Sunday, January 04, 2009

End of Vacation in 3... 2... 1...


Well. Am sitting here, blues music on the radio, cool glass of chardonnay, what a better way to see the sun set on 12 wonderful days of vacation, I ask you. Ahhhh. Shame. I could use one more week off… Then I’d want one more week and then I’d pretty much want to just retire and never have to go back. Ever. Sigh.

So yes, work. Huh? Happily didn’t have to go near the place once this whole week. Lovely. Not that I don’t like my job, much the opposite, I just like not working and getting paid for it. Heck, who doesn’t??? But will return promptly at 7.30am tomorrow. Yeah.

Vacation. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Was fan-bloody-tastic. Didn’t get up to a whole heck of a lot, which is what made it so fantastic. Did manage to fit in a trip to Ikea…… picked up my happily tuned-up wee scooter with it’s certificate saying it’s safe to sell (sigh)…… rented some movies (I highly recommend "Gone Baby Gone" - who knew Ben had that in him??!)….. went to the store…. Did the chores today……… yeah, didn’t get up to much. Which is what I really wanted to do – not much. Read my books. Napped. Plus, a lot of the time it was so bloody hot you couldn’t move more than what was really required, otherwise with the humidity, you’d’ve needed another shower. It’s been disgustingly hot and humid. But, thankfully, these last couple of days have been lovely and cool. It even rained most of the day yesterday. Ahhh! So now I’ve managed to get some stuff done! Even painted the ceiling of the bathroom.

I know it all sounds incredibly, painfully dull and extremely uneventful, but I haven’t had a break to just sit since last year. Sure I know that’s what I already do on most weekends, but it’s not the same. If I’d known earlier in the game that I had a job to come back to after Xmas, I’d’ve planned and saved for something far more exciting, something(s) that I could cross off my “Things to Do in Australia” List. But never mind. Will just have to get better at saving for exciting little trips on weekends. I don’t normally make New Year’s Resolutions, but this year I think calls for it. So one of the things on that list (that I have yet to compile, but I know this will be in the top 5) is to get out at least once a month and try to knock some stuff off my List over the year. A lot of the stuff on that List is high dollar, much time off work stuff, but there’re few littlies in there….. So yeah. Have car, will travel – it’s why I bought it!

So there you have it. Yes, I know, bo-ring. Hence the Resolution List. Will work on remedies! Otherwise, I hope you all had a fantastic New Year’s and a lovely couple of days off, if you were allowed! Drop a line and let me know how you all are because, get this, am getting better at returning emails – another thing appearing in the top 5 of my Resolution List!



1 comment:

Ella said...

Hey Jennifer! Happy, happy new year!!
I'm so glad that you like your new job, such a relief from SBIT! hehehe.

Take care =)


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...