Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rootbeer Floats on Brush Fires


Well, it's Sunday afternoon..... House is clean.... Groceries are in the fridge (I found A&W Rootbeer in, of all places, Chinatown - bought some vanilla ice cream - life is very good)... Messed around on the computer and got myself wired up with Skype - (thanks Glen!) and it's great - free to download the program, dirt cheap phone calls just using an internet connection and free if you talk to people who have Skype on their computers too. So played with that for a while. Excellent. Shame after all this travelling I've only just discovered it now.

Hothothot today, so best thing to do is, well, not much. Ran around yesterday, so today I can hang around and do nothing. Have even splurged and put the air-conditioning on. Bad brush fires (or "bush" fires as the locals call it. Makes sense.) out west, or south, or both, of Brisbane, so the sky is a funny hazy blur and not much of a breeze. But with a rootbeer float and a/c, the world is an even happier place. I can think to write now!

The week was fine. Busy. Went by fast though and no dramas. At work it feels kinda like the quiet before the storm. Either that or I just keep expecting something to happen. We had our "xmas party" dinner Friday night. Cost $25 bucks. At work no less, because they were too cheap and unimaginative to spring for a decent venue. At the training restaurant the hospitality/restaurant the kids train and study at. What a stinker that turned out to be. Not many people and the food was pretty average. I mean, I know the kids are learning, but c'mon, they're due to graduate in like 2 weeks, let loose on the public. I'd say a little further education wouldn't go amiss. But who am I. So yeah, work. I applied for my job, again. Am waiting to hear back. Did I mention that if I don't get it I'll be unemployed Dec. 22nd? Nice. I've been looking and applying for other jobs but nothing's come through yet. Geez, am even considering becoming a flight attendant. Considering. Jan, the gal who brings Kona his bales of hay and logs, she was a flight attendant for 20+ years. So she puts ideas in my head. 5-star hotels, perks galore, those kind of ideas. So we'll see.

What else.... The first major series of cricket is going on here in town between the English and the Aussies. The Ashes series (I guess it would be kind of like the baseball world series, only, well, not. Very hard to explain and I still don't understand any of it). It's a bigbig deal. The Brits won it last year so the Aussies are keen to kick their butts. And last I heard today, the Aussies were sweeping the floor with them (if anyone can make sense of this, well, here you go - England require another 544 runs with 7 wickets remaining. Australia 602/9d and 202/1d; England 157 and 104/3). Which is kind of a shame because a good, close game is always more fun, especially for allllll the Brits who've flown here for it. Oh well.

And they've dressed up the Queen Street mall and surrounds a bit for Xmas. It's kind of interesting not having Thanksgiving, because there's no barrage of SALE tv ads and crap in my mailbox going on about the day after Thanksgiving sales. As soon as Oct. 31st hit, that's when it all started here; only, like NZ, it's not nearly as in-your-face and crammed down your throat. Oh, they're excited about spending money for Xmas, they're just not going to get up at 4 in the morning for any sale. Hell, you'd be hard-pressed to find people to jockey a register in a shop that early! They'd tell you to "get stuffed" (a personal favorite of their expressions). So yeah, Xmas here is bearable thus far. I really missed Thanksgiving, but a good one was had last year, so I'll be ok for a couple years yet. Job-stability willing, I'm hoping to swing around up there this time next year, maybe a little earlier, around Aug. or Sept. But we'll see what happens on the job-front. Same old story, isn't it?

Oh yeah, here's a mini movie review... Last night I rented "Must Love Dogs" - rom-com with John Cusack (reason #1 why I rented it), Diane Lane, Christopher Plummer, Stockard Channing, Elizabeth Perkins and the threat of a "sparkling and witty script". Well. It sucked (I knew it would, type of movie it is, but I didn’t count on it being that bad). That was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. Who knew with a cast like that? It's a wonder how the producers shanghaied those actors. I call it a "car payment" movie for those actors. One of those movies they have to make to either honor contractual obligations and/or they simply have car payments to make. Ohhhh, it was terrible. So there. That's my two-cent movie review. Just in case anyone asked. If any of you saw it and liked it, well, ok. What can I say, I majored in film & tv at University.

So there it is! Oh, and a quick note to Sheldon and Scarlett - have a safe trip and don't forget the earplugs! They're jetting their way down here for a couple of weeks for their delayed honeymoon. They'll be staying with me their last two days before heading home. See? Someone's coming to visit! So c'mon down!!!!


