Sunday, June 15, 2008

Busily Skating Past!


Well. Yet another busy week skates by. But good busy. I like good busy. And the weekend, my god it went just as fast, if not faster. That's kinda bad. But hey, another one is scheduled for 5 days from now and if the weeks keep shooting past like they have been, well, that weekend, it'll come in the blink of a
n eye!

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy. Made even busier as they discover more for me to do. I even had the fleeting thought today of: "Gosh it'd be nice of there were two of me to do this job." But if I think about it, I can do it all. No problem. I like having lots of stuff to do. You remember how bored I was with nothing to do? Yeah. Tho I hope no one cottons on to the fact that half the time I feel like I'm stumbling around in a pitch black room with all the lights off trying to find the light switch! And man, sometimes it feels like it's a big room!

But the week was good too in that Lauren (gal I work with) and I did a banzai Ikea run on Thursday after work (Thurs & Fri are "late night shopping" - when stores alllll over town are open until 9pm - oooooooh). I now have lamps! I can see in every room! And got a little stool (am short after all, and it's a tall world) and a couple little rugs for when those toes hit the floor in the mornings. I know what you're thinking, that I should better save my money for Adventures. And you're right. But lamps are needed to better see these Adventure books by! But really, what can I say - I came here with nothing more than a suitcase fulla clothes, not lamps and rugs! Don't worry, the Adventures are never ever far from my mind......

And then the weekend. Saturday was errands. Picked up my newly-framed
Art! Wow! It's sooooo cool! Ok, so I know I didn't need art, let alone art in a frame, but you know what? I'm kind of kicking myself for that thinking; thinking that if I ever bought any kind of art, that because am not "settled" in one particular place, it's a waste of time and money, not to mention the hassle of packing, shipping, insuring and worrying about said art to follow me around the world. But I wish all this time I had bought art. So no better time than the present!

And today was more errands, and a bit of work too. Sad, but it had to be done. I have a meeting tomorrow with My Boss and I want to dazzle him with facts and lists and Stuff that I'm working on, so I enlisted the help of Bruce, a guy I work with/for to give me some hints and tips while he was doing a shift in the fire station down the road. Got some good ideas and that's what it was all about. See, he knows stuff I can be working on, I don't. So I had to write it all down cos there's lots. Won't my Boss be impressed! I know I am!

Otherwise, things are fine. That didn't take long after vacation to settle back into the routine. But that's ok - always happy to have a nice happy job routine in the first place!

So that's about that. The weather is lovely and cool. In a few days the
days will start getting longer as we hit the "solstice"! More sun - hooray! Don't get me wrong, it's nothing like winters in NYC, but I know I move a lot faster in the mornings with some sunshine! So come on down - there's another 6 more months of fantastic weather!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...