Sunday, March 30, 2014

HR Through a Whizz-Bang Vacuum!


Well. Here we are on another hot, muggy and slightly rainy Sunday afternoon. And yes, summer is still hanging on by its fingernails, and the humidity isn't in a rush to go anywhere it's wanted either. So, even tho the sun has been rising later and later, the awful summer weather is still here. Which is all a big bummer because it basically means the longerSummer lingers, but at least it can be pretty... this summer hangs around, the sooner next summer will arrive! Hmmmmm maybe will move out of the little apartment after next summer is over - get as much from the "free" a/c as I can! But enough with the whining about extra long summers (5 months of this so far, but who's counting). We still have the hip n' groovy jazz tunes (they just never seem to get old for some reason), got another nice glass of that Taylors Estate Chardonnay, got a nice little breeze - yes, life is good!
So work. Yep. Is good. Believe it or not HR finally did something to validate their existence. They waited until 4pm Wednesday the 26th to present me with HR - Leaving things so close y'can't breathe.....a permanent contract. Nice work guys, way to rally the brain cells at the last minute. So that's a pretty big hurdle - only took 3 years and 4 months but we got there in the end. Biiiiig relief too, to finally have a job with no end date. In fact, it's my first permanent job since I worked for A&E in NYC - and that was in 2000!!!! And this little permanent contract qualifies as the last bit of info to turn in for the PR application. Now the trick is for those HR brain donors to actually hand the application in......... I suppose they need a vacation tho to restore all those brain cells they exhausted getting my contract together........ Fingers crossed they actually turn the application in...... Watch this space....... But yes, I finally have a "real" job! YAAAAAAY! And say, sit tight for a wee while and maybe one day I'll be able to transfer with the company to the US (California... somewhere).....?! So there you have it - gainful employment for the long-term, foreseeable future! HOORAY!!!!!

At attention - The little BBQ.And then there were a couple weekends in there. Apologies for not checking in last weekend. Saturday was busy getting things together for the world's smallest "American" BBQ. My friend Dave came around and we watched, via the good ol' interwebs, baseball's season opener of the Dodgers and Diamondbacks down in Sydney! Oooooooh how I wish I could've been there, but never mind, the bank was pretty happy I wasn't. It was a pretty decent game too, tho the D'backs lost. Meh, am more of a Padres fan anyways.... Still, it was pretty bitchin' to have hamburgers and hot dogs, potato chips and french fries, coleslaw and potato salad while watching baseball in mah little living room! Cooooool!

And then Sunday was quiet - catching up on all the chores neglected over the week and Saturday........ Dull but necessary.

Meet Dyson DC54Animal - the most productive member of the family!And then this weekend was just as quiet, which was fine. It was a really stressful week with the fretting and worrying about my job (thank you HR for all those extra gray hairs I didn't need) so by the time Friday rolled around, I was absolutely beat. In fact, I meant to do all the chores yesterday but just couldn't gather enough energy. Although, I did manage to clean the bathroom and vacuum - with the world's coolest vacuum cleaner going! Wooohoooo! PrettyThis thing sucks. good to have a real vacuum cleaner. Life is sooooo much easier with one that actually works amazingly well! I could probably vacuum these floors for a week straight and never pick up everything that lives in there (~shudder~). And it's something to just look at too. Vereeeee modern. Space-agey. I love it. Highly recommend it. And then that was all the energy I had for the day. I know, dull dull dull.

And today was meant to be slightly more productive than it's turned out to be. The owner was having a repair dude
Kona - Ever the rebel.come out to fix up a couple of bald patches in this supremely crappy carpet (of which, amazingly, the vacuum cleaner only ate a little of) around the little apartment. But no. At 9.30am the owner showed up to tell me the guy wasn't coming because he was "sick" (hhhrrmmmm 'hangover' more like, but maybe he has a 24-hour flu. It could happen....... Naaahhhh!) And for a second I was terrified the owner was going to try to fix it himself as he thinks he's a dab hand at being a handyman (he isn't really, but he thinks he is and who am I to tell him otherwise - the collapsing, rotting Palace is testament to his prowess as a useful owner/handyman). So who knows when this dude is meant to come around, probably while I need to be at work.... Hmmm. In a fit of insanity, I offered to pay for half if the owner took out all the carpet and
Napping can be work in itself. put vinyl flooring in. He appeared really confused at that, just muttered something about demolishing the place in a few years. Maybe he works in HR? So the rest of today has been laundry, grocery shopping and general fluffing around. The weather bureau has threatened wicked storms, but that warning was issued at 9.30am and it's after 2pm and we haven't had much more than sprinkles.... And wait, is that sun? Hmmmm. Maybe I will bake... something? Naaah, too hard when it's 90% humidity.... Maybe will watch an episode of something on the little laptop as the TV is still dead dead dead......? Naaaah, too couch potatoey.....Maybe I'll sew something....? Ooooh, so many options to be productive! Then again, napping is productive.....!

So there you have it. Gainfully employed for the foreseeable future and have happily welcomed the coolest vacuum ever to the family. It's been a good couple of weekends. Honest, every weekend of summer means it's gotta end sometime and then you'd be more than welcome to c'mon down! So get planning and c'mon down already!

 Happy resident of Monterey, Calif!

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