Sunday, January 06, 2008

Saving in a New Year


Well. That week has passed and life has returned to normal. Whew! Even managed to kinda get two birds with one stone - got New Years out of the way and got back to work (what an easy 3 day week that was!).

So yeah, work. Yep, it was a short but good week. Even with everyone back from their vacations, I still couldn't really get my brain to work properly. So this week, I'll get the brain fired up and working! But a little boulder in the lovely green field of my Happy Job Land - I could be without my happy job a bit sooner than I thought - our little department is being audited by the same rascals that did the slash-and-burn audit of the Ambulance division. That resulted in the termination (Ahnald -"I'll be boc") of all the temps and folks on contracts. So those guys now have their sights set on us, and gals like me. My boss explained it to me the other day. There's a chance I could lose my job, or there's a chance I won't. Boss can go to bat for me, but we just won't know which the way the wind is gonna blow until, well, it happens. So it's a waiting game. Hopefully I'll get more notice, if I do lose my little job, than the Ambulance victims did; lots of them were told to finish the day and not come back. Yikes. Boss is pretty confident I won't lose my gig, but we'll find out in the next couple/few weeks. Sigh. Yeah. Always happens on the rare occasions I find a gig I actually like. Oh well. Comes with the territory I guess. I live in hope, but it sounds like it's time to dust off the ol' resume, just in case…..!

And the little apartment is, well, fine (as fine as it can be, tho I gotta say, I am so running out of positive things to say about this place, if you've noticed my list or not). Well, my lease is expiring on the 6th of Feb and I've been torturing myself "to move or not to move". Before the threat of the culling of temps at work I was all set to move closer to work, but now how silly would that be? So. I'm torn between moving out to nicer digs (near work or otherwise) or just staying put. My gut has added its two cents (who knew it even had a wallet?) and tells me to stay put where it's cheap and close to the City (in case I have to head into town to my new gig)..... I know that makes more sense than anything. Yeah. But I think it's common knowledge that I can't stand this place and neither can kitty - heck, how could anyone with no clear glass windows to look out of???? Anyways. So it looks like I'll be here another 6 months. Shudder. Oh well. Time to knuckle down and SAVE like I've been threatening to. Then move out for reals in August. Yep. Definitely.

So yeah, New Years. Ehhh. Met Cindy and Miles at the Paddo around 5pm and I was home by 9 or so. Managed to stay awake until midnight, tho I’m not sure why I bothered. Was so tired and there was nothing to watch on tv. Even the fireworks show in Sydney (and cities around Australia) was really lame, complete with lame, weird instrumental music. Last year was good – I had a nice bottle of champagne, in my nice little apartment in Spring Hill, me and Kona watched the Edinburgh Tattoo. It was really kinda good, in a stay at home on NYE kinda way. This year. Eh. Wasn’t at all in the mood for any of the holidays really. But, here we are now, new year, let’s see what happens!

And that’s about that. This weekend has been really quiet. First in the series of "Savings Lockdown". Tough tho. Just sitting here thinking of all those nice meals to be eaten in pubs and restaurants around town………. But, am just thinking of the nice adventures to be had instead!So there it is. Hope you’re all well up there! I’d say c’mon down for a visit, but ehhhh, I’d wait until after summer (from now until March), as the weather is pretty hot and gross. But plan ahead and come anytime after!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #21: Because I don't really have any furniture, and the apartment is pretty little, the few bits I do have fit perfectly!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...