Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holiday Times Are Here Again!

Festiveness at South Bank!

Well. Here we are, although a bit later than I intended. I think I just plum forgot to check in last weekend, which is weird but no surprise considering how hot and muggy it's been (it is still summer after all and will be until, ohhh about March. Ugh), and when it's that hot and muggy and I'm here in this little toaster-oven of an apartment, my brain goes to mush and I forget stuff, or rather, other stuff takes priority (like a man-glass of ice water, the fan and episodes of magnum PI). And also, when it's that hot I don't like to have the little computer on, not after running it in wicked heat a couple summers ago and it died, like dead died. So call my being late self/computer-preservation! But, we're here now! Thankfully it's not as hot and gross today as it usually is and therefore my brain (and computer) should work! And to help with it not being so gross today, there's a good breeze that actually seems to help, got some hip n' groovy lounge tunes courtesy of my favorite internet radio station ev-er, SkyFM, got a man-glass of ice water (never fear, the standby glass of cool white wine will come shortly) - life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Has been bloody busy right until the bitter end, just before we went on the Xmas break. Thankfully tho, I made such a good dentAnother day at the office.... in my list with the little red flags that when I get back there'll only be a couple things do to, not the standard 20 or so that had been staring at me. Whew! Still, happy to have the work while I can! And there's still no word about my contract ending in March, if the gal who's job I'm sort of babysitting will come back (from having her kid)...... We had a gal quit but no word yet if they'll replace her, then again she was only part-time..... So a lot of unknowns with my job at the moment....... I'd look for other work but don't think the good want ads will be fired up until the end of Jan, early Feb...... worth a look tho.... but yes, hrmmm indeed. All I can do is show up, bust my rump and hope for the best!

And then there were the weekends...... Last, last Sandy Holiday Fun!weekend I did some stuff...... trying to remember... I know, that Saturday I got a bit of cabin-fever and went on a good walk over the StoryMore Sand Castley Fun! Bridge, down and around Kangaroo Point, along the river and over to South Bank where I stopped for some much-needed air-conditioning and lunch at the Ship Inn.... Then continued on to the galleries, stumbling across the cooooooolest Sandy Cookaburra and Sulfur Crested Cockatoo!sand castle(!) along the way, but by the time I got to the galleries they'd closed for the day, and then finally treating mahself to a bus ride home! Whew! Was a good walk but hot. See, the day starts offNo idea who this is supposed to be....... nice and normal but the heat sneaks up on you and before you know it, you're a little melted puddle of person. And that Sunday... why didn't I check in.....? Maybe all I did was that walk and chores and I figured no one would be remotely interested? Probably what I was thinking. I'm pretty sure naps were involved......

And last weekend, I'm pretty sure I really did get up to nothing. It was Fishing under the Story Bridge......getting to the end of work and stuff so it was all I, or anyone else, could do to hold it together until the break. Kind of a head down and just keep going until it's over kind of thinking...... Again, I'm pretty sure naps were involved tho. Although this past Monday, the 24th, I did head into town to met my friend Kim for a few glasses of pre-Xmas champagne at the lovely atrium bar at the Hilton (one of our favorite spots)... That was dangerously nice. Then I headed towards home for some lunch and to see the new James Bond "Skyfall" (yes, again. Hey, I liked it!). That was a really nice day. The kind of day I could totally get used to... Now if only I could buy a winning lottery ticket.....!

And then there was Xmas. I unfortunately didn't spend it as the token orphanJan, Quinn (little person) and Milo (errr, little dog)! with the Adcock family as I've done for the past 5 years, no, I joined my friend Jan and her family for an equally nice and relaxed day. Again, the food was fantastic, as always. This whole thing of having cold and BBQ'd Everybody has to cool off at Xmas!seafood - scallops and prawns and Moreton Bay Bug (it may not sound at all pleasant, but I assure you it most certainly is!), just never gets old. And there was also the obligatory traditional hot food - ham with chestnuts, veggies, and just more food (and drink) than folks could possibly eat. It wasn't a big crowd, just her immediate family and nieces, their husbands and kids, and dogs of course - of which there were Pups have the right idea!four! Finally, come the afternoon it was time for a dip in the pool - lead by the dogs! I neglected to bring my "togs" (locals' term for bathing suit. Cute, isn't it?) but from the looks on the pups' and people's faces, it looked like a good idea. It was a really niiiiice day. Nice that so many folks are so willing to have an orphan crash their Xmas!

