Sunday, July 20, 2008

Movies, Books, Work all in Time


Well. That week went by pretty much the same as the others. Only his time I chickened out half-way and took Thursday off. Wasn’t feelin’ well so decided the day would be mine. After sleeping in, man, got all my chores done! Waaahhooo! Which just made the weekend even nicer and a little longer!

So work. Yep. Is good. Been busy with the same little project for what feels like forever. Man. These people down here
(and in NZ), when their kids get just a little bit of time off of school (which seems like every other month they get like 4 weeks off – wussies), their parents have to take all that time off too. Not to mention the 6 or so weeks most people take off over Xmas. How they do it I have no idea. I wish I could. But ugh, maybe that means having kids. Maybe I could pretend. Borrow someone else’s? Hmmm. Anyways, trying to get anything done while the office goes into a 3-4 week holding pattern, good luck. So hopefully this week this will start back up again. Because, as much as I like my little job, I want to see the back of this little project already! Otherwise, work is fine.

And then the weekend! Not a lot to report, sadly. Read a couple books, watched some movies "No Country for Old Men" (soooooo good!) and a really crap movie with Ralph Fiennes and Jennifer Lopez. Ooooooh what a stinker! But it just goes to show everyone has car payments to make. And also watched a very interesting documentary called “Who Killed the Electric Car?” – very good. And very sad. What a useful car and GM killed it off before it even got going. Fools. Slaves to oil. So yes, I tried to cover all the media bases.

And today was actually kinda busy. First thing this morning I walked (well, most of the way) to
Dutton Park where a gal from work lives. It’s a few ‘burbs away but not too many. She hosted a Body Shop party. Like Tupperware but without the burping or space-saving. I bought one of the only things under $20 bucks because I felt bad for the host lady – no one seemed to pay attention to her except for me. Guess that just goes to show you have to think of your audience
when it’s comprised of early-20 year old gals who just wanted to look at the makeup catalog most of the time. And after that I really did walk all the way home, complete with a pit-stop at the grocery store. Whew! That took about an hour to walk. Which was really fine because I think I had a touch of cabin fever and it was an absolutely gorgeous day, nothing like a mid-winter day in NYC! It’s been in the low 70’s for the last week or so, and bone dry. It’s been amazing. I love it. Course, it’s meant to start raining all week and get cold, but ahhhh, to have this kind of weather mid-winter even if for just a few days! Hooray!

And that’s about it. Yeah, apologies for no adventures. Perhaps it’s a winter thing (lame excuse – you just said the weather’s been beautiful), dunno....
There have been ads from travel shops about package deals to Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the Great Barrier Reef….. I should just go. I’d kinda like to go with someone, but we know I’ll be dead before I can ever find anyone to go where I want to at the same time! If I’d ever waited for someone to come with me to NZ or here, I’d be dead! So yes, perhaps I should just haul out my Adventure Girl cape and head out on my onesies. Yeah! Will look into it……………… Seriously. No, really, I will. Honest. Unless someone wants to come with….??!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...