Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's Been Too Long and Much BBQ Had.....!

This is Rocky, a friend's birthday present... I may keep him tho!

Well. Here we are, over a month late....... Wow. Am really sorry. I do have a couple half-decent excuses, which, now that I look, they're pretty much the same as last time's.... but more on that later. All is well here tho! The weekend has been lovely and perfect - low humidity (well, today it has been), lovely bright sunny skies and cool breezes - ahhhhh autumn really wants to arrive, even if it is a couple weeks late! Tho I noticed the weather for the end of this week is meant to get back up into the mid-90s again. Yikes. So much for autumn. Guess our weather here will be down to two seasons - cool and hot and humid, with hot and humid for most of the year. Look, we've had summer since the end of October, am sooooooo tired of it - I want to put The tiniest, most over-priced margarita ever! But sooooo good.blankets on the bed and sleep 'til 10am on weekends! Hell, I'd like to sleep 'til 10am any day of the week! Annnyways, all is well here - the birds are flitting around out there, running their errands and catching up on the latest bird-gossip, and probably gossiping about humans too for all we know.....! Have a nice cool-ish breeze, a very nice, cold, standby Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (lately, all white wine tries to kill me with headaches. I'm scared of them now. Tho champagne seems strangely, thankfully safe.....), got some lively guitar tunes from SkyFM, the chores have been done and the kitties are resting - it's hard work doing chores when you're that short with no thumbs. They get along better but still have to figure out the whole play versus kill concept. It'll take time...... But yes, all in all, life is good!

Yeah, work can feel like this most days.......
So, work. Yep. It's good. I'm busy, but not as busy as I usually seem to be, which is a nice change of pace. Still waiting for the day when our tiny little group gets moved to a quieter floor.... HR are hiring like it's a fad going out of style, so more and more folks are moving in - our fingers and toes are crossed they're all more important than us and we get shuffled away from the action! I know, I shouldn't complain - the folks I work with are pretty nice, the work won't kill me with boredom and frankly, there are worse jobs out there. Yay for decent employment!!!!

And then there were a few weekends in there. Well. Can't quite pick out any stand-alone exciting action moments, but suffice to say, errands were run, gave mah car its annual and much needed bath and wax (soooooo pretty), watchedBeats me doin' it! a lot of Breaking Bad with Bruce (just starting season 5), went out to lunch and dinner a fair bit with a few folks, oddly enough, to lots of "American style" BBQ places. I won't bore you with detailed reviews, but suffice to say the food just ain't like back home. And honestly, I walk into these places with high hopes and an open mind - not all BBQ can be like my Dad's, and he's The BBQ King. And I'm also painfully aware of how far away we are from the US, and the ingredients, while nothing you can't find here (or via the interwebs), just aren't quite the same as home, somehow. So, popular dishes seem to be sliders, wings, ribs, "southern" fried chicken, pulled pork (practically every place in town has pulled pork these days. Meh, it's Sadly, not from here. Steak Out in AZ. roast, yawn), hoagies, and chili cheese fries. There's more but you get the picture, nothing very special. Places I've been to recently include Tippler's Tap, Pit Boss American BBQ, Red Hook (hell, I used to live in the real-life Red Hook!!!!) and Carolina Kitchen (even when cooked by a North Carolina native it still wasn't all that great, tho the corn bread sure was). This whole American style BBQ n' wings is THE latest food fad to hit Brisbane, sort of along with the Mexican style craze, tho I also have yet to find any Mexico-Mexican places, it's mainly South America's take on Mexican....... Hey, again, not complaining because with allll these new places opening, at some point one of them has to be good...... Right? Right??? I live in hope. That or my Dad moves here and sets up his own restaurant. MMmmmmmm!

And really, that's about it. Oh, one of my excuses, in addition to weekends taken up with Breaking Bad and eating crappy but well-meaning American style BBQ,
Life feels like this without the little laptop........
is my poor little ol' trooper of a ten year-old laptop has had something go wrong with its hard drive and won't boot up. It starts to but then gets caught in a loop. So, it's currently on its way to hopefully be repaired......... The thing is, most of my photos are in there. Oh, sure, I have most of them on an external hard drive (well, as of August last year. Oops), but it's not just that, I love typing on it. No offense ASUS, but your keyboard sucks. Takes me too long to hammer out what I want to say. But I guess it's just getting used to it still...... So, that's sad. This new laptop isn't too bad, I guess I should use it more - to check in with the little blog perhaps?! Heh, yeah yeah yeah, hint taken computers!

Anyways, there you have it. See? Told you you haven't missed much! But yes, all is well here and I really will try to check in more often, dullsville or not! And hey, if you really want to know, get on down here and see it all for yourself! I'm not paying all this rent to have this little spare room be just an office!!! Don't make me get a little foreign exchange student, 'cos then you really will have to sleep on the sofa bed (hey - beats just the couch, which is all I had before)! So, c'mon down!

A very lovely, former Brisbane resident!

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Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...