Monday, January 28, 2008

Days of Aussies & BBQs!


Well. Apologies. Late again. Two reasons (kinda) 1) It was Australia Day weekend and we got today (Monday) off from work, which kinda made me lose track of the days and 2) Went to a BBQ last night and by the time I got home it was time for bed...... Yeah, pretty weak excuses both of them, but them's why I didn't check in on time! But here I am!

So the week was REALLY good! I finally found out that I can stay at my little job until the end of March (when that perm part-time gal comes to boot me out of mah gig). So that's been a bigbigbig relief. I mean, there's no reason why I can't keep looking for another gig, even tho the boss's have cryptically said repeatedly "You just never know what could happen in two months....." I just want to stay with them as long as I can cos I like it so much. But, there's at least one I can apply for, two pay levels above mine! So will submit that for tomorrow (eeek - must finish application!). Otherwise, all's well, if anything, am getting busier. Love it. Makes the days go by and I feel useful!

And then the weekend. We started this little thing every other Friday or so, a couple of us go over to the pub after work. It's nice. Bad for Savings Lockdown, but then, I knew this weekend would be.......... So Friday evening was nice. Saturday was Australia Day (basically celebrating the arrival of the First Fleet, much to the Aborigine's chagrin, I'm sure) and even tho I was invited to two shin digs, I opted to stay home, try to save a teeny bit of cash, and clean the house. Moved the furniture around in the teeny living room (made a difference - now half the furniture is in my bedroom! Can't wait to get rid of it! C'mon Ikea!) My god I hadn't given the little apt a good once-over since before Xmas - shudder -. Not that it was that bad, and it's not like I have an army living here, but, yeah. But after I finished my chores I made sure that in honor of Australia Day I had an Australian beer (Little Creatures Pale Ale - mmmmmm) and watched an Australian movie - "Crackerjack" - very funny, about an ailing lawn bowls club...... it's cute. Apparently, it was this movie that helped make lawn bowls "cool" for younger kids again. Otherwise, it seems a sport strictly for anyone over 60. I have to say, I have the best days out playing lawn bowls. Yeah. So that was my Australia Day. Productive! Nice!

And Sunday. Natasha's friend Sam had a BBQ at her - get this - 65th floor high-rise apartment. Heck, who knew it was even legal to have so much as a hibachi at that level! But there she was commandeering this massive BBQ on her balcony (all enclosed in glass panels and steel beams, of course). And did I bring my camera? I forgot didn't I???! Kicking self. She has the most amazing view. She promised to have us over more often, so here's hoping I don't forget my camera this time. But the day was nice, nice to catch up with Sam and her boyfriend Paul. Poor guy, he's a butcher and managed to nearly chop off the middle finger of his right hand. He's pretty sure the Docs are going to lop it off as it's not doing anything like healing or moving. Poor guy. So he's off work for another 8 weeks or so. Man. I'd probably lose my mind (not to mention the finger) after that long and not being able to run around much. But was nice to have a BBQ and meet a few new folks!

And today, quiet enough. Met Natasha at the pub so she could eat (I was good - Savings Lockdown!) and that was about it. I finally signed up with the video store there (right across from the pub - how convenient!), tho didn't rent anything, yet. But man, it's a far cry from that little closet near my old place in Spring Hill - they didn't even have "Dr. No" in stock! This video store seems to have a really good selection. And get this - they need a full-time supervisor...... The gal couldn't tell me how much it pays, but hey, if they still need someone at the end of March.........!!! Hahahahaa, never in a hundred years would I get back into that! Stupid hours, stupid customers, stupid staff? No way Jose! But if it's a matter of being employed.......

And that's about that. Busy, yet quiet weekend, if that makes any sense. Oh, and get this, the whole thing about work keeping me until the end of March is that they finally put me onto their books! That means I can earn vacation and sick time and stuff like a normal person, like I used to! Hooray! Too bad I only have 8 weeks! But, believe me, I am SO taking a paid day off the minute I have one saved up! Wanna go see the massive Andy Warhol exhibit that's ending in March at the Modern Art Museum. Cool man!

So there you are. Sorry for being late again. will try to be more boring on the weekends to make press-time on time!!!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #24: The walls are plaster - so my neighbor gal can't really hear it if I turn the music or tv up too loud!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hair, There, & Everywhere!


Well. Apologies for the late update. Busybusybusy weekend. Good, but too busy and too fast!

So the week was good. Fast. Busy. Savings Lockdown was compromised, but it was for a good cause – to catch up with Jan. She’s a really busy gal so any time to catch her you have to. And, she’s thinking of buying a 4- or 6-pack of apartments, doing them up and letting me live in one, so I just like to know how her plans are going! Hmm. More on that later!

So, yeah. Work. Is good. Still don’t know when I’m going to hit the street. Everyday I’m still there makes me (and the bank) very happy!!!! Funny, am picking up a few more little projects, so am getting busier – which is awesome. Just don’t know how long for yet. Sigh. Just taking the days as they come. If it’s not good news, I hope they don’t spring it on me with a day’s notice…….. But they can give me a day’s notice if I can stay!!!!!!!!!!

