Well. Apologies for the late update. Busybusybusy weekend. Good, but too busy and too fast!
So the week was good. Fast. Busy. Savings Lockdown was compromised, but it was for a good cause – to catch up with Jan. She’s a really busy gal so any time to catch her you have to. And, she’s thinking of buying a 4- or 6-pack of apartments, doing them up and letting me live in one, so I just like to know how her plans are going! Hmm. More on that later!
So, yeah. Work. Is good. Still don’t know when I’m going to hit the street. Everyday I’m still there makes me (and the bank) very happy!!!! Funny, am picking up a few more little projects, so am getting busier – which is awesome. Just don’t know how long for yet. Sigh. Just taking the days as they come. If it’s not good news, I hope they don’t spring it on me with a day’s notice…….. But they can give me a day’s notice if I can stay!!!!!!!!!!
And the weekend. Man, it went fast! Saturday started off bright and early with an appointment with the hairdresser – to get it all cut off! HOORAY! It’s not boy-short, but it’s short, fluffy/messy short. I had it like this years ago when I was in NZ. I liiiiiiike it! But because I’m used to it, and none of these folks down here have ever seen me with short hair, boy, a lot of them are really surprised!!!! But hooray, they seem to like it too!
Then it was off to the park to meet Jan and a few friends of hers for a
And then Sunday. Young Christine (from work) came over first thing and we headed to Ikea!!!!
So there! See? Busy weekend. Didn't get to do a single chore (but is it piling up or what - I have next weekend all about cleaning. Yeeaaa). So that's that. In fact, am trying to catch up by doing laundry, which I must pull off the line as the last time I saw clouds that dark it poured cats and dogs......... So I hope you're all well up there!!! Drop a line sometime!
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