Sunday, September 11, 2011

Foxed by Ikea and Other Chores.....


Well. Here we are, Sunday late afternoon. Just early enough to catch the strange show-tunes radio show (a bit of Tony Bennett, Marlene Dietrich, you get the idea..... ) as I wait for the way cool j
azz tunes radio show. The afternoon is warm and breezy, the birds aren't as chatty as they usually are, but that's probably because it's been so incredibly windy (and chilly at night) over the last couple of days - they're too busy clinging to their branches to want to talk about anything! Missed checking in last weekend but I had a very "constructive" reason...... So here we are, got the nice, cool stand-by glass of white wine (Verse 1 Sem. Sav. Blanc) - life is good!

So work. Work is good. I
n fact, it's, like, totally awesome! I was "head-hunted" (conversation in a kitchen between me and my "new" boss) by another department to come and help them (indefinitely, from the looks of things) with their technical publications - their F/A-18 publications to be exact! So have been learning lots and lots and actually being helpful to a group of people! Imagine that?! Sweet! It's not so much editing-editing, more technical publishing, managing electronic documents through the systems, but learning lots and helping lots, which is a hell of a lot more than I do in my usual department. And the best part is is that my Boss is all for it! Tho he reminded me, after I enthusiastically updated him as to how things in their team were going, that I would eventually have to come back to his department. I kind of laughed and tried to assure him I would..... I really like it with this new team. They're friendly, nice, smart, thankful for my help, it's awesome! Like being on a temp gig except I know the people and where the kitchen and toilets are. I'm totally digging it. Hooray for work!

And then there were the weekends. Last weekend was pretty quiet, chores, etc, that is, until
Sunday. Sunday I went to Ikea with the cool new car. Pret-ty exciting. I had such a good time I went through the place twice. First time was to pick up all the stuff I "needed" and the second run through was to look for ideas. Like I need them. After the first run I got to mah car with alllllll my stuff (still in carrier bags, forgetting that I'm allowed to use a shopping cart - I'm that trained to only buy what I can carry), loaded it all up (even had to put one set of seats down for the long mirrors - cooool) and I stood there thinking, 'well, I have all this time, no buses to catch, I might go through and take my time and look at stuff'. So I did. Still spent $150 that second time but it was worth it to have a bunch of stuff including plastic hangars that won't snap in half like all my other non-Ikea ones have! And yes, it was just so awesome to have my own big wheels to haul it all home in. And haul it home in reasonable time. Before, it would take me 3 buses each way and almost 2 hours each way just to get there, never mind actually shopping, checking out and waiting for 3 more buses and two more hours to go home. That would take all damn day. This time I could actually take my time and browse, like normal people. It was really pretty awesome. So got home and got stuck right in putting it all together, hanging it all up. For years I've been meaning to buy a zip-line to hang curtains from to separate my bed from the rest of the room as you walk through it. Hard to explain so I tried to take a picture. I think it looks way bitchin'. And then I bought a new bedside table. That bastard took me over 3 hours to put together because they left out a fairly major step (actually attaching the drawer runners to the inside). Shame it took me that long to figure it out but I got there in the end. And I'm this close to writing to them to tell them they missed a big step. But I got it and I like it. My goal is to sell most of my things on eBay and with that money, replace it with new stuff. What can I say - my place is super teeny and I get pretty sick of looking at the same stuff all the time. Plus, they're finally coming out with more space-saver furniture/stuff. They had tons of it in NYC but because Australians have the largest houses on the planet, Ikea here doesn't think space-saving, but they're slowly realizing that not everyone can afford to live in a 3,000 square foot palace. Some of us live in teeny inner-city palaces. At least my cordless drill finally got a good workout! So that was last weekend! Hooray for Ikealand!
And this weekend, well, it started off pretty well Friday night with pizza and games at Jason & Clare's, which is always an excellent night that goes too quickly. And Saturday and Sunday were finishing hanging my mirrors and patching some of the holes I'd drilled, and the usual chores of course. I guess maybe I have a bit of
spring/cabin fever where I have this incredible urge to get rid of everything and go minimalist. Just have to figure out this eBay thing............

So there you are. Sorry I didn't check in last weekend, but as you can see I was foxed by an Ikea bedside table. Hmmmm. But never mind. I hope you're all well up there. Gee, I heard all about the power-outage in San Diego, bummer. But I was happy to hear the only "looting" that was halfheartedly done was booze. How funny. Any other city, stores would've been set on fire with trashcans through the windows. San Diego, what do they "loot"? Not water, not batteries, not food - booze. Excellent. I love San Diego. I hope everyone survived ok and learned a lesson to have a flashlight, a battery-operated radio and food! You just never know! I guess I only say that because we're starting to come in to our storm season and the only thing I have is candles. Remember those wax lips we'd get out trick-or-treating? Yeah, you could never really eat those, hard as we'd try. So your power outage reminded me of what I don't have but what I'll need for our lively storm season coming up. That is, if it's anything like last year or a few years previous....! Gotta be prepared! So yes, drop a line and let me know how you all are! Like I said, we're into Spring - perfect weather for checking the place out - c'mon down!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...