Well. Sorry for the time-delay....... I started to write earlier on in the afternoon yesterday, which can't have been a good idea with how hot it was. So I took a break and had a nap. 3 hours later it was dark and nearly bedtime. So, ok, sure, I could've continued on because I was awake for hours into the evening, but whether or not it was going to make any sense.........? So yes. No more naps that close to the evening! Right. Lesson learned.
Anyways, here we are now, Monday evening, chores have all been done, lunch sort of ready for tomorrow, clothes all set out for tomorrow... Yeah, so much for the weekend. Too fast! But hey, just imagine a week with no weekend (and I've had them) - a fast weekend is much better than no weekend. Yeeaaaa!
So work. Yep. Is really good. Bloody busy, but that's good. No word yet if I'll be extended come March 31st (yes it's early panic mode setting in).... I live in hope. Otherwise things are much the same. Funny, we're only 2 months into the New Year and already people are "stressed out". Hmmm. I try not to let the whole 'lots of stuff to be done at work' get me down or stressed out - no point really. Which reminds me, I kept remembering then forgetting to bring my camera to document the massive building site my work has become..... Tomorrow...... Hee, Friday afternoon a big storm rolled in, lightning and everything, yet those construction boys were out there clinging to their giant metal pillars as they stood ankle deep in muddy puddles. Ahhh, the bolt never came. Aren't they brave.
Then the weekend. Yep. Was lovely, if not too hot and humid, as are all weekends anymore. Where the heck is Autumn already????!!! I just want one weekend, one day, a few hours where when I do my chores or run errands I don't have to take yet another shower. Yes, I've sweated out the toxins and fair bit more I imagine, but man, with the heat and humidity already. It's been, what, at least 3 months of it already - enough! Stupid Southern Hemispherical tropics.
Anyways, Saturday was very good, very productive. The Wee Scooter was very happy in that I gave it a bath and took it for a great long ride around town. Went to all kinds of places I haven't been in ages - Morningside, Southbank, work, Spring Hill...... It was so much fun that I have half a mind not to sell it.....! I did have one nibble on the sale hook on Friday but by Saturday, after I'd given the enquirer all the info they wanted, they were no longer all that interested.... Eh, their loss. Such a good little scooter. If I didn't work so far away and own a big car (anyone wanna buy a car....?)....!
And Sunday... chores. The usual. Hot, humid, gross, yet the house, clothes, bathroom, etc are all clean and happy. Thing is, I started at 8am and didn't sit down until 3pm. That's devotion if I ever saw it. Which probably explains why when I finally sat down, I had to have a nap. I was beat. I blame my comfy couch and quiet fan. Or, the stupid heat and humidity. I can handle the hot but not the humid. Yeahyeahyeah, you've heard it all before. I really want this summer to end. Really.
And then today, Monday, went by really fast. It was actually kinda unbelieveable how fast today went. Guess I was that busy at work. I like that. Tho I must admit I did two things - 1) kinda looked for an apartment in NYC (operative word/s - "kinda looked") and 2) scoped out what was happening at the Oscars (hoooooooorraaaay for "Slumdog Millionaire"!!!). From lovely, peaceful, sunny and fun Australia, the thought of living back in NYC sounds kinda fun. We'll see what kind of tune I'm singing after a week back there in September. Even Lauren is kicking around coming with me for a year. I could probably only stand a year back there. Not anytime soon tho, mind you. Just an idea for a bit down the track. I did reallyreally like NYC, it was the winters that got to me. Hmmm.
So there you are. Much the same as always. Are you sure you don't find this all painfully dull? You have to tell me. I write this stuff but for all I know you just flip to Google and look up "underwater basket weaving"...... Well, either way, hope you're all well up there. I gotta say, I can't wait for my 4 & 1/2 weeks this September!
BYE! J! P.S. This just in - Autumn supposed to arrive this weekend. Temperatures supposed to rise. A girl just can't win. Stupid global warming.
Well. Another week shoots past faster than a speeding bullet. Hooray! But again, as always, the weekend goes by even faster. I wish I had a time machine sometimes…….. But never mind. Here we are on yet another summery, hot and humid Sunday afternoon. Again with the time machine and to be into autumn already!
