Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eyes to the Ground with Peeled Ears


Well. That week went by really fast. Excellent. And for not doing a lot this weekend (due to Savings Lockdown, a.k.a $SL), it's gone by really fast as well. Hmm.

So yeah, work. Is very good. Am getting just a little closer to knowing my fate - if I get past the Auditors, they'll keep me until my contract runs out, which is the end of March. After that I'm tossed back into the sea of unemployment so they can give my job to some gal who's worked there for years and years and years but went away to have a coupla kids, and waaaaa she only wants to work part-time (her permanent job is full time assistant to a BigWig), but because it's The Government and she's permanent, she can A) Call the shots and B) Get her way. Meanwhile, there's goes lil ol me into the cold harsh world. Gee, that's if I get past those pesky Auditors, if not, I'm booted out onto the street early! Sigh. So yeah, work is good, just not sure when it's going to end. Bummer, but that's that. I have 2 folks there keeping their eyes and ears open for something for me after alllllll this auditing fun cools off, but nothing, if anything, will come of, well, any potential jobs there, for another 6 months at least. So, the hunt is afoot to keep that bank account fed and watered!!!! Sigh.

Which leads me to the next item on the agenda - The Little Apt. Sigh. Am not going to move, in light of the job uncertainty. Best to stay put, batten down the hatches and ride this out. Which is a big shame, but that's that. 6 more months of........... yeah. Will save and maybe buy a stick or two of decent furniture. And maybe an end-table. Perhaps a throw-pillow. Hmm. I have to say, after 6 months of "positive" comments, I'm all run out. New "Weekly" comments needed I think! Operators are standing by for your suggestions!

And then there's the weekend. Y'know, how sad is this - I don't watch much tv at all, in fact the show/s I do like usually run for about 4 or 5 episodes and either never come back or get moved to like Tuesday at 10.30pm. But in light of those little writers striking in Hollywoodland, it's amazing to see how tv here in Oz has trickled down to next to nothing. No reality tv (pass), no sitcoms (pass), no CSI, HMV, SUV, KUO, QFZ, any of those cop & chop shows, not a whole lot of much at all. Sure there're re-runs, and my god Australia's Funniest Home Videos is still going strong. It's weird. It's like the tv networks are on a starvation diet. In a way it's kinda nice. Well, not for those writers it ain't. I always knew TimeWarner was the Devil.............. Writers always get treated the worst, which is kinda funny, because without writers to come up with that drivel, there would be no - gasp! - TV or Films! Hope they get what they're wanting, even if it's just a little. Hey, it's where'd I'd probably end up at some point, so I sympathize with 'em. (But just between you and me, I hope the strike goes on and on and on - save us from all that crap tv!). I'm just sayin'.

Anyways, the weekend. Quiet, due to $SL. Have borrowed a Sony Playstation2 from Young Christine from work, and Jesse's Twisted Metal 2 video game, as well as his first season of "Scrubs" dvd's, and, well, need I say more? I'm suddenly 17 again! Heck, I even ordered pizza to complete the "atmosphere ($SL aside - I was pretty good all week. And, dammit, because I'm worth it). I can hear the health nuts baying out there and I'll tell ya - I'd go for a nice, long, exercising adventure walk, sure, if it wasn't 90 bloody degrees with 80% humidity! But I will say, I got up too early for a Sunday, and took the little scooter for a good, long spin around town. No traffic, before it got too hot to wear all that gear. It was quite nice. And I'm positive I heard the little scooter sigh "thank you" after I got it home. So there was a minute adventure in there somewhere............ Otherwise, was a good weekend. Oh yeah, last weekend, while I was writing, we had a wicked storm come through. I chickened out and shut the computer off. I guess I zoned on adding pics from that, so here they are..... I hear Oz is now going through La Nina, so it's going to rain all year. Sigh. Poor little scooter. Poor me stuck on public transport.

So there you are. $SL is in full force (minus the odd pizza or two), so we'll see if I can't rent a car and get out now and then for an adventure - that's part of the requirements of $SL. Fingers crossed for an easy, stress- and trouble-free job hunt! Hope you're all well up there! Drop a line sometime (hey, that rhymes... heh heh)!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #22: In the afternoon, because of the angle of the sun, the front room heats up a bit, but the bedroom stays pretty cool. Hooray for plaster walls. Coooool man!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...