Sunday, January 11, 2009

1st Week After Vacation, Never Easy


Well. That was a week. Busy busy busy. Went by pretty fast too for a first week back at work after 12 days off. Expected
it to drag, but it was quite the opposite! And of course, this weekend went by just as fast. It’s already Sunday afternoon, so soon. Sigh.

So work. Yep. Is….. yeah. Good. Busy, and getting busier, which is also good. Picking up a couple more projects. Not everyone is back yet from vacation so things should start picking up even more this next week. Pretty soon, I don’t know, I’ll be too busy to think! Hooray! I’ll say yes to all things they throw at me as I’m due to expire at the end of March, so I’m hoping the busier I am the less likely they’ll be to want to see me go! Fingers crossed! So far so good!

And then the weekend. Was nice. Friday the folks from work and I were good and only had two glasses of wine after work, then home. Got to sleep in Saturday morning (my favorite!) and then picked up Natasha to go get our hair cut. Am trying to grow mine out again so maybe getting it cut, even to get it looking kinda decent, can’t be a good idea. I’m just gonna have to suffer through the gangly growing-out stages or else it’ll never grow out. Then we drove around checking out Springwood (the ‘hood where we get our hair cut) and what the houses were like, where grocery stores are, that kinda stuff. Not sure really other than I have a car and we can now! Then we went to Stones Corner to look at boring office clothes. Then we went to the Paddo pub for lunch and what turned out to be too many glasses of wine. Well, we haven’t really caught up in ages, so one glass lead to another, which lead to another which lead to a sort of hazy evening. Ahhhhhh, it was great!

And then slightly groggy this morning, was up to do quick chores to tidy the little place up for Young
Christine and Lauren who came around so we could talk about and plan our trip to the States in Sept this year. Yeeeeaaaaa! It’s funny, they want to do sooooo much, which is fine by me, but there’s not much I really want to do, which is also fine by me cos it’s going to be way enough fun as it is showing them around! It’ll be exciting and everything will have a different perspective. Plus, there are a few places we’re going that I haven’t been – like the drive down Highway 1 and the drive from the Grand Canyon (Flagstaff, actually) to Las Vegas, and then we’ll be spending about 3 days in Vegas and I’ve never been there for reals, just drove through. So I’ll get to do a fair bit of new stuff too – excitement will be had by all! Can’t wait.

And that’s that. Now it’s after 5pm, the day has started to cool off a little bit, silly 80’s tunes on the radio, no wine because I had plenty last night, and now it’s just time to chill out and read (James Bond short stories). Dull, perhaps, but nice nonetheless. Hey, I have to save $ to go to the States later this year, so will have to cut down on the excitement! Wait, I kinda do that anyways. Ahhhh, always trying to save money for something! Hope you’re all well up there! Drop a line sometime!


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