And then Thursday I thought I'd be brave and take mahself Post-Post-Xmas Crowds at Ikeato Ikealand, thinking people would have gotten it all out of their system by then. Oooooooh was I ever so wrong. It actually looked a lot worse than it turned out to be; guess folks just wanted the cheap breakfast and no shopping. I of course can't leave the place empty-New 'Welcome Home' View!car'd, having successfully brought home a new laundry basket (biiig, wicker, nice, like normal people as opposed to my old canvas folding bag/stand), a new rug (errrr, photos to come) and a new plant-stand. I had this kind of sorry group of potted succulents I'd been looking at and nursing along for years now, just outside my front door. Well. I decided I was sick of looking at their sorry selves when I'd get home in the evening after work, hence the new stand and couple of plants (I'll let you guess which of the three are real and which are falsies!). I really like it. Funny how just a couple little things can change an outlook.

And then here we are now, Sunday afternoon, just before New Years, back to Much better than those poor half-dead on Wednesday........ Man, I wish I was independently wealthy. Not sure about plans for New Year's.... probably pizza and games with the usual suspects like we've done the last, what, three years I think? Otherwise, movies and bed? I've never really been a big huge New Year's person, even when I lived in NYC. Huh. Maybe one year it'd be fun to splash out and go to one of those massive parties like in the movies where you have to dress nice, wear a sparkly party hat and are always holding a glass of champagne? That'd be fun. Once. I guess to me, my "New Year" is mah birthday - that starts my new year of stuff, not some silly Romans telling me when to do stuff! But either way, it's a couple more days off work!

So there you have it. Sorry for not checking in. I'll try to be better at it, no matter if it's Adventures or Chores! Otherwise, I hope you're all well and happy up there! Hey, if you think you can't take the winter any longer, c'mon down and defrost Queensland style - we'll have you melted in no time!

Happy Geraniums at Pier 39, SF!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

9 Days Into Summer..........

Busy Beeee Sculpture - Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens

Well. Here we are, another sunny Sunday afternoon. The birds are all happy because it's not as stinking hot and humid like it has been and no scary storms to blow them off their branches. Got the swingin' jazz tunes courtesy of SkyFM, have a nice, cool glass of a new Sauv Blanc - Giesen, from Marlborough in New Zealand. Eh. Tastes a lot like the others from the same region. But it's not un-drinkable! Got a nice breeze which helps to push the warm air around...... Ahhhhh summer!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still crazy busy but this coming week should be good - we have our team Xmas party on Friday, which will consist of a scavengerEscape in the Clem Jones 7 Toll Tunnel hunt followed by lunch and drinks at the Ship Inn at Southbank. Eh, I've been there a few times before when I worked at the school down the road there...... Meh. Wouldn't've been my first choice but there aren't very many of us, it's away from where everyone else at work will be and it's cheap - and who can argue with that! I think everyone is just happy that we're near our little break. I know I am, not for any other reason that I can catch up on sleep (hahahaha - funny, considering my neighbor's baby is due any minute now) and stuff around the little apartment, like filing, tossing out unused stuff, boring forced-vacation stuff like that. I personally would rather work the 3 days over that Xmas week, save my precious vacation days for a real, non-religious vacation, and try as I have, still no potatoes. Work isn't falling for it. I've told them I plan on using them later in the year on a real vacation, but there's no budging Dancers Warm-Up at Multicultural Festival, 2011them. Harumph. And that's if I even get past March and my contract expiration......... And in developing news, we just had a part-time gal quit (am so jealous. I totally wish I could be a housewife who didn't have to work). So not sure what that means for me come March...... Hopefully they'll keep me around while they figure out what to do?? Otherwise work is good. Busy. Happy to have the "fun tickets" (as my manager calls paychecks) while I can! 

And then there has been the weekend. Yesterday was quiet yet productive in a choresy launderyey kinda way. With the obligatory two hour nap, of Laundry Day...course. And that was pretty much that. And today, much the same sans nap, replaced with a spin around Mt. Coot-tha with my heavily pregnant neighbor. Needless to say, it's been a very quiet weekend. In my only defense, I've been so busy at work that by the time I get home during the week, I'm too tired to do anything that would open a weekend up for fun instead of chores and napping. By the time Saturday comes, all I want to do is eat, sleep and watch episodes Magnum PI. Sad, I know. If only I had a duller job or I wasn't, again, having to sing for my supper and dance-monkey-dance so I can try to keep my job in March, I'd probably have more oomph. But in saying that, one of my favorite bands, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, is coming to the Sydney Opera House at the end of February, playing with the Sydney Symphony orchestra. Now, seeing as I've lived here for six and a half years and haven't seen him once (they're an Australian band), usually I hear about his shows Sails or "Papal Tiaras"?after he's been and gone, I found out about this show and was all over the interwebs like white on rice come sale day. Managed to get myself a pretty good ticket too. So am off to Sydney for a few days at the end of February! Hooray! I like Sydney, the little of it I've seen, and have been thinking of a reason to get back there. Of course the concert is on a Wednesday (with shows on the Tuesday and a Thursday show added after I bought my Wed ticket, of course), so will hang around and scope the place out until Saturday. Cooooooool! So there's a little Adventure to look forward to! Yay!

