Monday, May 02, 2016

Spider Evictions by New Aussie Citizens......!

The Great Barrier Reef. They don't call it Great fer nuthin'.

Well. Here we are, although it's not a Sunday afternoon, it's Monday - we have the day off for Labor Day (thank you Unions for always being upset about something and giving us a day off to be upset about it!) - and amazingly, a whole month hasn't gone by! It's been a nice, quiet weekend, for the most part. Ran some errands, got some of the chores done, lots of laundry, tidying, fluffingThe local fauna makes a piece of toast. around, vacuuming up all the spiders that had moved in...... Normally I'm totally fine with spiders, they do good things in the world - but when you have whole neighborhoods setting up house inside my house, well, it gets to be a bit much. And speaking of bit, they bite me after they've been living here awhile, the nerve of the freeloaders, so they were evicted the hard way. Sorry folks. I'm sure we'll catch up in the afterlife (if there is one) and you can tell me all about being suddenly sucked into a big, loud, scary vacuum cleaner. And I'll still feel bad. Anyways, we're here now with the rugs flapping in what Thar be storms a'comin'! Maybe.there is of a sorry, muggy breeze, the thunder clouds are trying to build up to something big but so far they're doing nothing more than making it, well, cloudy and super muggy. I swear, this really is the endless summer. But still, we have the cool, hip n' groovy jazz tunes - I love this new station so much more than RadioTunes, and they never hit me up for money or pester me with employment offers - bonus! Tho it's a bit early for the standby sparkling, I like to wait until I'm finished writing to break out the bubbles - like a nice reward!

So work. Yep. It's.... good. I've been in a training course all week (last day is tomorrow, whew) for this technical publications software called S1000D. Companies like mine think it's the end-all be-all in tech pubs software but I find it clunky and there are like three additional software applications youWork. It feels like this most days. have to use to get them all to talk with each other, so it's a bit of pain actually. The tech pubs software we use for our Classic Hornets, XPP, may totally be from the 80s/90s, in fact, the version we use they don't even make or support anymore, haven't for years, but it works a treat without having all the messing around. Whatever. I always wanted to learn it tho, although I didn't put my hand up to do this course, a middle manager did because he thinks if I have this training he can poach me for his program (unless he doubles my pay, I don't see that happening)..... But boy, I'll be happy to be out of that tiny, windowless room squished in with all those people and that lonely lady who I don't think gets to work with actual people very often and won't shut the hell up....... Anyways, once this is over, we're supposed to finally get all that work our customer has been threatening to give us for years.... So we shall wait and see. Otherwise, all is well - always happy to have the paycheck, forced training or not!!!

And then there were a couple weekends in there..... Well, not a lot has been Surfin' Wombat, duuuude!happening. This is the second of our two, three-day weekends, but I've mainly laid low trying to save money, in my dull kinda way. Tho probably the brightest spark in the calendar so far was this past Wednesday night when I had my Citizenship ceremony!!!!!!! It's all finished now - dealing with HR (thank you HR for being that incompetent and costing me $1,200 for the first failed attempt) and all the permanent residency paperwork, c'ship paperwork, all of it - finito! I'm legit! Now all that's left to do is get the passport and then I really am finished. WHEW! That only took two (technically three) failed attempts over five and a half years..... I'm so happy it's all over with I can't begin to say, tho I tried just then......

Citizenship Ceremony Pt. 1!The ceremony was actually really, really good. At the main entrance they split us up  from our friends to send us through this reeeeeally long snake-line where at the end we had to show the "attend your ceremony onThe Australian Army Band! this date" letter Immigration sent us and our I.D. (driver's license) and they gave us our Certificate and Pledge Card (you could pick one of two pledges - one to god and one not to god. So, that was an easy choice) and next shuffled us on to the voter registration table where we, well, registered to vote - it's compulsory here, so, you get fined if you don't get out and vote, and having the newbies sign up on ceremony night is a fantastic idea. They should totally do it in the US. Then we filed to our seats where we had waiting for us a little gift bag with some handouts about Brisbane, voting, the words to the national anthem (whew!), an agenda for the Gift bags wait to become citizens too!evening, and the best little gift, aside from the actual certificate, was a I'm the one in the middle, upper center.......seedling for a native plant - I got a Callistemon Wildfire (Bottlebrush)!!!! I like Bottlebrush trees, I had one just like it outside my bedroom window in San Diego.... Tho, as a renter I'm not totally sure what to do with it except for to plant it in a pot on my balcony and hope for the best...... And as we were walking in and stumbling around to get to our seats (we were jammed in like sardines) the Australian Army Band played and they were really, REALLY freakin' good! Played all these old swing songs that I like, they had a couple singers who could actually sing and horn players who wandered up and down Australian Army Band singers!the aisles in formation. Yeah, they were great. Then there came the Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dance Troupe to welcome us and then theThe locals welcome us! speeches and lectures about assimilating and how the police aren't out to get you so behave, etc. Then we had to make our pledges - godsy folks had to stand up and say theirs, then they sat down and we stood to say ours. Needless to say, there were a lot less of us heathens than there were of them....... The Australian Girls Choir sang a few really, really nice songs (well done girls!), then another speech and a lecture and then the national anthem (that there is the short version for sporting events but it's still good; here's the proper version) The Australian Girls Choir!and that was that - we were newly minted Australian Citizens! All in all it took nearly two hours. I thought it was pretty good. Tho byNewly minted citizens! Yay! the end of it I was ready to not be in that crowded room with all those people and their crying, fussing children another minute, I must say. And I even had a few friends come to watch - some had come all the way from Toowoomba and Redcliffe and Dayboro, and a few from here in town! But seeing as it was a school night and I really did have school the next day, it was a pretty short celebration, and that was fine. I was (am) pretty happy and I didn't need a big party to prove it! So there you go - Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi!

Baby Bottlebrush tree!
And then what else........ Not a lot, really. Again, trying to save money for my Nordic Adventure so am trying to keep the wallet safe here at home. I'm this close to paying the deposits and stuff, then once that happens, it's on!!!!! Tho Saturday I did stop into the mall to check that H&M weren't going out of business, so I made a small donation and they gave me clothes as a thank you! Geez, everything in there is like $19-39 bucks, so, a small and pretty cheap, yet styley wardrobe update. I guess I just had a serious dose of cabin-fever after a week of being trapped in that tiny training room.

And that there is really that! So, I hope you're all well up there. Say, evenGreat Barrier Reef aerial tour! tho summer won't let go, it's not as gross as it was, so you have from now until November to come on down and check the place out! And say, when you're doing your research, let me know if you stumble across any useful websites that I can add to the little menu on the right there... I update that every so often, in fact I did a couple weeks back. So let me know if there's more you'd like to see? Then again, you can always do like I first did and just get on a plane and figure it all out when you arrive!!!! Just let me know when I need to pick you up from the airport!!!!!

~ J
New Aussie!

             Certificate says it all (well, almost)!The Pledge!

Advance Australia Fair!

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