Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hanging with Errands


Well. That week went by fast. They all seem to, really. Maybe it’s me getting old; maybe it’s that I’m busy at work. Dunno. All I know they all start painfully slow and then magically it’s Friday, then Sunday. Hmmm. Good thing I like my job otherwise it would all be so much more painful (and the weekends would go faster).

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy. Since I finished the big project I was working on, yet also working on lots of little ones, I seem to get nothing done. Lots of interruptions, which are all fine, I don’t mind in the least, but I don’t seem to be finishing one thing beginning to end, I seem to be getting stuff done in little chunks. It’s weird. But I don’t mind, so far as I know, am still doing a great job. And that’s all that matters, especially in light of the fact that my contract is due to expire at the end of December. Sigh. Some day I won’t have to worry about expiring. Well, my job anyways.

And then the weekend. Friday evening started at the pub across from work to send off our consultants (one of whom I went with on the wine tour of Stanthorpe last year, the tour I was so looking forward to and yet was deathly ill the whole time). Then I was off to Southbank and the Plough Inn for Linus’ birthday drinks. Was a good girl and kept to just two drinks as had to be up early for my haircut. But man, I’ll tell you, I was beat. Can’t even stay out standing around chatting anymore cos I pay for it the next day by being so tired! Well, in all fairness, it’s hard to go out for too long on a Friday anyways after a long week at work. Yeah. That’s my excuse.

So yeah, Saturday was my haircut, then zipped over to Ikea for a couple things (just enough to be able to haul it back on the bus), Natasha met me at the haircut, then more errand running and then home. Man, I left the house at 8 and didn’t get home until 4.30pm. Spending money along the way like I have it just lying around. But anymore, I just can’t be that close to Ikea (ten minute drive in a $12 cab) and not go. Sad really. But it was a great day, errands were run, hangars were bought.

And today was laundry and more errands (yes, as a matter of fact I do need a cedar wood shower “mat”). Am now just waiting for the dryer to finish. And just think, one more load to go, but will do that tomorrow… on my Day Off! Hooray! I don’t have to go to work tomorrow! I had too much earned time on my timesheet (you’re allowed 22 hours or so) and if you don’t use them, you actually do lose them. So am having tomorrow off. Not sure what else to do besides laundry…. I spent any money I thought I had….. But ahhhhh I can sleep in and read! Besides, it’s supposed to be like 30 degrees (which translates to around 87, 88 ish), so how much could I possibly have the energy to do??? Man, it’s gonna be a tough summer if it’s starting this early. Good old global warming.

And that’s about it. Am getting so much closer to paying off all my hard earned debt. So when I finally finish with that, I’ll have some champagne for one thing, but will start saving for Real Adventures and get this party started already. I know I bag this dump of an apartment, but man, it’s been worth it to have been able to pay everything off. Awesome!

So there you go. Hope you’re all well up there. Unless you like gross humid and hot, I don’t recommend coming down here until at least March. I think I mentioned that last week, but, well, yeah. Just come down here anyways, either way it’ll be fun!



Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Corporate Gods Like Offerings of Pizza & Post-Its


Well. Magic Mountain has nothing on the week I’ve had. They ought to invent some kind of Corporate Roller Coaster based on weeks like this. But then it was Friday and the weekend (all one day of it – Hooray for that Corpo
rate Roller Coaster and its dips!). Yeah. And now look – it’s already Sunday evening. Sigh.

So work. Yeah. Hmmm. Is basically, technically, perfectly fine and good and busy. The beginning of the week started on quite a high note (folks I like that had been away for quite a few weeks had returned, I’ve wrapped up two of my big time-consuming projects) and my boss was singing my praises to anyone who would stand still long enough. And then, I don’t know, the Corporate Gods thought that was too much and decided to throw a “spanner in the works” and mess with me. Thursday 8.00am dawned bright and cheerful. By 8.05am my day had taken a shift to the very bad. Long story short, and because I don’t want to get done for any kind of Internet Corporate Badmouthing, it was a bad day right through and I was apparently doing not so great a job. Hmmm. Damn those Corporate Gods. And all because I thought I was using initiative in proposing a Sunday of ‘bustin’ some work out’ session with a few folks I work with (higher-ups I might add, who were all for it). That’s all I’ll say. But the folks I work with were behind me and Sunday’s work sesh continued on regardless and was a screaming success. We got lots done, thus saving us weeks of work. In our minds we know I rock. So hopefully this coming week should be smooth sailing….. you hear me, Corporate Gods??! Maybe I should really set up that alter to them after all…… with offerings of chocolate, post-its, paper clips, ‘sign here’ tabs, cans of Coke………….

