Monday, August 29, 2011

Wheel Into a Quiet Weekend......


Well. Here we are. Monday evening, am late again. This seems to be a
regular occurrence these days........ But never mind, here we are - the evening is kind of cloudy and cool, only a few more days until it's officially Spring! Hooray! But I spoke too soon heralding the return of those lorikeets.... not just yet, but boy, those crows are busy and loud! Still, have got the nice glass of standby white wine, groovy jazz tunes through the fancee pants TV, life is good!

So work. All is well, tho still dead quiet. A guy has threatened to give me some work, not sure how much or what exactly (helping him write something, I think he said), so that's exciting. We moved from the 7th floor to the 12th floor this morning (I like my old spot better, but there you go). Hee hee, a few weeks ago a gal who lives on the 13th floor told us when she moved to a higher floor she said to allow extra elevator travel time when heading home in the evening - it takes longer to get down at rush hour! Hadn't thought of it that way, but will heed her advice..... Don't want to be stuck in the building any longer than I get paid to! Otherwise all is well!

And then there was the weekend. Pretty quiet really. It rained all day Saturday but I managed to get all the laundry done.... But after 3 loads of laundry my enthusiasm for doing the rest of the chores had ebbed away. Instead, I decided a little drive around in the rain was called for! I kinda just wanted to see how quiet/noisy/safe the new car is in the rain, and how safe I'd feel. It's awesome and people can see me (well, you know how I mean, it being fairly big and white and all)! Boy it's sure nice to drive. It's quiet, solid, safe, I like it. So the rain excursion was a success. Excellent!

And then Sunday. It was even quieter than Saturday. Like really quiet, like the motivation to do anything had vanished completely. And the weather was even perfect - happy, warm and sunny all day, yet I just couldn't motivate myself to do anything more than read and watch the first few episodes of Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Tho I did manage to take a few nice glamor shots of the new car (our first nice, sunny day since last Saturday when I should've taken pictures then). Oh, and I had a 3 hour nap (and still managed to go to bed on time and sleep like the dead through til the alarm). Guess I needed a break. Which brings me to why I'm checking in on a Monday instead of yesterday. Yeah, that's how unmotivated I was. Happens every now and then but I'm glad I did it. Guess I needed the rest. Plus I had to get the book I was reading back to the library as it was way overdue and the videos were due this morning.... Plus, I mean, I have to leave myself something to do at work all day and writing the little blog is a perfect way for me to not only catch up, but look busy at the same time - bonus!

So there you have it. A dull little weekend..... but then, I guess not every weekend can be full of Adventures! Gotta save my monies and energies! Otherwise, hope you're all well up there. As I mentioned earlier, Spring is nearly here, so only a few more months to enjoy this weather before summer fires up (bleck)! And I hope those folks in the firing line of that nasty storm got through it all OK...... 'Tis the season!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...