So work. Yep. Is really good (work work that is). Personalities always keep it interesting. I suppose if everyone was the same the world would be immensely boring. Otherwise all is well. Busy as a bee in spring, which suits me just fine. Speaking of busy bees, I must take some pictures of the construction site that (right near) my work has become. Good ol Mayor Campbell Newman loves his tunnels, bless ‘im, and by golly he’s building a MASSIVE one all through the city (even imported German tunnel-boring machine drivers), only to ultimately have it dump out right in front of our office windows. In 20whenever. Fly-overs, bridges, on/off ramps, the whole kit and caboodle. It’s gonna be like working, well, under a freeway overpass. http://www.citynorthinfrastructure.com.au/home/home.html Construction around my work started around July last year. It’s a weird thing to watch every now and then. For a while there was much mirth watching 10 construction guys standing around pointing, then walking over to where they were pointing, then walking back again. Now there are these huge drilling machines all tucked up next to each other with cement trucks figure-eighting amongst them. I like to think that if they add one more piece of heavy machinery, a giant sinkhole will open up and swallow the whole scene instantly. And then ol Newman will just have to give it up and put a lovely park in. My work used to be some sort of teacher’s college and it was set in a lovely native tree and bush setting. We had sooooo many interesting birds and spiders and skinks and even those horrible cane toads that the locals use to practice their golf swings on, it was a really very nice setting to work in. And then this tunnel business, which meant the trees were the first victims. Sigh. Can’t stop progress, although it is sort of interesting to watch. Will take pictures.
And then the weekend. Started off in grand fashion, again, with dinner and drinks at the Paddo pub with some folks from work. I swear, for as slow as Friday seemed to go, the evening sure flew by. And then Saturday was up to head out with Young Christine and her boyfriend Toby to the RSPCA so she could confront the realities of adopting a kitty. One was found and bonded with, and yet magically Christine walked calmly away. It’s a big commitment for a young gal who still lives with folks who just say no to cats. Someday. Cute pups and cats there tho. And I have to say, they were flying (not literally, as interesting as that would be to see) out the door into happy new homes (hopefully), which is always a wonderful thing to see. I was tempted to adopt a couple of the dogs until I remembered I’m already living a life of crime by having a cat I’m not supposed to, and a big backyard with no fence……..
And today. Very…. productive. Was up early to be the first to get laundry done (you have to when it’s 1 washing machine versus 8 tenants). And then have been busy cleaning up my little laptop of all of its behemoth multi-media files. I can’t really say much more due to international laws……….. Just basically cleaning up old files, listening to tunes I haven’t heard in years (and discovering some I didn’t know I had, or want), etc. Ahhhhh, little bit of spring cleaning for the computer. Annnnnnd, oh yeah, I mentioned this last week – I am indeed the proud owner of pre-paid wireless broadband! And after a few days of really trying to figure out how it works and getting it registered, etc (it’s just like having aeveryone including the Tech Dude at Optus to stay as far away from YouTube as I possibly can, as that is one of the biggest credit-eaters you can run into. Point taken. I have to say the speed is fantastic and I’m able to post my blog and load up all the photos in a third of the time! Waaahhoooo! Hooray for modern technology! Thing is, after having dial-up for so long, and training myself not to bother with exciting websites, now that I can, I don’t know what to go look at! And the other thing is, my credit runs out every month, so if I don’t use it, I lose it! Guess I’ll go scope out YouTube after all……
So there you have it. All the news that’s fit to…… yawn to. Again, helloooo, saving money for trip home means cutting down on the excitement…..! Soon, excitement will happen soon. Until then, send email – that’s exciting!
Well. That was one week I am SO happy that went by fast. So happy it went by fast that to celebrate I’m taking Monday (today) off, just cos I can. 3-day weekend – HOORAY! But apologies for being late. Technically I'm not, but according to Optus (my new little pre-paid wireless broadband experiment) I am. I couldn't get the little devil to work last night. Plug it in today and wooooosh! Here I am. I keep waiting for it to cut out tho...... But never mind - so far so good - here we are! So work. Work, as in work, is really good. Love it. Work as in the place with people, yeah. Well. For some people Rome most certainly wasn’t built in a day. Ain’t it the truth. And some things you just can’t teach kids in school. Sigh. Otherwise, 95% of people are fine by me. Yep, there’s always that muddy 5%........ Can’t say with any certainty if I’ll be extended come March 31st (yes, the nervous waiting game starts about now). Of course I hope and plead that I do, but my fate is in the hands of, well, my boss. I live in eternal hope. Perhaps I should dust off the ol’ resume, just in case….. sigh.
And then the weekend. Started off very nicely with some civilized drinks after work with some very civilized work folk. Always nice to have a table of 50 conversations going at once and magically none of them are about work. I love that the folks I work with, we can go outside of work (inside too, come to think of it) and talk about everything but. Fantastic. And then Saturday, nothing. I think I sat on the couch reading my book and watching old movies all day. I’ll tell you what – I needed it after this week.