And then it was Friday! Went out to dinner with a couple people I work with. It was most excellent. Went to a BBQ rib place called Blue Smoke
in New Farm; made by, paid by, driven by Americans! Apparently the owner is from Maryland and 2 of the staff that I talked to that night are from the US, one from New Orleans and the other was from Oklahoma. Wow. I even heard a smattering of others at nearby tables. I asked if they were going to be having an election night party and it hadn’t occurred to them – yet! So hopefully they will! Will call them and rattle their cage next week sometime. I think it’d be neat. And they even had cornbread, southern style with a bit of spice to it. All in all it was gooooooood. Tho I must say the BBQ sauce was a bit thick and sweet for my liking, but I think that’s just the east coast/southern way of doing it. It was gooooooooood either way. Then we continued on to the nearby 'hood of Teneriffe for a look around (it’s on the river) and a couple fancy drinks/wine. Man, Teneriffe is niiiiiice, but the odor of botox, plastic and leather car interiors was overpowering. And everyone was young and very white. It was kinda creepy. Like some kind of pod people neighborhood. The wine was nice tho. I think I’ve mentioned Teneriffe before, but it’s where all the all wool storage warehouses have been converted into very fancy pants apartments and lofts. So there you go. Just add the word “warehouse conversion” to any real estate brochure and you automatically double your money. It kinda looks like a snapshot of just the nice parts of Brooklyn, minus the fire escapes on the outside and varied cultures.

And th
en Saturday was chores and relaxing. Yeah. Needed it after that week. And today was work. It was good. We got so much done. Our rationale for it was that during a normal day we get interrupted too much. So there, we busted it out and now have a much better idea what we’re working with and what needs to be done (a fraction of what we thought we were going to have to do). It was good. Yes, a bummer to have to come in on a lovely sunny Sunday, but way worth it in the long run. Plus, we had a good time, went to breakfast, ordered pizza for lunch, yeah. It was a good (work) day. And now here I am! It’s bloody hot, tho I know this is nothing yet. And Kona chased a skink to the back of the fridge where it’s died. Ahhhhhhhh. In this heat and humidity, there is no smell quite like it. And I can’t move the fridge to get to it because I’m afraid the damn thing will fall apart, that the rust is the only thing holding it all together. Just a couple days of this smell and the flies should have done what they’re on this planet to do. Hopefully. Thankfully, I’ll be at work!

And that’s that! Whew. Well, I hope you’re all well up there. I wouldn’t bother trying to get down here until, ohhhh, March, April next year, ‘cos if it’s this hot and gross now, awww man, there’s like another 5 months of this. Ugh. I don’t deal with humidity very well. Waaaah. But if you like it, c’mon down! We’ll go to places that are air-conditioned! Hooray!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Accessorizing Points


Well. That week was a good week. Started out kinda ehhh, but it picked up steam and next thing it was finished! The weekend went just as fast. Am convinced that it’s all proportionate – the faster the week, the weekend will pass equally, if not faster. Hmm. I got my degree in film production tho, not physics.

So work. Yep. Is really good. Busy and getting busier. I’m just about finished with the bloody never-ending booklet. I had a BIG Meeting with the Commissioner of the Queensland Fire & Rescue Service (ultimately everyone’s boss in the Fire Service) about said booklet. Because it’s one of his babies, he likes to know what’s happening with it, no matter how minor. So my boss’s boss and I met with him for about half an hour (I clocked us in at 20 minutes!), where I went over with him the things I’ve changed etc. He seemed pretty happy with it all. And I was happy to have aced such an important meeting basically on my own! Waaaahhooooo! Points for Jenn in the Corporate High Flyer Recognition Department! And bonus, had a quick meeting on my own with him the next morning as he had just a couple questions about some of the stats that were a bit erroneous in the booklet. That went for about 15 minutes. Excellent. So yes, the work week was a huge success if I do say so myself!

And the weekend. Friday was very nice. Met the folks I work with for a very good meal at Tiramisu (a very excellent Italian restaurant right near my house) and then we wandered down to The Lark for some fancy pants cocktails and nice wines. Ahhhhh, it was lovely. It was after that I should have stumbled home but nooooo, in keeping with the mood we all continued on to the Paddo for another glass of wine. 2am later finally saw me stumble home. So yes, Saturday was a bit of a write-off (I like to call it a Day of Rest & Recuperation), but I really was beat from the crazy busy week at work too. It was actually really nice to just sit around, reading and napping for the day. I was meant to go to the pub with Natasha & friends to watch the All Black’s vs. the Wallabies rugby game, but I honestly couldn’t haul my butt off the couch. And then I promptly fell asleep in front of a Nick Cave documentary that I really wanted to watch. Hmmm. So yeah, Saturday, was a little too relaxing.

