Sunday, April 19, 2015

Scooting Around Weekends Full of Chicken Pot Pies!

Sparkly rain art on my way to work.....

Well. Time, she sure do fly, don't she? Jeeeeez. Sorry about that. Hopefully the weekends should clear up from now on (finally finished Breaking Bad) and I will have more free time to check in, and hopefully take more photos! Sorry for the radio silence...... But we're here now. The weekend has been good, weather has been nice, tho still a bit warm and muggy, been busy with chores, catching up with folks (yay Skype!), and this afternoon I even baked two chicken pot pies from scratch! Woooohooooo! They don't do them here, you see, and when I had an urge for a Marie Callender's chicken pot pie, which they don't sell here either, what else was a girl supposed
A rare pie bird!
to do? That's right, make it herself! So they're currently cooling on the counter in all their lovely golden glory while I check in. Dinner tonight is gonna be soooo awesome! And when I freeze the rest - more awesomeness! The kittehs have chicken bones to gnaw on, the hacienda is clean, the laundry is hanging around being all clean, got mahself some hip n' groovy jazz tunes, even got a very nice, cool glass of Jacob's Creek sparkling rose - yep, life is good!

Permanent freedom from work could be here!
So work. Yep. Is good. Was real busy there for a few weeks but that little project has wrapped up and now it's over to housekeeping and waiting for the next wave..... All is well. Our customer is happy, we're happy, well, we'd be happier if our little lottery pool actually won enough to retire on, the bosses ignore us (under the radar is gooood!), all is well, which is awesome. What's even more awesome is having a decent, stable job and a place to be everyday that pays me a livable wage - hooray!!!!

It's in here somwhere....And then there were some weekends in there. Which were mainly filled with much Breaking Bad, pizza and beer. I got on the scale the other day and yeah, pizza and beer - quick and easy to go on, ever so slow to come off........ Still, it was neat to watch the show again - sooooo good, you have to see it if you haven't already.  And what else...... Oh, I know, I did manage a trip to Ikea on this past Tuesday (took the day off, 'cos I could), I hadn't been there in ages and ages, and I have to say, this was one of those rare trips where I liked nothing in there. I spent only $39.97(!) and managed to walk out with three (OK, technically five) things - four little storage boxes (to replace the crappy photo-copier boxes that I stash stuff in and hide under the bed, which are falling apart) and a king-sized, fairly light, duvet insert, for lack of a better term. It'll be good for the light winters here. The comforter I have is all feather and made for living in NYC through the winter (coulda used it then!) and nine times out of ten I kick it off, dying of heat-stroke. So a lighter one was in order. But yes, got in and out of Ikea under $40 bucks - ahhhh-mazing. But was disappointed in their lack of neat stuff. Harrumph. Tho I could hear my bank laughing merrily as I drove away.....

Say hello to my leetle friend......!
And let's see, what else............. Oh! I know! Duuuuh. I got a new mode of transport for getting to and from work! I was inspired by my friend Amaru who has a similar one and my cranky knee..... Got it on the 19th of March (sorry for the delay in the announcement). It's a Revo Sprint electric scooter (I have the 2015 model, which doesn't appear to be on their website yet)! And the thing goes like mad! 1000 watt lithium battery that I swear I've only charged once, in addition to the initial out-of-the-box charge. It's AWESOME! Soooo zippy! From door-to-door takes about 15 minutes, where to walk takes me about 40-45 minutes (which I really don't mind tho my knee currently does) and the bus can take anywhere from 20-30 minutes, depending, which'll cost nearly $10 bucks round-trip. Coooool. I
Glamor shots all around!
can't ride it on days where it might/will rain because nothing in it is water-proof. According to the guys at work, if even a tiny bit of water gets in the cables to the battery I'll have one nice, hot hot hot fire. Eeeek. So on those days I'll walk in and take the bus home. Same with grocery store day - impossible to haul groceries on the little thing. It takes a bit of getting used to with the balancing and all, and you have to get good with the throttle 'cos that sucker is ON or off, basically, and when it's on, hang on or it'll leave without you! I love it. It's
The battery - where the magic happens!
loads of fun and gets the odd look now and then. And don't worry, am safe, I have a cool skater helmet. After having ridden it off and on over the last month, and varying my ways to and from work, I have to say the bike paths in this town suck - they begin randomly and end randomly. And the state of the sidewalks? Oy vey. Good thing the little scooter has decent shocks - and boy do they get a workout sometimes! But yes, it's awesome and heaps of fun.
All bases are covered!
At work I have to lock it up in the basement of our building with all the bicycles, but it's totally secure, employee swipe card and cameras and everything. And when I get it home, I take the battery out (because it weighs like 10 pounds on its own), fold it up and put it in the back of mah car - perfect! Saves me hauling it up and down three flights of stairs every time! It's just awesome. I highly, highly recommend it!!!!!!

Getting along..... Almost.
So, apart from a disappointing trip to Ikealand and a way awesome little electric scooter to zip back and forth to work on, that's been about it! The kittehs are getting along a little better, less knock-down drag-out fights, which is nice. The car was happy to have had the run to Ikealand, hauling stuff back or not. The hacienda is still awesome but am thinking, seeing as it's been a year May 1st, I might shove some of the furniture around, shake the place up a little..... Ooooh yeah, exciting times here in Brisbane.........! 

Gee, now I think I know why no one I know reads the little blog aside from mah folks! Ahhhh well, for the few, the interested, the bored to tears, it's really just
C'mon down!
to let everyone know all is well down here at the almost bottom of the world. Hope you're all well up there. I think I'll give up trying to get anyone to come down for a visit - it's been nine years and only my Mom and my friend Sheldon and his wife Scarlett have come to visit...... Sigh. Trust me - if I could get back to San Diego and live, I'd be there like a shot (with mah little e-scooter)!!! Anyways, hope you're all well, and hey, I hear Qantas is having a sale on flights down here! HAAA!

A gorgeous, former resident of Cairns.....
P.S. I had a piece of mah chicken pot pie...... and it was awesome! OK, a little bland, but nothing a dash of salt and pepper can't fix! First-time success! NOM!

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