Wireless Schoolies


Well, I'll start right off and say no. Nothing was done this weekend. Nothing at all. Well, ok, I did little things, like repaired my wireless internet connection (hooray for unsecured connections!!!!), repaired my DVD burning program, took some naps, went to the grocery store (I tell ya, bleach, Ajax, dish soap, bar soap, toothpaste, hand soap, it all weighs a bloody ton carrying it up a mean hill, then 3 flights of stairs, after which, of course, I needed a nap)... Yeah. It was a veryvery dull, yet quietly productive, weekend. Lovely weather. Although, at one point last week it got a bit gross - mid-90's with what felt like 100% humidity. Eeewww. Hint of what's to come in summer...... And then the next day it was cool and dry. Ahhhhh, spring. The day it was murderously hot and gross here, they had snow down in Tasmania. And the day after, they apparently had snow in the southwest of Queensland; it's a massive state. So that's like saying it was hot and gross in Tucson with snow up in Flagstaff. But otherwise the weather's been perfect here. So nice that the pool's been packed out. I haven't been back in it yet this season, but lots of other folks have. Gotta get in early or late I've noticed. Pretty busy during the weekends. Lots of folks doing dive bombs. It's pretty funny to hear, actually.

Otherwise, work is fine. Amazingly enough, we actually did not lose anyone this past week (though I stayed home with a rotten tension headache Thursday and considered not going back, but the bank told me I kinda had to if I wanted to stay in my apartment and not a bridge underpass). But, the people who've left have yet to be replaced, so we're still insanely over-worked and understaffed. Status quo. Yet, the call centre has so many new people they can't find enough seats for them..... Hmm. But then, all they do in the call centre is talk to people about what classes they can do. They don’t need to be trained up in all the things we do. Sigh. That’s less than 12 hours away….. I’ve actually spent a tiny part of my weekend brushing the dust off my previous application for the same job I’m doing now… Long story short – if I want a shot at staying past Dec. 31st. (when my little "contract" expires) I have to apply for my job, again, so I can stay until June – if I get it. Good chance I may not, and will be unemployed come Jan 1st. Sigh. Government.

So yes, sadly, another very dull little blog entry. Am sorry. I really did consider renting a car and taking myself out of town on an adventure. I even had my credit card out to book the car (online). But two things stopped me – 1) it’s "schoolies week". Which means all the kids who’ve just graduated 12th grade/high school all go down to the Gold Coast and get rip roarin’ drunk for the entire week, starting this past Friday (drinking age here is 18). And get this – the parents actually buy their kids all the booze and whatnot that they need; they pack bags of food and coolers of beer for these kids to take with them to go party down at the Gold Coast. Their parents actually help. So it’s like Ft. Lauderdale only crawling with drunken 18 year-olds. I can’t think of a worse place to be, well, next to Ft. Lauderdale. So heading south was definitely out of the question. So then I thought of Rockhampton, the "Beef Capital of Queensland". It’s where my Grandad was based out of WWII and I just wanted to go have a look. And to try the steaks too, I suppose, when in Rome. So I had a look at the map and it really only looks about 4 hours north of Brisbane. Well. Reason #2) why I didn’t leave town – It takes 7-8 hours on a two-lane road (one coming, one going). Eeek. So that was duly ruled out. And then I ran out of ideas and time. I’ll figure it all out. Promise.

And that’s about it. Time for bed. Hope you’re all well up there!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

BlogGone Minute.....


Well, nothing like having my little blog vanish to start the day! It turns out this little blogger system is being upgraded to a 'newer, faster, better system' and if you wanted to keep posting you have to go with the flow. So I hit the button that said upgrade or whatever, and for about, oh 5 hours, it was gone. I mean, it was there, but I couldn't get to it. Oh this modern technology will kill me. So I went to the help area and that didn't do much good. Ha. First thing they suggested in the 'help, my blog is gone' section was not to panic. But after nearly 2 hours of following their instructions, panic I certainly did. I mean, really, it's not the end of the world. I'm not curing cancer here. But I have put a lot of work and effort into this little thing, and to have it vanish with a click of a dumb button, well, I guess that's just a little technological warning that even little blogs are impermanent. So to help with the mini-panic, I went to dinner with Mave and after a glass of wine, I'm back to try it again, and you know what? Here it is. What they should say in the help section is 'yes, we know it's gone, but go to dinner, have a glass of wine, and it'll be back online by the time you get home.' Maybe I'll write to them and tell them just that.

So, new system to carry the little blog further into the 21st century. I never even came close to figuring out half of what the last system could do. Now I have more stuff to figure out. Oh dear. So, while I figure this out, please bear with me!!!!!

So..... Well, busy week at work. Again. Lost another 2 folks. Mmmmmmm, the work just piles up like dog poo in the yard. I wonder who's walking the plank this week? Tune in for our next episode......

Tuesday was the Melbourne Cup (like the Kentucky Derby). It really did stop everything for the 3 minutes the big race was on. I threw a buck into the pool at work to bet on whatever horse, even tho that morning I heard on the news the names of the horses favored to win. I was particularly partial to the horse named Pop Rock, simply for its name. And I was honestly all set to put $20 on him/her, but the betting offices didn't open until after I was at work. Oh well. So I thought I'd try the pool at work. Only, in this pool, your horse is picked for you. Well, that's kind of ok, I guess. I mean, how bad can these horses be? They have to be good to get in the race to begin with, right? And I am only throwing in a buck, how rich do I think I'll get off my (few) co-workers? And of course I get the horse named Ice Pick or Ice Cube or something like that. I just knew it'd come in last. So the race is on and they're off! Long story short - the work-pool horse picked for me came in 2nd to last and Pop Rock came in 2nd to first. A guy I work with was smart and put his money in the day before on Pop Rock and he came out with something like $550. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't do any gambling because this is a perfect example of my luck (which is why I don't in the first place). But, when it's all that easy with people telling you who's going to win..... Well. I'm just saying. So that was a bit of mid-week excitement in the office.

