. Well, not yet anyways. Oh yeah, with muchmuchmuch relief, my “contract” got renewed until the end of June. Whew! The Powers That Be seem to think that in these next 3 months something will be done to make my job permanent (or, rather, make it available for people, including me, to apply for it). So, long story short, I still have a job (until the end of June) and am still really quite liking it! Whew!

And then the weekend. Friday started it all off in a very interesting and slightly cultural way. Started off with drinks after work with a couple folks from work (always nice). Then Dom and I headed into town to see “The Hypochondriac” by Moliere. All done by students from Queensland University of Technology. The first act was just OK. The second act went from bad to terrible, with no idea how it actually ended as we walked out. Now, I come from this type of theatrical background. From High School, to University and ending in a film & TV degree, theatre is something am familiar with, have worked in for years, and have a tolerance and understanding for. This particular production tho, no. It was terrible. It basically turned into some weird ass-kissing extravaganza by the poor students to their professors in order to score a production grade. We felt really bad for them. To the point we’re seriously considering writing a letter to said faculty and professors giving them what for. I know for a fact that our opinion won’t amount to a hill of beans, but someone has to take responsibility for the train wreck that was that play and the humiliation those poor students had to endure. Gaaahhhh!

Otherwise the weekend was good. Quiet. Saturday was…. What was Saturday…… laundry….. reading….. hot and humid….. Oh yeah. Was supposed to go to a concert. I had bought tickets for myself and two friends to go see one of my favorite bands ever, The Church, play a gig here in town. Been looking forward to it for weeks. It got canceled Thursday afternoon. These guys are rock stars for cryin’ out loud! Ex-heroin and who knows what else addicts! They don’t cancel gigs! Turns out it was due to an irregular heart beat of the lead singer. Landed himself in the hospital for a couple days’ observation. That’s ok then.

And today. Ahhhhh, very productive, very busy. The Girls and I had another planning session for our trip to the States. Getting closer to narrowing down the exact dates and where we’ll be, when, etc. Shopped for hotels in San Francisco. Eeesshh SF is expensive. So if anyone has any suggestions for nice yet cheap hotels in SF do let me know! Heh, we’re thinking of staying at either the Bellagio or the MGM Grand when we get to Vegas for our 2 days’ rest break. We’re gonna gauge it on who has the best pool as that’s where we plan on spending all our time. Nice. Otherwise the planning is going well. Fingers crossed the actual trip goes just as smoothly! We’re all reallyreallyreally looking forward to it. Can’t wait. I’m really excited that I get to see and do stuff that I’ve never done but always wanted to! Yippie!

And that’s about that. Trying to save money…. It’s hard when I really try, when I don’t try, I can. Must win lottery…. ‘course, I’d have better chances of winning if I actually played. Thing is I can’t validate throwing $10 bucks away once a week – save it! So yes, if anyone has a suggestion of a decent, safe, hotel in San Francisco, pass it on. Otherwise, hope you’re all well up there!



Sunday, March 08, 2009

1 Order of the Usual Weekend - Comin' Right Up!


Well. Here we are yet again, at the end of another week and weekend, much like every other week and weekend. The week was busy, fast and stupid hot and humid. So much
for Autumn. I wonder if this means we're in for a freezing cold winter......? Hmmm.

So work. Ye
p. Is quite good. Busy. Am kinda getting to the point where I'm having to say no to little teeny things. I don't like saying no, especially to little teeny things 'cos they're the quick and easy ones to knock out, plus I hate letting people down. But holy moley, am just one girl! Now if I had an assistant...... yes, eh-hem, yes work is good. Tho, and you could see this coming a mile away, am starting to get just a leetle nervous about the 31st - D-Day for little me and my little contract. I know, one way to make myself feel just a little better will be for me to write up my extension (as I have pretty much over the year & 1/2 since I got there), I'll do it in 3, 6 and optimistically 12 month extensions and see which one The Boss likes. I live in hope. Which is another reason why I dislike saying no to any projects, especially little teeny ones, because I want work so I can stay forever!!!! Well, you know how I mean. I'm afraid I'll say no to the wrong little project and poof! that's my contract in the trash! Nonono, I'm melodramatic. Either way, work is good and busy and fingers crossed I get to stay!

And then the weekend. Started out Friday evening with drinks and dinner with Cindy and a c
ouple of her best friends. Was very nice. Very cool gals. Hardly get to see them as they have more of a life than I do. 'Course, they're not saving up to go away for 4+ weeks to a country where our dollar is almost half the value. Hmm. But yes, Friday was lovely, always good to catch up with those gals!

Saturday, well, hot, humid and tired from the week. Need I say more? I love my couch and fan. And
my James Bond books (note to reading audience: Penguin publishes the whole series (14 or so) in a waaaaaay cool retro paperback 60's cover style - in a box set. Christmas, Birthday, am just sayin'..........). Although I did actually start to get some finer points together for planning our trip - gee it's expensive to get into Disneyland these days. Almost just as much to stay in a hotel right across the street! And who knew it was $20 bucks to get in to look at the Grand Canyon (I think I did but forgot)? So yes, starting to put together costings. Am most reluctant to convert US to Australian dollars at the moment. I did for our hotel for our week in NYC. Yeah. I had to lie down for a minute to recover. We'll just basically have to double everything (then split it 3 ways). I can't wait!

