Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dingoes & Crocs & Koalas - Oh Crikey!


Well. What a nice, fun weekend that was! Not only did I have a lovely 3-day weekend (if only I could always work 4-day weeks yet get paid for 5. Sigh.....), but Sheldon and Scarlett came down for those three days (just left to fly back to Tucson today). They were here in Australia for their delayed honeymoon. Even though it was a short visit, we had a very busy and nice time. Friday we went to Australia Zoo (crikey!). We lucked out in that the weather was overcast and rainy at times, perfect for a day out at the zoo, especially as it's summer down here and I can not imagine covering the zoo like we did (we hit every single thing on that map) in 95 degree heat with 95% humidity. So it was great. He's (Steve Irwin) done a reallyreally nice job with the place. You get the idea where he wanted it to grow and expand. And the strange thing I noticed was, the place didn't smell, well, like a zoo. Only over at the elephants. Otherwise, well, I guess crocodile poo doesn't stink up an entire zoo! It was really good. Took loads and loads of pictures. Walked a lot. They have a little tram like at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, but we couldn't be bothered. How else do you exercise???? But we covered every inch of the place. Something like 75 acres..... I really liked it. So if anyone comes down this way for a visit, we're soooo going there!

Then on Saturday we just ran typical last-day-in-the-country tourist errands. Boomerangs and magnets were purchased (not to mention a very beautiful opal ring for Scarlett), as well as all the other little last-minute touristy things. Had a late lunch in a pub in the Southbank parklands. Was pretty nice except for the cover band butchering Bob Dylan and Otis Redding and others who have no business being covered by a coupla rag-tag cover-twits. Bad cover bands who butcher great classics should get an electric shock for every chord they ruin. Or chewed up by a crocodile.

And today they're on their way home! So it was a very busy but lovely visit. And get this - they didn't mind the sofa bed! The one big complaint was that the sun comes up at 4am. Yeah, I noticed that too when I first arrived here. You get used to it though. I hope they had a good time. Next!

Soooo what else..... Oh yeah. Well, Monday I had my interview for my job, again. I'm not even going to think about speculating how I did. If I thought I did well the first time and I didn't get it, who knows which way the wind will blow with this current effort. I find out sometime towards the end of this week. The bank certainly has its fingers crossed for me to get it.

Otherwise, that's about it. Was busy at work. Busy at home getting the place ready for visitors. Poor Kona. For the first 2 days Sheldon and Scarlett were here he hid under my bed and didn't come out at all. Which worked out well for Sheldon's allergies. He finally came out and socialized last night. I guess he figured these strange people weren't there to take him back to the pound.

And that's that! So there you go. Hope you're all well up there. And hey, a successful visit was had by all! Now for the next visitor - c'mon down!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She forgot to mention the riverboat cruise and the fireworks display she arranged for us. We really had a great time.

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...