Sunday, July 06, 2008

Fireworks & BBQs


Well. Here we are again. Sunday evening. Groovy jazz show on the radio. Just finished my chores. A fine end to the week if I say so myself. Busy week. Busy-ish weekend. But now Monday looms all too quickly....

So work. Yep. Is pretty good. Getting better. Coworker with the nose out of joint has mellowed out a bit, thus hopefully getting over whatever had been bothering them. Either that, or I haven't noticed because I've gotten busy with a project. Hmmm. Love being busy. The time just flies. Excellent. So work is good. Looking up!

And then the weekend. Friday, ooooh, that was ages ago...... That was the 4th of July! I didn't do anything for it except print out some pictures of fireworks, a sign that said "Happy 4th of July" in a very Americana style and stuck them to the front of my desk at work. It's funny, the only people to make a big deal about it was on the classical station I listen to in the mornings. They played a bunch of patriotic American marches. Funny. Perhaps next year I'll try to hook up with some expats and go to a BBQ or something. It doesn't seem right without doing something for it! And then that night I ran some errands, grocery store, got a head start on laundry. Yawn, how boring for a Friday night, yes I totally agree, but it was all pre-planning for a busy Saturday.... Which was a BBQ at Alicia's house with Linus and Julian and their wives/husbands/kids etc. It was lovely. Just really nice to catch up with them (they're the folks I used to work at the school). Nice group. Was a great day, even though it was cold and rained all day, it was fun! Then I went into town, to the Paddo, to meet up with Natasha, some gals from her work, and a guy that a gal at the BBQ I was just at thought I should meet. Get this, this is how small the world is - he's from San Diego, La Jolla actually, but has been moving around and living in Washington DC. Been here 2 & 1/2 years. Works for the water commission. So the whole group of us just had the best time. Interesting. Went waaaaay past our bedtimes, which is why I've only just now finished those chores! But imagine that, come all this way to meet someone from SD! Teeny little world!

And that's about that really. Time to wind down after that crazy spurt of cleaning energy and think about bedtime! Hope you're all well up there! Come down for a visit - V Australia (Virgin airlines) has crazy cheap flights to Brissy at the moment - book one! It'll be fun!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...