Well. Here we are yet again, almost like clockwork (it's an old, cranky clock), on a bright, sunny, late Sunday afternoon. The day has been beautiful, warm, breezy and sunny. Everybody is happy, even the cranky ol' crows sound kinda happy for once. It's trying its best to be winter in
So work. Yep, is good. Trudging along as one does from one holiday day off to another..... Thankfully we get a three-day weekend around the 10th of June to celebrate the Queen's Birthday. Yay! Oooooh, gosh, I hate to say it, but what will Australia do when the Queen finally shuffles away to her celestial journey.....??? Oh noes, we can't have a day off taken away......!? Maybe they could call it Motherland Day instead....? Hmmmm...... Anyways, work is good. Making excellent progress on The Book No One Wanted (it's, basically, called a "Battle Damage Manual" - it tells them how to fix a broken fighter jet during wartime), and am proud for all the technical, computer programy stuff I've learned. Tho I have heard the rumor that the gal am sort of occupying her space/job while she decides if she wants to
And then there was the weekend. Quiet, quiet and quiet. Saturday, did the laundry and some stuff on the computer - actually, was researching new blog publishers and found one with WordPress tho have a lot of work to do to set it up, customize it, load up photos (gee, here's hoping it plays nicer with photos than this one does).... Oddly enough, in most of my searches, this Blogspot or Blogger, or whatever it's now called through Google, comes in at one of the highest rated..... Hmmmmmm. Reading folks' reviews and such, it made me wonder if it would even be worth the pain and trouble of moving to a new publisher....... Maybe I should just spend some

And that's that! Quiet, but on purpose. It's in mah

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