Sunday, March 02, 2014

Baby Steps to PR and a Dead TV.........!

The Bellagio Hotel - where it rains up!

Well. Here we are on another Sunday afternoon. A little late, yes, but we're here now. Got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, got a very nice, cool glass of the stand-by white... The chores are more or less done, the laundry is out there tempting the weather, andA big-ass, scary storm we had back in 2008....... the birds, to just dump on it. It's been kind of a strange day for weather - one minute it's perfect,then it's hot and humid, then it's cool, sprinkling and breezy, then it's hot again.... But all the while there are some mean looking clouds gathering out there like a bunch of angry union activists about to strike...... So I've given up and fired up the best friend in a/c a gal in a tiny hot and gross apartment could wish for (and paid really good money for) - and now cool bliss! Yay Pinguino!

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy one minute and then dead quiet the next. I think I may have mentioned last time that they're getting rid of the only otherDo you want fries with that? editor in the building that I know of.... She leaves on the 21st of March, and she couldn't be happier, lucky thing. 'Course, she's got a husband who makes crazy money, so I'd be over the moon too if I didn't haaaaave to work. So, in light of her imminent departure, a couple folks have gotten really excited about my picking up her slack with regards to other various projects she may have once glanced at briefly a few years ago..... But the really funny thing is, if she was as busy on alllllll these other projects like they say she was, then they wouldn't've let her go on maternity leave for nearly two years without filling her position, and when she did finally come back it was only for two days a week, at best. So I'm thinking it's just a couple folks with a storm in a very tiny tea cup. They've tried to do this to me before, eventually they get the hint and go away.

Oh, I know a little bright spark - I finally got the draft PR application
Once I get PR, will have to buy one of these!
paperwork to review, amend, add to (they want my resume updated all the way back to 1996!), sign, pay for and hand in..... The gal's email said she was still waiting on work to do a couple things on their end - no surprise there - so fingers crossed I don't spend stupid money only to have the HR brain donors drop it........ I swear, I will not rest or be happy until I officially have PR and these HR idiots have nothing more to do with it. But for now, it's baby steps to the finish line..............! Otherwise work is good. Hell, really, work is always good!

And then there were a few weekends in there.... Last, last weekend I didn't check in because I was dying of a full-blown summer cold - bleck. Even took a sick day off it was kicking my butt that bad. So, by the time the weekend crept around, I was dead. All I had the energy to do was watch movies. Bummer dude.

Go ahead, move this cupboard......
And then last weekend was spent helping my neighbors (downstairs, underneath my place) move to their "new" digs. Heh, I say 'new', here the Palace is 70+ years old, theirs is about 60+ years old, but it's in muuuuuch better shape (bigger too)! The move went well and super quick - that's the one good thing about having such a tiny apartment with zero storage - it certainly makes for a quick move. They had one friend with a pick-up with a trailer, one friend with the smallest van I'd ever seen and a trailer, and then me, Dave and my RAV helping so it went pretty quick. I enlisted my friend Dave to help out- successfully bribed with pizza and beer. Lazy Sunday.....!Then, because the move went much faster than we expected, we ran a few errands, collected the pizza and the beer and watched a couple movies. Ahhhhhh! Productive yet lazy weekend! And then Sunday was catching up on the chores, helping to babysit while the soon-to-be-ex-neighbors cleaned, and getting stuff ready for another working week........ Amazing how fast the hours fly by on the weekends... It's so unfair in light of how slow the week crawls by.

Oh yeah, I know who moved in just after the neighbors downstairs moved out - my neighbors (living room-side), Tanya and Veejay (India-Indian) welcomed their first baby, a little boy! Three weeks early, the little scamp, but he's happy and healthy with an awesome set of lungs! I saw him briefly Thursday evening - he's so tiny and sooooooooooooo cute. He looks like a mini version of his father - all brown with a huge amount of black hair. So cute.

Do you want fries with that?
And then this weekend has been somewhat productive - spent yesterday getting all the PR paperwork checked and amended, and building the world's longest resume. "They" want to know what I've been up to since leaving U of A in 1996. Good grief, had to limit the resume to just a couple jobs, I was too scared to list every single one of them - they'd never get through it! 

Oh, and yesterday I pulled apart the back of my TV because it died. 3 & 1/2 years old and the other night it went "click-click" and off went the screen withEasy come, easy go......... the little flashing green light and that was the last I saw of it. Pulled it apart because I wanted to see if there was anything I could do (or vacuum) but no. It's just one big computer and any of those boards could be the dead one. Crap. Figures. Right when I really have no money to buy a new one. So it's going to be a while until I get the money saved for a new one.... Maybe April? May? Really tho, I'm not too torqued up about it, aside from watching movies, there's nothing on TV worth watching anyways. But yeah, buuum-mer dude!

Aaahhhh, Preminum Economy - Because you're worth it!
And that's about that! Still keeping an eye on the plane ticket back up thataway in July but it recently shot up an extra $1,000, so will just sit tight for a bit longer and watch what the prices do. Eeeessshh. I'll never get my head around the logic behind airline ticket pricing. Otherwise, all's well down here... Just happy February is over with so hopefully Autumn can kick this hot and humid weather outta here for good! And then it'll be lovely smooth sailing until December, November....... So if you can find a plane ticket for cheaper than what I can at the moment, c'mon down! You'll love it!

Happy, determined, residents of Mt. Coot-tha Botanical Gardens!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...