Sunday, April 17, 2016

Time Flies When You're Having..... Edits?

Useful residents of Toowoomba!

Well. Here we are, another two months later........ Yikes. Am sorry. In my defense I needed to complete the edits on my friend's book to meet his and his publisher's deadline, which I did and now we're done! But then there was all the other stuff to catch up on that had been neglected during those couple of months, which is now done! So now, all that's left to do is research and reservations for my Big Nordic Adventure this December and checking in with the poor little neglected blog. So yes, am very sorry for the absence but really, if we're being honest, I'm still just as boring! 

But, here we are now - summer has finally, finally given way to Autumn with beautiful days and cooler temperatures, and less humidity. This is the type of weather that makes enduring a Brisbane summer worth it, long as they are. And after this we'll get "winter" so, monthsMt Coot-tha wildlife! and months of nice weather to look forward to. EX-cellent! But it's still nice enough yet to enjoy a standby sparkling rose! The kittehs are still protecting the balcony from intruders and the bed from flying up and out the window. Good guard cats. But one thing I must say has changed is the hip n' groovy jazz tunes station - unfortunately, after how many years of being a faithful SkyFM/RadioTunes listener, I had to kick them to the curb because of their incessant self-promoting ads, averaging three to four ads in a row every third song (all saying the same thing only different, and her voice was super annoying), plus, I wasn't about to pay for their "premium" membership at $90 a year or $9 a month, just so I didn't have to listen to her every second or third song. So I've gone back to AccuRadio, a station that was pretty good a few years ago and has now gotten even better - sooooo many choices and no annoying self-promotion. Well, there's a little but it's a tiny fraction of what RadioTunes does, and the guy's voice doesn't annoy the crap out of me. Plus, they'll do special stations/playlists based on whoever's birthday it is or a new mood they're in. For a few weeks there they had a channel called Yacht Rock - (mainly '70s) "Yacht-friendly radio". Well, I thought it was funny.

A fellow commuter waits for the bus.
So work. Yep. Is good. Still quiet. We hired two new folks to help us with all the work I have yet to see..... I keep hearing 'it's coming!' And this past Friday one of them quit! She found a better gig closer to her home at better pay - who can argue with that. She has two little kids, and working with us in the city, an hour and a half commute each way. Can't say I blame her. Now we're wanting to hire two more people (are any of you, dear readers, interested in being a Technical Writer with us??), and this is after we hired one gal to replace our illustrator who retired! Whew! It's been a bit of a flurry for not a lot of work... yet. Otherwise, it's good. I know I say it every time, am just happy to have a decent place to go to earn a paycheck!

And then there've been a few weekends in there. Well, after the Baseball wrapped up I had the book editing to focus on and that really took up most weekends. I did get out to a few movies - Brooklyn (really liked it), My Big Fat Greek Wedding II (didn't like it nearly as much as the first one), Rams (loved it), The Lady in the Van (loved it), and I'm sure there were a few others in there over the lastA restored Brisbane City fountain! couple months..... Because really, when there's such a good cinema a short bus ride, or a good half-hour walk away, plus discounted tickets for being in their movie club (of course), how can you resist?? And then aside from the odd errand and I-gotta-get-out-of-the-house-or-I'll-freak-out walks, haven't been up to much. Trying to save money and the wallet is safest locked up in the house away from cash registers, or, modern society that we live in today, EFTPOS machines. See? Told you - still boring.

A resident of Coober Pedy!And that's really about it. See, you haven't missed much - me editing and researching Scandinavia - whoopie! Oh, I know one bright spark - I finally heard from the Citizenship people about my ceremony and it's scheduled for the 27th of April!!!! That's where I get my certificate and it's all real and finished, and I can apply for a passport (heh, #3)! Woooooohoooooo - finally! Exciting! But, it's on a school night, so it won't really be that exciting. You're more than welcome to attend tho - it'll be at the grand and recently refurbished City Hall, so they'll have plenty of room. And I hear Qantas has cheap tickets lately (just checked and a round-trip flight from LA is $1,300)......! Come one, come all! I'll even pick you up and take you back to the airport - now is that service or what?!

Peace and quiet in the City.Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there, defrosting from what must have felt like an extra long winter (don't worry, we had an extra long summer, so we're even) and getting ready for what'll probably be an extra long summer. Sigh, global warming, it just sucks. Anyways, drop a line and let me know when you want me to pick you up from the airport!!!!! ;)

Happy Toowoomba residents!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...