And then Sunday, errands and one chore (laundry – it’s far too hot and humid to do anything foolish like vacuum or mop. Am not that dirty or devoted to cleaning). The result of which, not only do I have summer-fresh sheets, but I now come to you live from Brisbane via Optus Pre-paid Wireless Broadband!!!!!!!!! I’ve been meaning to become just that much more modern so I broke down today/yesterday and bought one and here I am....!!!!! Turns out, this past Thursday my land-line decided it had had enough of serving me, so it, well, isn’t now. Have logged it with my phone company’s faults department, but knowing my phone company, even tho they say it’ll be fixed by Monday, ehhhhhh, I don’t trust them one bit. And being the modern sort of gal that I almost am, I decided enough was enough! I will no longer be held to ransom by my phone company (-shaking fist in air rebelliously-)! Even tho, heh, the wireless pre-paid broadband thingy I bought is with my phone company; Coincidence that they seemed to have the best deal going out of all 5 of them. So. We’ll just have to see how it all works in the end………
And that’s about that. Nice and quiet. I would say I was saving money, but, like I’ve said before, the minute I leave the house my bank account starts to drain somehow. But, this pre-paid broadband lark should be means to an end – the end of my phone company!!!!! Yeah, kinda sad that something like that is the bright spark in my weekend, I know, but there it is. Maybe tomorrow, in light of the fact that it’s supposed to be 95 with at least 90% humidity, I’ll go someplace with a/c…. kind of an adventure…… Hmmmmm, all I know is I have tomorrow off and I can do what I like! Yaaahhooooo! Short work week!!!!!!!!
BYE! J! P.S. Seeing as I was delayed a day by modern technology, can I just say I just cleaned the whole little apartment today in what certainly feels like 100 degree heat with 90% humidity. Turns out I am that devoted to cleaning - and sweating out those toxins! Waahhooo! Time for a A&W Rootbeer float!
Well. For a short week (3 days of work), it was a busy bloody week. I guess that’s the flip-side to having a short week/long weekend – you just have to cram 5 days worth of work into 3 days. Gahhh. It was tough not to have taken the rest of the week off. And I kinda should have. But never mind. A lovely weekend was had, the weather not too punishing…… And here we are yet again at Sunday evening!
So work. Yep. Is really good. Busy as usual, but good. As many of my projects are kind of continuously on-going, meaning they never really seem to end, even tho they’re ‘projects’… hmmm…. it is really satisfying when one project really does get wrapped up and finished off. Job well done and then 20 new projects scramble for attention! Ahhhh, that’s the stuff I like – always having something to do. So yep, am still really liking this gig, and fingers crossed March comes and goes and I’m still there!!!? Hooray for work!
And then the weekend. Sigh. It was much needed if I do say so myself. Having 4 days off in a row makes it kinda tough to face the week. Stupid mini-vacation! But never mind, I was happy to have the weekend come so soon. Even tho I didn’t get up to much. Yes, I know, it’s the same old song every weekend anymore. I know. Unless you want to send me at least $3,000 for my expenses in September, then boring weekends will have to be endured! Still tho, I wasn’t totally immobile the whole time. Saturday I went on a hunt for bits of glass with Hasse. My bathroom has this sorry little window with 3 bits of louver glass missing. One junk shop and ten dollars later I was the proud owner of 3 bits of matching louver glass. The things I do for this dumpy apartment that the owners simply refuse to. I’m a hero to these four walls! I gave them not one but 2 coats of paint (both walls and ceiling), I cover the crappy carpet with my own happy rugs (that’s merely because I will not walk barefooted on the original, filthy carpets, no way Jose), I even give the hinges a dose of WD-40. Ahhhhh well. I have to live here might as well try to enjoy it as best and squeak-free as I can.
And then today. Laundry and not a whole lot else. Rain. DVD’s. Need I say more? Yet it’s still pretty warm considering there’s been no sun all day. Still tho, it could be faaaaar worse – Melbourne and Adelaide are enduring the worst heat wave they’ve had in like 70 years. 116+ every day. Bone dry, but bloody hot when they’re not used to it. I know how they feel. Hot I can handle. It’s the humidity I can’t take. I just don’t know how Floridians deal. Must have to be born in it. Yuck.
Otherwise, that’s about it! Oh, duh, I know one thing I did over my mini-vacation – went to the new “artsy” cinema up the road from me (veeeeery nice – and you can bring wine/beer in with you! Fantastic!) and saw “Slumdog Millionaire”. I highly recommend it. It was fantastic and not really what you think. Absolutely one of the best movies I’ve seen in years. If Danny Boyle doesn’t win for Best Director, well, I’ll know Hollywood has its head jammed so far up it’s own a-…… Hollywood’ll just never change. Go see it!
Ok, that’s really about it. The wee scooter is still up for sale. Sigh. Lots of little tags torn off mah ad, but the phone hasn’t rung. Gee, I really hope I got my number right…… Chickens. They’re just not made of tough enough stuff to ride a cool, wee scooter around town! Hey, I have a car, that’s my reason…….! Yeah, I turned wuss – what about it, huh??! Huh?!