Monday, June 09, 2008

Busy Relaxing....!


Well. First off, apologies for the late check-in. 1)I kind of lost track of time, 2)I went to a BBQ with Natasha to her friend Veronica's house around 2.30pm yesterday and, well, yeah, it turned into a very late night. Thankfully it's a holiday today (hooray for The Queen having her birthday honored today!) Otherwise, it was a very short, busy and very speedy week. Yeaaaa for 3
day weekends!

So yeah. Work. Is good. Didn't go back to work until Thursday, that's when
Mommy flew home, or was meant to until the Qantas engineers decided to have a hissy fit and strike. So her flight was delayed for 15 or so hours. But I had to get back to work and Mommy just read, napped and sat around the little apartment entertaining the cat. And then next thing I know she was in a cab speeding away to the airport! It was a fantastic visit. Busy. But when you only have like a week & 1/2, it's not much time to cover as much as you can. Oh well, on another visit! But otherwise, work is fine. Was only there for 2 days. But busy because I was away. I don't mind busy. Makes the time shoot by! So yeah. The week/visit was really very good.

Mon, Tues & Wed we hung around Brissy. Went to see the new Raiders of the Lost Ark movie on Mon., it was gooooood! Kinda cheesy in some parts but then they all were. Ahhh, I really liked it! Then Tues I had planned to surprise Mommy with a hot air balloon ride, but the weather got disgustingly fogged out so it was called off (at 4am...). Shame. Next to Sydney, that was one of the things I was looking forward to most. But, you can't do anything about fog! Ahhhh well, another time! And we really just sat around, ran errands, napped, read. The previous week was pretty gogogogo, so it was really nice to have time to just sit.

And then it was b
ack to work for two days, and then it was suddenly the 3 day weekend! Friday went out to after work drinks with a couple folks from work. That was nice. Always nice, especially when the pub is a two second walk from work and the couple of work folks are way cool! And Saturday was chore day. Big time. But got it all done (hooray for teeny apartment!). Sunday was Veronica's BBQ, and today is chill-out day (it's rainy and a bit chilly). Might fire up the DVD player and watch movies......

So there it is! A fantastic end to a most excellent visit with Mommy, and a good break away from work! I'd have to say the trip was a success, so c'mon down!!!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...