Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pirates with Cookies and Window Dressings....!

Water fountain art, High Street, Auckland NZ 2011

Well. Here we are on another lovely Sunday afternoon. The birds are out there running their errands, the crows are, well, crowing at anything and everything.... The day has been lovely and warm, breezy and sunny, which is kind of strange considering most of the week was nothing but wind and rain and cold. Then this weekend has been perfect. Funny ol' weather. Not complaining tho - usually it's the opposite - cold and rainy on the weekend and lovely and perfect on Monday! But, we're here now - got a nice cool glass of stand-by bubbles, Hardys RR (it's, like, totally way cheap, but soooooo good!), got the cool jazz tunes, got the cat snoring away in his chair - life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Alllllmost finished with The Book No One Wanted. Still a bit of work to do on it but the worst has passed. It's pretty quiet for the
"Stay Out" Auckland City Council fencing...... Airplanes?
time being, which is nice. In fact, so quiet and so nice that I decided to take my 'one day off a month' tomorrow - so, no Monday for me - woooooooo hoooooooo! Nothing planned, just sleeping in and not working! Heck, I may even celebrate having Monday off for free by staying in my jammies and watching Magnum PI episodes all day! Otherwise, work is good. Always happy to have gainful employment that isn't a struggle to even get out of bed to go do. Awesome! 

And The other side of the wee kitchen - where some of the magic happens!then there has been the weekend. Pret-ty quiet. Chores yesterday, baking chocolate chip cookies today. Thrilling stuff, but the bank is happy and that's what counts. Found this recipe that promised me soft, fluffy and chewy cookies. Nope. Maybe I bake them too long or too hot, but mine always always come out little crunchy things. Hmmmm. Then again, it may be my little toaster oven - it doesn't cook anything evenly or at a normal temperature....... And, well, yep - that's been the weekend. Dullsville, Queensland.

I made that curtain! 
Oh, and last weekend's burst of creativity of the bathroom curtain came out a pretty good success, although it needs... something....... I'm thinking a couple tassels and some fringe......! If I knew how, I'd even add some rosettes...... My vision was some sort of pirate's curtain, like something out of that bedroom diorama in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at D'land..... But of course, limited by my skills, I get what I get........ But kinda proud of it. Hmmmmm.....! 

And that's really about it! Nothing very exciting, again, but you know the routine - saving to visit the Motherland...........

So there you have it. I hope you're all well up there........... Oh, hey, delightful new discovery - my
Cholula - in my grocery store! Weeeeeeeee!!!!
grocery store can't organize themselves to carry corn tortillas (but they magically offer like 10 versions of flour tortillas....), but somehow they've cottoned on to Cholula hot sauce (my hands-down favorite ever)! I was so surprised I took a picture. Well, I took a photo mainly because I was so stunned to see it on the shelf and as proof that they once stocked it - things I like have a way of vanishing from the store after a couple months......... And they've also started carrying real, proper, fresh Live! Hot, Nude, Chiles!chiles - not just strange preserved pickled stuff that costs a fortune - awesome!!!! I mean, the chilies are there to feed the locals' obsession with making Thai or Indian food, which is fine, just happy to see some real fresh chilies at last! Hooray! Happily, the place is slowly but surely getting there. So c'mon down, I'll make you some homemade Mexican food! Nom!

Resident at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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