Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!


Well, what can I say, it was a fantastic week - with NO work! Ooooooh I do so envy trust fund kids (well, with the exception of maybe Paris Hilton, shudder)! Either way, it was a fun and busy week. Ran errands, made some jewellery, took naps, read my books, watched movies, even threw a party! And now here it is, my week of fun is at an end and it's New Year's Eve. This year I've decided to stay in. I know, how sad and old lady of me. It's no way to spend a first New Year in a new country but am not in the mood this year whatsoever, as exciting a prospect it may be. So I have my movies and wine and that'll be that. Next year I'll go out and paint the town red or go to a party (or host my own), but this year, nahhhh. So to anyone going out to partypartyparty this year - have one for me!!!!!!

Oh yeeeeeaaahh, a sparkle in my nice little week of fun - went and test-drove a scooter - first time ever to ride one on my own. Very exciting. Loved it. Want one. Have put big deposit down on one, now just need to sort out the rest of it. Bank, here I come! It's a little, brand new, "retro" Yamaha, 50cc, so not so fast I'll hurt myself toooooo badly. We'll see though, still have to get over the banks hurdles. Ooooooh, but I can see myself now, running errands all over town in half the time it takes to simply wait for the bus to arrive! And bus fare?! Heck, that becomes gas money for the week alone!!!!! Hills? HA! Oooooooooh. So fingers crossed the bank sees things my way! Will keep you posted!!!

So yeah, in last week's episode I suppose I mentioned I have a new job with the school? Different department and campus (hence scooter idea) and no scrubby students or 3 Stooges. So yeah, as far as I know I still start that on the 15th. But gee, knowing how these people operate, who knows? So I guess I'll double-check Tuesday when we go back to work (sigh). In addition, will keep looking, you just just never know. What's the Lotto motto? 'You can't win if you don't play'? Something like that. Will definitely keep the resume out there. And hey, side note, we went into a Lotto pool at work because I guess on the 30th of Dec every year Queensland (or maybe all of Australia, not sure) has a massive lotto draw, so we all threw $4 bucks into it. All I gotta say is I'm gonna quit throwing my spare change away.

Otherwise, all's well down here! Weather has been absolutely lovely. Just a couple more months of really scary heat and humidity to get past before it's back to more perfect weather. I was told the gross stuff should be happening now, but it hasn't. YET. Ugh, I dread it when it does come tho. Sounds like March or April when it settles back down. But so far so good. Whew!

Oh yeah, and bonus to movie nights now - hee hee, am such a dork about this stuff, always figuring it out later than everyone else, but I just bought an adaptor for the little laptop to be able to watch movies on tv - so, essentially, for $9.50 the little laptop becomes a dvd player. EXcellent! Why it took me so long to figure out which part I needed, I'm not sure. Wrong info from minimum-wage register jockeys in shops I guess. Am getting more modern everyday!!!!

So again, I hope you all are well up there! Sorry for the lack of emails, but that doesn't mean I don't often wonder how everyone is. I hope everyone had a nice Xmas, or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa or nothing! And I hope you all have a groovy and lively New Year, no matter what you do or don't do!!!!! And good luck with those resolutions! Hey, I know one for you - come here and visit!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...