Well. Time sure flies, eh? Sorry about that. I could've sworn I'd only missed a weekend or two....! Apologies for the radio silence. All's well here tho - the weather is lovely, bright and cool, the birds are happy out there flitting around running (flying) bird errands, got most of the chores done, laundry is happy spinning around in the dryer, kittehs are holding the chairs down on the balcony, I have a very nice sparkling rose from Jacob's Creek, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes - yep, life is good!
And then earlier this past week, on Monday, I had my first class of swing dancing (Lindy hop, Charleston, etc)! The class goes once a week for 8 weeks, 
and it was fun! I'd done a swing/ballroom class back in NYC for a few months but haven't done it since. And the best part is, it's just at the top of the hill from my house, so not even two minutes away (that link says Fortitude Valley, but I'm doing the Paddington one, same class different venue (and dates))! And another good thing about the class is, it's pretty relaxed, the teachers (guy and a gal) are really cool, not snobby, and the other folks in the class all seem all right (so far); lots of different ages and quite a few folks showed up, maybe 30 or so? I'm not good at guessing that stuff (and I wasn't about to take pictures and feel even geekier). Who knows, maybe there'll be less folks this week, or more........ Either way, it only goes for an hour once a week and it's two minutes away - I can totally do this!
Otherwise, aside from a cool hike and fun dance class, there's not been a lot happenin'. Same ol' crap - work, home, work, home, chores and spacing out on the weekend..... You haven't missed much. But I'll try to check in more often and give you the update with how the class is going and with hopefully more hikes!
Anyways, hope you're all well up there. Qantas was recently having a sale on flights to here, flying in April next year or thereabouts. I thought that was 
exciting. Well, what I thought was exciting was that it was actually kind of affordable to come down here for once, and even better, the exchange rate is in the US dollar's favor - bonus! Because it's gonna be awhile until I can get up there again - am planning a biiig trip to Scandinavia over next Xmas! Yay for Winter Adventure! Well, all depending on how it pans out with work and if we get the project work or not....... But for now, I'll be here until next Xmas, so you have a whole year and a half, with the help of a good Qantas sale, to get yer butts down here! Yeeehaw, mates!
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