Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ordinary Weekend........

Ekka Ferris Wheel Fun, 2009

Well. Here we are, another Sunday afternoon. The weather has been absolutely, perfectly, winter gorgeous. Crisp, clear nights with bright sunny, blue sky days - ahhhhhhhhhhh! The birds are happy, the crows are even happy, got the laundry done, got the hip happenin' jazz tunes, even got the nice, cool glass of stand-by white wine (Stoneleigh, this time) - life is good!

So work. Yep, is good. Thankfully not much happening, not too busy, which is good, really. We're getting to the end ofNot my co-workers, thankfully. I wouldn't last five seconds.... the financial year (Australia's end is June 30th), so we're sort of sitting back waiting to see the size of the bucket of dough the defense department gives our customer, Mr. Classic/Super Hornet Technical Publications..... That'll determine how busy we will or won't be into the next financial year......... Here's hoping the bucket is big enough to include some dough to extend mah little contract come March.............? Otherwise, all is well. Happy to have good, gainful employment with nice folks, as always!

And then there's been the weekend. Started off quite well Friday with meeting
Happily, we didn't see such visions as the label suggested.......
a couple gals for a few birthday champagnes. Ahhhhhh, thankfully everyone is a grown-up (more or less) and everyone drank to that lesser-known Greek god, Moderation, and arrived home at a humane hour upright and fairly sober. In fact, it was just early enough that on my way home I stopped into a brand-new place that's just opened kind of near my apartment (on the way home anyways) called Lefty's Old Time Music Hall. Basically, it's 1900's old west meets French 1920s burlesque (err, minus the burlesque dancing girls), with many stuffed deer and moose, even a little black bear, a very angry monkey and two peacocks, hanging on the walls, complete with background music byLefty's, but leaning righty...... and darkly...... Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, Dolly Parton, etc......... It's style and atmosphere is hard to explain, so read a review here....... It must have just opened for the evening as I was only the fourth person in there holding a drink (a table of three gals beat me to it). It was interesting and too soon to tell if it goes the "cool" way or the silly, pretentious trying-to-be-hip way..... Their menu apparently includes po' boys, sloppy joe's and onion rings. Hmmmm. They have a popcorn Where the deer and the antelope no longer play.......machine at the end of the bar for anyone interested (free). Ehhh, it could be fun, we can only hope and wait and see! Then I tootled home where as soon as I changed my clothes and sat on the couch with a glass of wine, I was asleep. Woke up around midnight, wine untouched, and after that lovely three hour nap, I was fulla beans but still dead tired. Crap. I hate when I do that. Guess by the end of the week I'm a lot more tired than I think I am.

Saturday, after waking up close to ten, organized mahself to the do the laundry and general fluffing around. Later, watched "Ordinary People", Robert Redford's first directing gig with Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore and a young and way awesome Timothy Hutton (who even won an Oscar for his performance, he was that good). It was a little heavy but way good. And you hardly noticed that it was made in 1980 (gasp), it held up that well. Highly recommend it!

And today has been more fluffing around and very quiet. Took the car out for a little spin and promptly got caught in a traffic jam (on a Sunday afternoon
Ahhhhh, lovely Yamba!
people?!). Meh. I had nowhere specific to be, just wanted to see if I could find this mall I sometimes go to via bus (I did, just after the furry traffic jam). Once I get back from my jaunt home, will have to organize a trip outta town for mahself for a few days, like up to Noosa or back down to Yamba....... I would go over Xmas but everyone and their mother and dog goes out of town (mainly to beaches) at Xmas, therefore all the accommodation is booked out months and months in advance. No, best to go out of season, away from the kids' school breaks, during the week, like Mon-Fri kinda time. Head home when they're all heading in. Because once you get out of the main towns, there ain't a whole lot out there and the little bit that is only has, say, one or two hotels (small) and a few campgrounds. And while I don't mind camping, I possess no gear and nowhere within my tiny digs to store said gear if I had it, ergo, it's a hotel for me, for now. So yes, will have to organize a little local escape when I get back.......... Plus, the photos sure need updating.......

And that's pretty much that! Quiet, yes, but all is well. Trying to save for the trip home and by not venturing too far from the little apartment on the weekends helps me save dough, more or less. So I hope you're all well and happy up there! And if you need a break, c'mon down - the weather's fine!

Happy Jacarandas, Grafton

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