And today, was a good girl and scrubbed the crummy little apartment as best I could. Heat and humid and all. Laundry is out on the line soaking up the last rays of the sun... Ahhhh yes, a productive day was had. More or less. Next - a glass of wine, DVD, news and bed. Sigh. It's hard, lonely work saving money to go away! I can't wait!

So there you have it. I really am sorry my little updates aren't more exciting. I mean, do you really want to know that my 6 month
$360+ car registration is due before the 23rd if I pay early?? Or that I have to renew my PO Box before the 31st at a cost of $75? Yeah, didn't think so. Trust me, if I wasn't going away........... I can't wait!

P.S. If you hear anything about a big, mean and nasty category 4 cyclone named Hamish ( - it's up north of Brisbane by about 10+ hours, with the closest it's predicted to get is about 3 hours north of here. All we're supposed to get down here is some rain. Fingers crossed it trots its bad self right back out to sea where it came from. Poor Queensland doesn't need any more grief, no matter how much we need the rain!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

1st Day of Autumn - 93 Degrees with 65% Humidty


Well. I’ve decided I’m gonna quit commenting about how fast the weeks and the weekends go because anymore they always go so quickly. And the heat and humidity. Even if today is the first day of Autumn and it’s currently 95 out there, well, inside it is anyways…. So, there!

So work. Yep. Is good. Bloody busy. Getting to be hard to decide which project to tackle first, they’re all interesting and easy. Am teaching myself (with a bit of help from our two very smart, very patient IT guys from my department) a new Adobe program called RoboHelp. It’s basically web publishing software…. I can’t really explain it, must go to the website and see what they say… But am using it on one of my projects. It’s interesting and at first looked kinda scary but once you get in it’s actually pretty easy and straight-forward. Cooool. I love learning new software, especially on my own and not in a class! Otherwise, work is good. Still no word about my extension, but I live in hope. I hope to get at least another 3 month pass….!? Y’know, if they do extend me, come the 1st of May I’ll have been with the fire service for 2 whole years – almost a record after Centennial Hall! Hooray! But I gotta get to May 1st first! Hahahaha!

And then the weekend…. Oh, wait, casting back to Tuesday, I regretfully dropped the Wee Scooter off at the Yamaha dealer for them to try and sell for me. Sigh. I was very sad. And of course the scooter was running beautifully. But after having my little for sale ads up (at work and at the grocery store up the road here) for a month and a half with only one slightly interested nibble, I had to leave it all in the hands of the professionals. I could’ve dropped the price, but again, will leave that to the pros. They know what the market’s doing. Poor scooter. I just wasn’t riding it nearly as much as I should and hopefully some bored housewife out in the ‘burbs will take it for spins to the corner store or the library………! Awwww. I miss my little scooter. It became a bit of a driveway ornament!

So the weekend. Dullsville Australia. Yesterday I did laundry while working on a last-minute project for work, which, I know, totally violates Work Rule #2 – Never Bring Work Home, but when the Director of my department dropped it on my desk Friday afternoon and asked if I could doctor up a PowerPoint presentation for him for Monday afternoon, what other response could I give???! And because I have mad skillz, and really, you can’t say no to the Director, I said yes, of course! So brought it home and after about 4 & ½ hours of tinkering, I think it looks fine! Will get it to him tomorrow with fingers crossed he likes it and doesn’t want something totally different (eeeeek)!? It’s kinda funny, after messing with some of the groovy desktop publishing software that I have, PowerPoint is pretty basic stuff. I can’t believe with all the fantastic software out there in this and age that people still waste their time with PowerPoint! But, I understand, not everyone can have self-taught mad skillz! Ha!

And today. Had the energy for nothing more than surfing the ‘net with my awesome Broadband wireless thingy, watching a DVD and staying in front of a fan with a spray mister at all times. Stupid Tropics. It was 90 at about 11am, got up to at least 96 with what feels like 90% humidity. I considered going to a mall or the movies but shot that idea down as it required leaving the house and that inevitably, always costs money, no matter what; especially in light of the fact that the bank account is in Savings Lockdown mode. And besides, I’d have to leave the a/c at some point and come home to this oven, so might as well acclimate. Sigh. First day of Autumn. Cooler weather has to be close……. It just has to be. Unless global warming really has kicked in and it’ll be like this forever. If that’s the case, maybe I will move to NYC again! No, wait, the summer’s were just as bad there too…. Alaska!

And that’s about that. Am starting a list of things to do with the Gals on our trip around the US. We don’t have a lot of time in each place except for NYC so we have to really keep it to the important stuff. Well, whatever they want to do we’ll do in the time we can! Oh I can’t wait. They’re gonna have the best time! I hope! I can’t wait for Mexican food and to see NYC again. And my pups. And my friends. Oh yeah, and family…….!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, after this trip, I really hope the airlines keep their prices down. When I moved here I made a promise to myself that I’d go home at least once a year, but the stupid airlines got greedy and I was trapped here. As much as I miss things from the States, I don’t miss them enough to have spent $3,000 to come see them! So now that tickets are less than half the previous prices at the moment, let’s hope they stay that way. Hooray for Richard Branson and competition! So you should take advantage too and come down here for a visit! Come on – it’ll be fun! And cheap!



Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...