And the weekend. Man, it went fast! Saturday started off bright and early with an appointment with the hairdresser – to get it all cut off! HOORAY! It’s not boy-short, but it’s short, fluffy/messy short. I had it like this years ago when I was in NZ. I liiiiiiike it! But because I’m used to it, and none of these folks down here have ever seen me with short hair, boy, a lot of them are really surprised!!!! But hooray, they seem to like it too!

Then it was off to the park to meet Jan and a few friends of hers for a photo-shoot for a good friend of hers (in the white top) who’s running for local important politics (eventually challenging the Premier of the state of Queensland, which is kinda like the Governor). They just needed shots of her talking to "local constituents". So that was neat. Good thing I’d just had the hair done! Then Jan and I met up with Natasha and we went to lunch and drove around a few ‘hoods checking out potential apartment blocks for her to buy. Man, there’s some dumpy ones out there – you just have to see the potential! Some were done up really well, really nice, so we know it can be done!

And then Sunday. Young Christine (from work) came over first thing and we headed to Ikea!!!! Hooray! I’ve been wanting to go there for aaaaaaages! Need stuff! So we spent a really good chunk of the day there – from about 9.30am til around 3pm! We did 2 circuits! Amazing for a rainy Sunday too! It wasn't really even that crowded and I could actually stand it. Amazing. So I've started getting some stuff I need - like drawers for the bathroom (got nuthin' but sink, no counter, no storage (except for a box that went mouldy. Ugh)), bought an interesting ladder-shelf thing which is being used as my nightstand (beats the boxes I had). And a couple little things. Cool. I mean, this is part of what Savings Lockdown is all about - getting stuff and trips. Am working on it! Jan tried to put it in perspective for me and reminded me that setting up in a new country can take time and I think I kinda held myself back by renting that silly, but oh so nice, overpriced furnished apartment for so long. Ahhh well, I didn't know and it was niiice. So yeah, by the time we got the stuff here, built it, set it up, moved my stuff into it, ate dinner, relaxed, it was too late to write. But hey, at least I was being productive!

So there! See? Busy weekend. Didn't get to do a single chore (but is it piling up or what - I have next weekend all about cleaning. Yeeaaa). So that's that. In fact, am trying to catch up by doing laundry, which I must pull off the line as the last time I saw clouds that dark it poured cats and dogs......... So I hope you're all well up there!!! Drop a line sometime!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #23: I have clothes-drying options - the dryer, the folding rack in my room, or in the backyard, the very Australian invention - the Hills Hoist! Choices are good and all free!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eyes to the Ground with Peeled Ears


Well. That week went by really fast. Excellent. And for not doing a lot this weekend (due to Savings Lockdown, a.k.a $SL), it's gone by really fast as well. Hmm.

So yeah, work. Is very good. Am getting just a little closer to knowing my fate - if I get past the Auditors, they'll keep me until my contract runs out, which is the end of March. After that I'm tossed back into the sea of unemployment so they can give my job to some gal who's worked there for years and years and years but went away to have a coupla kids, and waaaaa she only wants to work part-time (her permanent job is full time assistant to a BigWig), but because it's The Government and she's permanent, she can A) Call the shots and B) Get her way. Meanwhile, there's goes lil ol me into the cold harsh world. Gee, that's if I get past those pesky Auditors, if not, I'm booted out onto the street early! Sigh. So yeah, work is good, just not sure when it's going to end. Bummer, but that's that. I have 2 folks there keeping their eyes and ears open for something for me after alllllll this auditing fun cools off, but nothing, if anything, will come of, well, any potential jobs there, for another 6 months at least. So, the hunt is afoot to keep that bank account fed and watered!!!! Sigh.

Which leads me to the next item on the agenda - The Little Apt. Sigh. Am not going to move, in light of the job uncertainty. Best to stay put, batten down the hatches and ride this out. Which is a big shame, but that's that. 6 more months of........... yeah. Will save and maybe buy a stick or two of decent furniture. And maybe an end-table. Perhaps a throw-pillow. Hmm. I have to say, after 6 months of "positive" comments, I'm all run out. New "Weekly" comments needed I think! Operators are standing by for your suggestions!

And then there's the weekend. Y'know, how sad is this - I don't watch much tv at all, in fact the show/s I do like usually run for about 4 or 5 episodes and either never come back or get moved to like Tuesday at 10.30pm. But in light of those little writers striking in Hollywoodland, it's amazing to see how tv here in Oz has trickled down to next to nothing. No reality tv (pass), no sitcoms (pass), no CSI, HMV, SUV, KUO, QFZ, any of those cop & chop shows, not a whole lot of much at all. Sure there're re-runs, and my god Australia's Funniest Home Videos is still going strong. It's weird. It's like the tv networks are on a starvation diet. In a way it's kinda nice. Well, not for those writers it ain't. I always knew TimeWarner was the Devil.............. Writers always get treated the worst, which is kinda funny, because without writers to come up with that drivel, there would be no - gasp! - TV or Films! Hope they get what they're wanting, even if it's just a little. Hey, it's where'd I'd probably end up at some point, so I sympathize with 'em. (But just between you and me, I hope the strike goes on and on and on - save us from all that crap tv!). I'm just sayin'.

