Sunday, June 19, 2016

Rain Can't Stop Dancing Jellyfish From Eating Bad Mexican Food!

Rainy day in Brisbanetowne......

Well. Here we are on another Sunday afternoon. Although this Sunday is veeeery wet and rainy and windy. Seems like a biiiiig low has moved in all the way from the Outback and is slamming us on its way to sea by this evening. I don't mind tho. It makes the farmers in the Outback happy - some of them haven't had real rainMmmmmmmmm-MM! My favorite beer from home! for years, and we haven't had a good dose since the last quick deluge about 3 weeks ago. Always heavy and fast - it'll be nice the rest of week starting tonight. Although I still don't miss the rain after 4 years of it in NZ, a couple days of rain now and then wouldn't be so bad. We do a get a lot of sun most of the time...... But before the rain arrived all the chores were done (more or less, mainly less), the laundry folded and put away, the junk mail thrown out, etc. So now here we are with the old tyme jazz tunes, a nice, cool, standby beer (I didn't say it was exactly a cold and rainy day!) - yes, life is good!

Work - it can feel like dancing with jellyfish.
So work. Yep. Is good, was better this week than the last few, which was nice. Honestly, people. As always with work we can be quiet for a while then get slammed with work that's due like yesterday. Ahhhhh well, always happy to have decent, gainful employment!

And then there were a few weekends in there. Apologies for not checking in these last few - all's been well - no trips to the Vet! Actually, I tell a lie - no unscheduled trips to the Vet. I was at there again that first Sunday in June. But not because Lola did/ate something stupid, this was Kona's yearly Lola - alive and well. Dead birds help.exam. Now, normally I would never bother with the Vet unless they're like Lola who eat wierd stuff and have to have it surgically removed, or if they're bleeding. But the Vet/Cattery won't take them unless they've had their shots, and since I seem to check him (them, soon) in there once a year or so, well, there you go. So yes, last week was a big week for the ol' bank account. Coming into the home stretch to payday on Thursday, it's looking battered and bruised and most certainly underfed. Ahhh well, it's only monies, right??! At least the kittehs are happy and healthy, even if the bank account isn't!

And what else did I get up to besides spend money not on myself...... Oh, my friend Kim had a Pokez's in San Diego. Definitely not Pepe's in Brisbane.birthday last Tues, so I met her, her husband Carlos and a few of her friends at Pepe's, a Mexican restaurant not far from my house. Ehhhhhhhh. The first two times I went it wasn't too bad, and it's been a while since the last time so I figured it's only gotten better. Well, not that Tuesday evening. The margarita was good, and the rice and beans were good (homemade) but the Chicken Enchilada, well, not so good. Dry. Not much sauce or cheese. I had to drown it in guac and sour cream, which helped, but still. Yuck. Cooked by real Mexicans and everything. Sad. We're just too far away from proper Mexican food and that's just the sad fact of life. Very sad. And really, that's been all the excitement I can afford until Thursday.
The Office Suite......

And in that money-saving but starved for entertainment vein, I swapped my two beds around. Sit down for this excitement. Moved the nice, single bed into the guest room/office and set up the double airbed in my room. Not such a good idea in winter, even a The Air Suite.....sub-tropical winter. Airbeds don't get warm on their own outside of summertime without a bit of assistance. So, until that paycheck happens Thursday, there will be no helping it. And in the office I sleep. It's actually not bad at all. Cozy, warm, quiet. After my trip I'm even thinking of renting it out to the occasional student or maybe an AirBnB.....? It's got everything a little student would need for a couple months stay....... Hmmmmm?! 

Annnnd what else....... Planning for the Big Nordic Adventure is going well (yet another reason why the bank account is a bit stretched at the moment) - I finally booked, and paid for, the last of my A local Swede.....accommodation. Very exciting. Man, I am totally kicking myself for going through a travel agent tho. Unless you're going trekking through India or safari in Africa on your own, I can't see any earthly reason to use one, ever. Ahhhh well, life lesson #6,327 learned! But at least I was able to book my own accommodation for two cities where I'm left to my own devices, and not on a tour, for a few days. So that makes it more exciting, more real. Now all that's left to plan is the fun stuff while I'm actually there! Yippie! Exciting! Expensive!

And that's about that. Sorry again for not checking in sooner. Not much has been happening tho. Same ol' stuff that thankfully hasn't involved super expensive, unscheduled trips to the Vet. Hope you're all well and happy, and cool, up there! Gee, if you need a break from all that hot, you're welcome to come down here for a cool spell! I hear Qantas is having a sale on Premium Economy seats if two folks book at the same time (it's totally worth it!).....!

A former Brisbane resident!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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