And that's about that. Quiet, yes I know, but am so busy during the week, it'sAhhhhhhh, Port Douglas! so hot on the weekends....... yeah yeah yeah, you've heard it all before...... But never mind. Hope you're all well up there gearing up for winter? Well, if you need a break from dreary snow and ice, you're more than welcome to come to Brisbane to defrost, which you'd do seconds after getting off the plane!


 Yay for Yamba!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Home Is Where the Hot Is......

Ekka Ferris Wheel... Cages....!Hi!

Well. Here we are. A little late, but I'd mentioned that last week/end was going to be a busy one. And it was. But in a good way! So here we are now, a hot, breezy day, thankfully the humidity isn't as bad as it can be (what the hell, it's the second day of summer, this is it until March...), got some way cool French tunes courtesy of my new fave ever internet streaming radio station(s) SkyFm (I can't recommend them enough), got a very nice, cold glass of iced tea (thank you wicked strong Australian sun) - life is good!

So work. Yep, is good, still bloody busy, but that's ok, I'd rather beA Typical Day At Work... busy and am always happy to have gainful employment while I can. Still no idea what's happening come March when I'm due to expire....... Fingers crossed!? Otherwise we're in the homestretch until a week off for Xmas........ that'll be a nice break. Nice to have more than 2 days to get stuff done and rest!

And there were a couple weekends in there..... But before them Street Art - Fitzroy, Melbournethere was the week - that was most excellent! Tuesday evening went and heard my favorite crime writer (well, living anyways) Ian Rankin talk about his new Rebus book, and subsequently had it signed (!), and also geekily learned that the main character, Rebus, isn't loyal to any one single malt scotch like I kinda thought he was. He said "Rebus drinks what I do!". How funny. Am such a geek. But before then, while killing time and because I'd come straight from work and was kinda hungry, I had a couple glasses of champagne and a salmon tasting platter from the attached Watt Restaurant (was gooooooooooood!), right there next to the river, it was lovely! I should take mahself out more often! Shame the talk didn't go for longer than 45 minutes/an hour, but it was good nonetheless. Always neat to learn stuff from highly successful writers.....!

And then Thursday I took the day off to go see the new James Bond "Skyfall"!!!! It was goooooood! Also managed to buy two new pairs of jeans (uh, yes, even tho it's summer, I'll be ready for next winter......) and to get a pedicure and manicure - a right proper bored housewife kinda day! The kinda day I could totally get used to, if only I was a bored housewife....... But the movie (and martini and caviar and prosciutto......) was fantastic! Well worth the wait and worry over MGM going bust! If you like James Bond, this one was better than most of them. It had a decent story (I know, novel idea right?) and it wasn't silly with the special effects. All I can say, without giving much away, is to go see it!

Then last weekend was good but also busy - did the chores (yawn) then Kim's House in th' 'hood of Strathpine!headed up to my friend Kim's house to hang out, eat pizza and watch "Finding Nemo" (always have time for pizza and Nemo!). Then Sunday headed over to Jason and Clare's for Rhys' third birthday party (apologies for spelling his name wrong previously. Gotta keep up with these "modern"/European names......), which was fun and always nice to catch up with everyone - we haven't had a pizza and games night in ages, so it was nice to see the usual suspects after so many months of busy-ness!

And then there was this weekend..... Positively dull in comparison...... Since it's been so hot, well, yesterday all I had the energy and will to do was one load of laundry, a nap, made sun Serial Killer!tea and watched what felt like 10 episodes of Magnum PI...... Ahhhhhhhhhh Saturday! And today, with slightly more energy due to less humidity, managed to get  two more loads of laundry done and some computer stuff...... which brings us to now! All I can say is it's a crying shame we only get two days out of seven to do what we want/need. Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there. All is well here... Kona is now what I'd deem a 'serial killer', having successfully taken down Young Rat #2 (bleck, but better dead than eating my food and spreading plague). Good boy! And that's about it from here in Brisbane! Drop a line sometime - tell me your news (all one or two of you reading this.......)!

Frangipanis in the Botanical Gardens, Toowong (Brisbane)

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...