And today. Whew! Chores and errands on steroids! Man, by 9am I had the

laundry washed and out on the line drying. Headed to the bus to Indooroopilly Mall to pick up a couple things at shops you can’t find in town. Then back home to hit the grocery store, put away laundry and more chores. Making up for yesterday’s slackness I suppose. But y’wanna know the cool thing? Because am nearly out of debt ($1,700+ away!), I can buy stupid little things like necklaces and earrings at accessories shops and get pedicures. That’s a nice feeling. I know, I need to be saving for An Adventure, but I have a problem walking past accessory shops. Must cross to the other side of the lane I suppose.

And that’s about that! Spring is now in full swing, the temperatures are getting up there, the skies are blue, planes still fly here and so should you! Hahahahaha! Am a poet! But really, if you can, get your butt down here before summer kicks in.



Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wine, Chinese Food & Lutes


Well. That week was almost kinda painful. I knew it was going to be that kind of week, which was why I took Monday off as a sick day. Couldn't bear it. And yet the week still
dragged. Hmmm. Guess you get those now and then. Plus, it rained nearly every day, which was good, and now we're into spring!

So work. Yep. Is going well minus the co-worker with the nose out of joint. Someday they'll just have to grow up and get over it all already. But, I'm doing a fine job, I reallyreally like my job and everyone I work with (well, 99.1% of them). So there! Am almost finished with the project have been working on so will be pretty happy when that goes to the printing house and even happier after it's been distributed! And then it's onto one of the next 20 other 'projects' on my growing list! Hooray!

And then there was the weekend. Friday I met Cindy and Janette for a couple glasses of wine and some really damn good Chinese food in Southbank. Saturday was chores, and then Natasha and I went on a mini-train adventure to almost Ipswich (Booval station to be exact); took about 40 minutes due west of the city. Her friend Jo was having a BBQ and she's always coming into town for stuff so we thought it'd be nice to see her on her own turf. Didn't really know anyone apart from Natasha and Jo as all of the people there work together. But man, they were all really nice and friendly. They're all town planners for the City of Ipswich. Cool. Build more parks!

And then today Natasha and I ran around Stones Corner (little 'burb with a strip of discount retail shops, like Colorado, etc) spending money like we've inherited it. I bought some sandals, pyjamas, and two pairs of jeans. Which is kinda dumb considering that summer will be here in like a week (or so it feels, even tho we're only a week into spring), but my other jeans are this close to just dissolving next time I wash them. And then I splurged and bought a 'new' Sting CD (yeah, I kinda like him, what's it to ya?) as am going to see him when he comes to town Dec 1st. Tho it's not a "STING" gig per se, it's for his & his collaborator's Edin Karamazov cd called "Songs from the Labyrinth" which is based on John Dowland's (a 16th century Elizabethan songwriter) songs and letters, all played on lute and archlute. It's really interesting and really unique for any huge artist like him. Most of these guys go down a jazz road, which he's done a couple times, but pure vocals and lute? It's neat. It was rated one of the highest debuting classical cd's in recent times (#1 on Billboard's classical for 15 weeks and top selling classical album of both '06 & '07, they're not messin' around)! So if you're into that kinda stuff, I highly recommend it.

Oh, I forgot to mention last time why it took me so long to get back on the air. Optus, my phone company. Need I say more? They're all the bloody same
no matter what part of the world you're in. So yeah. That's what took so long. Don't ask.

So there you go. Everything else is fine. The little scooter, the rare chances I take it out (weather willing, usually), is fine. Kona the Cat is really fine, still keeping me entertained. The "new" little apartment still has a fair bit of painting yet to be done. But all in time. Am bad, didn't do any this weekend. And it was my goal to finish off a room and its trim every weekend. Oh well. Regardless, it still looks miles better than it did and am still pretty happy to be up here (note to self: must take photos)!

And that's that! Hope you're all well up there. Now that I have my internet connection back, and seeing as I have no time du
ring the day at work, I must catch up on the emails. Sorry for the delay! But keep dropping those lines, it's always really good to hear(!) familiar voices!


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...