Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faster than a Speeding Weekend


Well. Here we are yet again on a Sunday evening. I swear, a minute ago it was Friday evening and I was contemplating what a nice weekend this was going to be, I had the whole two days ahead of me, a lovely blank slate. And then whoosh! just like that it was gone, and here we are. Sigh. Do you know, tomorrow (in this country) is the 19th of January already? Man.

So. Work. Yep. Is actually quite good, if not busy and only going to get busier tomorrow and then on (by now most of everyone I work with will be back from their Xmas break – lucky folks). I like it busy tho. And I like the projects am in charge of. All doable, interesting, manageable. I figure this week is going to go by as fast as the last two. That’s ok. I don’t mind. What I do mind is the equally speedy weekends. I think something needs to be done about this. Someone needs to dig up a Roman or two and sort this calendar thing out. Add an extra day to the weekend. I think an extra day after Sunday needs to be invented. Why not? The Romans did what they wanted, when they wanted, who says things have to stay the same? We don’t have any days that start with “B”, what about ‘Besterday’ or something. Yeah.

And then the weekend. Was nice. Speedy, but nice. Busy. Friday was nice, quiet, low cost. Saturday….. Chores…… Reading………. Dullsville Central…….. And today were errands with Natasha at the malls. We covered a lot of territory, got a lot done, but am happy to report I didn’t spend that much money. Hair gel, library book fines, the usual. Hmmmm, looking at it, fairly dull, but busy. Thankfully the weather was much cooler today that it has been over the last few days, thus making it heaps easier to run errands. Usually when it’s that hot and we have that much running around to do I lose concentration about a third of the way through the day and by the time I get home my brain is mush and I realize I’d spent way too much money on lots of crap I didn't need. So even though the sun is setting earlier and earlier, that just means we’re that much closer to cooler weather! Though they keep threatening me with the fact that we still have February to get through yet…… Hmmm. Fingers crossed.

And that’s that! Still planning our trip to the US in Sept, very exciting. Slowly

but surely it’s all starting to come together and look like loads of fun. If anyone is interested in meeting up with us at some point in our whirlwind tour, drop a line and I can let you know where we’re going to be! C’mon down – it’ll be fun! Help show a couple of Aussie gals around our fine country!!!!! Yeeehaw!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...