And, well, sadly, no adventures were had. Not even a whisper of an adventure. But, I have discovered a Thrifty Car Rental at the bottom of the hill, right across the street from the grocery store. How I never noticed it before is a small mystery (could be the massive tree that blocks it from view). But it's there and I had a look online and it's pretty cheap, with cars that look like they'll make it there and back, safely. So the bee is in the bonnet and the maps are open.....!!!!

But it's past my bedtime on a school night. Thanks to the blogger machine, this is running a bit later than I intended. Which will explain the lack of creativity and photos. Am sorry. But it's supposed to make things better!!! If only it could get me a newer, better job....!?

So there it is. I hope you're all well up there!


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Vegemite & Cheesegraters


Well, another weekend sets with the sun...... Ahhhhh, was a nice weekend, overall. Rained cats and dogs (must look up what that really means. Probably something sinister from the Dark Ages) all day Saturday, but I braved it to hunt down cat food. Actually ran quite a few errands in the rain. Am well-trained after New Zealand. Umbrellas help.

And today, was really lovely, warm and beautiful outside. So everyone's happy - from the drought-stricken farmers to, well, me. So, today, ran around a little bit spending money I should be spending on others (thinking of Xmas... hint hint). Bought much-needed speakers for the little laptop (Mozart's Requiem sounds really good through them, much to the neighbors chagrin I'm sure. Ahhhh, I see your loud tv and I raise you!!!!!!), plus it's provided hours of entertainment for the cat - just like kids, they have more fun with the box (and bag) it came in. Excellent.

The week was fine. Fast. Soooo busy at work. Status quo, really. Everyday the management does something new to make our jaws drop. For example, they introduced a new phone system that has it's own button for "bathroom break", and if you're away longer than the time allocated (2.5 minutes or something highly scientific like that), a flashing red button appears on the supervisors' computer screens telling them you've been in the toilet too long, and they come running to wait for you to ask you what took so long. Yeah. It's all part of the comedy it's become. Hey, at least it's funny. For now. My job contract comes to an end at the end of December (like I said, rocket scientists for management; 'merry xmas - you're unemployed!' Ho ho ho!), but in saying that, they've advertised my job, again, which, if I get it, will last until June next year (clever scientists again. It takes them 2 months to train a newbie, 4 months to get any miles out of them and by June, it'll be getting into peak enrollment time, just in time to let the new staff go!). So I have to put together, well, basically the same application I did for it last time, if I want to extend the fun. Only this time I need to be "coached" on my governmental interviewing skills. Apparently private sector and government sector interviews are as different as night and day. Uh, ok. So, yeah. Work. Can't say it's dull! But on the brighter side, I have 3 applications out there for jobs in my degree/interest field that I hope to hear back from, well, hopefully before this gig ends. They take a long time to do anything here I've learned. So fingers are crossed for at least one of these.

Hey, here's a little fact for you - did you know that Vegemite is now banned (apparently) from being sold in the US (much to the horror of expat Aussies)? It's got folate in it, which is apparently a bad thing. I thought we needed folate, but then, I don't work for the FDA, I got my degree in film production.
I heard that last week and everyone gave me a hard time. Kraft makes it. Gee, they don't make things that are bad for you.

And, sadly, that's as exciting as it got this weekend. No adventures had, other than learning the nuances of the bus system and how to creatively get from point a to b. Oh yeah, for fun, I took some photos today of this new building that's finally finished, here in town. It's ugly as all get-out. Everyone, except maybe the architects, hates it. We all thought the colored blocks were just some sort of weather stripping/cladding that they'd cover when they finished. Nope. Them's the colors and they're here to blemish the skyline forever. Apparently those ugly colors are the theme colors of the architecture firm that built the monstrosity. Eeessshh. And I won't mention the giant silver soccer balls covered in cheese graters.

Maybe the management at my work is doing some consulting work on the side..... Well, it's just a bit of a shame as it's across the street from the beautiful Treasury building (which now houses the casino - fitting, I suppose).

So, well, there you have it. I know, I keep messing with the little blog settings, and I still haven't figured out how to display certain selected links where I'm supposed to, in addition to other things; will send the Blog Gods an email and ask for help. So in the meantime, have a look at what I've been meaning for you all to have a look at. Not that I'm hinting or anything, but it's an Aussie travel site/tv series with lots of good ideas about travel down here and further afield..... Bee, meet bonnet!!!!

Hope you're all well!



Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...