Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Credit Cards + BBQ Chicken = Quiet Weekends

Palm, sun, sea, and sculpture in Cairns!

Well. Here we are and a month hasn't passed! Hooray! Still, it's not as good as checking in every week, yeah I know....... All is well tho, Autumn has finally arrived with much cooler temperatures and less humidity - I actually ran the heater last night, and do you know why? Yes, yes it was chilly (a bone-numbing 51.6 - hey, after months and months and months of 80-90s, 52 is freakin' freezing!), and yes there was a bit of a 'chilly' breeze, no, I ran the heater because A) I bloody well pay for it and B) Because I can!!!! It was awesome, even if I felt like a wimp. But really, living in a 'modern' apartment, well, one built 25+ years ago versus 75+, this just doesn't get old. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! So yes, the weather has been perfect, the sun is shiny and bright, the birds are happier because they can get stuff This. Is. The. Life.done without having to dive from shady branch to shady branch, hell, I can get stuff done without melting into an overheated, muggy puddle, the kittehs are happy because they can spend more time lounging out on the balcony...... So, yes, the chores have all been done, even the ironing, the dishes are waiting patiently in the dishwasher for their weekly shower, got a nice cool glass of the new standby sparkling, and of course, checking in without the hip n' groovy jazz tunes would be a crime - yes, life is good!

So. Work. Yep. Is good. Still pretty quiet but it's a nice change from the last US President's G20 visit = quiet streets!year or two. Don't get me wrong, I do like being busy, hell, it's the only thing that really makes the day zip past, but having a bit of time to sort out files, empty three year-old emails, etc, that's good too. There're always little jobs that need doing so quiet time is good for that too. Some folks don't deal with quiet time well at all, like a pseduo-coworker who just buzzes around (loudly) and pesters anyone with a pulse; thankfully other folks in my group use the time to troubleshoot stuff that has given us grief - like little mysteries in our software, creating new, quicker ways of doing stuff, that sort of thing. It's a pretty good little group I work with. And yes, so far so good having a decent gig to come to everyday (although a massive lotto win would be even more good!)!!!!

And then there were the weekends...... Quiet (nice). Feeling a need for some education, I bought that 'new' series Cosmos on blu-ray - pretty freakin' neat,La luna!and that's only the first two episodes! I highly recommend it - and Neil deGrasse Tyson is an awesome host, Carl Sagan would be proud. Otherwise....... Haven't thought of any cool dinners to make since the awesome chicken pot pie.... I'm open to suggestions?! Keeping in mind I am not even a dim shadow of Julia Childs.... Sundays I should plan to cook a good meal with leftovers when I know I have a quiet weekend. I like having good, real food to eat during the week.... Tho last week I did make my Dad's BBQ chicken - NOM is all I need to say about that. Cleaned my grill really good, hadn't done it in so long the grill had gone a little rusty. Never mind, sorted it right out with the wire brush and canola oil - just like new (almost)! I even roasted some potato and asparagus in the little toaster oven. Somehow through life I've never actually cooked roasted veggies... note to self: asparagus does not go in at the same time the potatoes do, but they came out pretty good (except for the wilted asparagus, but it was still good enough to eat!). Even used the leftover potatoes in scrambled eggs the next day - NOM! Man, I should cook real food more often..... Send meal suggestions (ummm, and tips)!

Perk #17 owning an SUV - Scooter storage space!
And well, that's been about it. Nice and quiet, which may be pretty dull for most but I like it. And really, if I'm being honest, my bank and the credit cards like my quiet weekends too, probably more than I do. The scooter is still loads and loads of fun but I have noticed one very small downside to riding it to work all the time - I don't get as much exercise as when I walk in... which is a bummer for mah butt! So I think I need to walk to work and back more often, now that my knee is feeling better....... Sorry scooter, but mah butt needs the exercise!

And that really is all. Dullsville, Queensland! But hey, all is well, everyone here at the Hacienda is healthy and happy. Even more so now that the weather hasG20 = Ghost town!cooled off, finally. We'll enjoy it while we can because it'll only be here for a month or so then it'll be back to hot and humid. Just kidding. But that's about how it feels. So until then, hope you're all well up there, and to those of you in California, if you want a nice, long shower, c'mon down, we have plenty of water, and green yards everywhere!!!!!!!!!!

Former Brisbane residents......

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...