Well. Here we are on another gorgeous Sunday afternoon. The weather has finally cooled off (wooooo, down to 70 right now and mid-40s at night!) and now I can concentrate for longer than ten minutes - yay! It's been a nice, quiet weekend, although come home Friday afternoon after a very long work-week I got a bit of a surprise, but more on that later. So, here we are now - the chores are mostly done, laundry's put away even, ironing is all done, bed is made, I've been on fire for gettin' stuff done. Kittehs are guarding the balcony, got the hip n' groovy, tho mellow today, jazz tunes, and I got a nice, cool glass of the standby red (yes, crime of all crimes, I keep it in the fridge because it's Queensland and you just have to.... Even tho the weather's finally cooled off, I kinda like it.... Don't judge me), yes, life is good!

And then there were a few weekends in there....... But they were all kinda like this one, which is why I haven't bothered to check in. Because really, what can compare with getting Australian citizenship?! No, the weekends have been good, quiet, literally nothing to write home about (which was why I started this little blog in the first place nearly ten years ago now)! Although last weekend was a bit of a weekend - it seemed Lola was missing the Vet and so decided not to eat since Thursday evening. We were in the Vet's office Saturday, Sunday
and Monday trying to get her better. Long story short, and over $700 towards the cause, it was a fur-ball lodged in her intestines. A few doses of paraffin oil, Actilax and Cat-Lax, including an enema (for Lola, not me, thank heavens), and by Tuesday, stuff finally started to move right along. So, that's life #2 for little Lola! Of course, this was also the same week my car registration came due, at just under what it cost to fix up Lola......... Sigh. She's only two years old - brand-new, and I've never had these issues with pets ever! Ahhhhh well, hopefully she straightens up and flies right from now on, otherwise I'll have to go out and get a second job to keep up with her bills!!!!

And that was my weekend! Gosh, now I want one of those burgers and more Moose Drool........ No, saving money for the Big Nordic Adventure. And my car registration. So, there you have it! All's well here, fingers crossed! Hope you're all well up there! So, since the weather's gotten nicer, you're more than welcome to c'mon down and enjoy this window of opportunity - you only have until November, so get planning! And hey, that reminds me, I will be need a house/pet sitter come December...... The job is yours!
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