Anyways, the weekend. Quiet, due to $SL. Have borrowed a Sony Playstation2 from Young Christine from work, and Jesse's Twisted Metal 2 video game, as well as his first season of "Scrubs" dvd's, and, well, need I say more? I'm suddenly 17 again! Heck, I even ordered pizza to complete the "atmosphere ($SL aside - I was pretty good all week. And, dammit, because I'm worth it). I can hear the health nuts baying out there and I'll tell ya - I'd go for a nice, long, exercising adventure walk, sure, if it wasn't 90 bloody degrees with 80% humidity! But I will say, I got up too early for a Sunday, and took the little scooter for a good, long spin around town. No traffic, before it got too hot to wear all that gear. It was quite nice. And I'm positive I heard the little scooter sigh "thank you" after I got it home. So there was a minute adventure in there somewhere............ Otherwise, was a good weekend. Oh yeah, last weekend, while I was writing, we had a wicked storm come through. I chickened out and shut the computer off. I guess I zoned on adding pics from that, so here they are..... I hear Oz is now going through La Nina, so it's going to rain all year. Sigh. Poor little scooter. Poor me stuck on public transport.

So there you are. $SL is in full force (minus the odd pizza or two), so we'll see if I can't rent a car and get out now and then for an adventure - that's part of the requirements of $SL. Fingers crossed for an easy, stress- and trouble-free job hunt! Hope you're all well up there! Drop a line sometime (hey, that rhymes... heh heh)!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #22: In the afternoon, because of the angle of the sun, the front room heats up a bit, but the bedroom stays pretty cool. Hooray for plaster walls. Coooool man!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Saving in a New Year


Well. That week has passed and life has returned to normal. Whew! Even managed to kinda get two birds with one stone - got New Years out of the way and got back to work (what an easy 3 day week that was!).

So yeah, work. Yep, it was a short but good week. Even with everyone back from their vacations, I still couldn't really get my brain to work properly. So this week, I'll get the brain fired up and working! But a little boulder in the lovely green field of my Happy Job Land - I could be without my happy job a bit sooner than I thought - our little department is being audited by the same rascals that did the slash-and-burn audit of the Ambulance division. That resulted in the termination (Ahnald -"I'll be boc") of all the temps and folks on contracts. So those guys now have their sights set on us, and gals like me. My boss explained it to me the other day. There's a chance I could lose my job, or there's a chance I won't. Boss can go to bat for me, but we just won't know which the way the wind is gonna blow until, well, it happens. So it's a waiting game. Hopefully I'll get more notice, if I do lose my little job, than the Ambulance victims did; lots of them were told to finish the day and not come back. Yikes. Boss is pretty confident I won't lose my gig, but we'll find out in the next couple/few weeks. Sigh. Yeah. Always happens on the rare occasions I find a gig I actually like. Oh well. Comes with the territory I guess. I live in hope, but it sounds like it's time to dust off the ol' resume, just in case…..!

And the little apartment is, well, fine (as fine as it can be, tho I gotta say, I am so running out of positive things to say about this place, if you've noticed my list or not). Well, my lease is expiring on the 6th of Feb and I've been torturing myself "to move or not to move". Before the threat of the culling of temps at work I was all set to move closer to work, but now how silly would that be? So. I'm torn between moving out to nicer digs (near work or otherwise) or just staying put. My gut has added its two cents (who knew it even had a wallet?) and tells me to stay put where it's cheap and close to the City (in case I have to head into town to my new gig)..... I know that makes more sense than anything. Yeah. But I think it's common knowledge that I can't stand this place and neither can kitty - heck, how could anyone with no clear glass windows to look out of???? Anyways. So it looks like I'll be here another 6 months. Shudder. Oh well. Time to knuckle down and SAVE like I've been threatening to. Then move out for reals in August. Yep. Definitely.

So yeah, New Years. Ehhh. Met Cindy and Miles at the Paddo around 5pm and I was home by 9 or so. Managed to stay awake until midnight, tho I’m not sure why I bothered. Was so tired and there was nothing to watch on tv. Even the fireworks show in Sydney (and cities around Australia) was really lame, complete with lame, weird instrumental music. Last year was good – I had a nice bottle of champagne, in my nice little apartment in Spring Hill, me and Kona watched the Edinburgh Tattoo. It was really kinda good, in a stay at home on NYE kinda way. This year. Eh. Wasn’t at all in the mood for any of the holidays really. But, here we are now, new year, let’s see what happens!

And that’s about that. This weekend has been really quiet. First in the series of "Savings Lockdown". Tough tho. Just sitting here thinking of all those nice meals to be eaten in pubs and restaurants around town………. But, am just thinking of the nice adventures to be had instead!So there it is. Hope you’re all well up there! I’d say c’mon down for a visit, but ehhhh, I’d wait until after summer (from now until March), as the weather is pretty hot and gross. But plan ahead and come anytime after!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #21: Because I don't really have any furniture, and the apartment is pretty little, the few bits I do have fit perfectly!

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...