Sunday, September 18, 2011

World Cup Full of Chores to Sell


Well. Here we are. Sunday evening. Got the hip and groovy jazz tunes with Mal Stanley on ABC radio; got the cool glass of Rosemount standby white wine; not too many twittering birds out there this weekend, but that is certainly due to the fact that we've had a snap heatwave. In my teeny apartment, both Saturday and today, it got up to 90 degrees, 60% humidity. Yuck. No idea where this came from because we're supposed to have just started Spring for cryin' out loud. So needless to say most of the poor local birds must be down at Southbank at the public man-made beach there. Or somewhere else not in my trees......... So yes, tunes, sunset and cool wine on a hot day - life is good!

So work. Yep. It's good. Still awesome to have work to do and a team to actually help! Even tho I wasn't as busy this past week as my first week, I just know I was still helpful. They haven't told me not to come back yet! Next on their list of things to get me to help them with is to learn Corel (the old-school drawing tool that preceded things like Photoshop and Illustrator... why they still use it am not sure........ could just be because the F/A-18 manuals are old-ish and that's just what the illustrations are in..... Hmm.) so I can help the one guy with the drawings. Cool! Learning new stuff is always way bitchin'! And my old department, well, it's still there. I make sure to say hi to my Boss once a week or so and let him know what's happening. He's afraid I won't come back..... Hmmmm. So yes, work is, like, totally awesome! And am still working on all this Permanent Residency stuff for them...... Next on the list is the required health checks - x-rays, blood, basically every bodily fluid and whatnot they want to check to ensure I don't burden their medical system. I had to do this when I went for PR in NZ, if only I could hand in all those results and x-rays, I'd save myself $317 bucks!

And then there were the weekends. Pretty quiet really. Saturday was laundry and tidying. I'm determined to sell some stuff on eBay, so I've taken pictures of most of the things I want to sell (that took a good part of the day), including my desk, TV stand, boots, scooter jacket and helmets, oh, all kinds of stuff, and that all involved cleaning, trashing and filing. Now I have a nice clean desk and great pictures of my stuff! Plus, I had to take apart my couch so I could disconnect the "L" shaped loungey bit and just have a straight 3-seater couch. It's the chaise loungey bit that I want to sell. What a mission, but it feels good to get rid of stuff (hopefully people will buy it) and hopefully make a buck or two for once instead of leaving it on the street or making a trip to Salvation Army like I usually do. Fingers crossed! I hear you can get addicted to this eBay lark..... good thing I A) have a teeny apartment and B) can't afford to buy that much disposable stuff! Say nothing of not possessing an addictive personality (thank you good genetic line)!

And today was more chores and a good go at this whole eBay thing. Took me a few hours to finally figure out what to do, but I'm pretty sure I managed to list that beast of an air-conditioning unit that has taken over a corner of my teeny kitchen...... I put it up for auction and we'll wait and see if I did it right before I go crazy and list everything. I didn't know that you're limited to only selling like 10 things or making $2,500 a month. Huh. Why put limits? Who cares? I suppose it's to stop "professionals", however that would work....... I just want to get rid of my clutter!!!! So will keep you posted how this eBay fun goes!

And that's about that. Oh, won't be checking in next weekend (well, maybe Monday) because am off to Wellington, New Zealand for the Rugby World Cup match between the US and Australia (Australia's so gonna win, I'll just get that on the record now)! A friend had tickets to nearly every game, which he'd bought for himself and his girlfriend. Well, they broke up and needless to say he had a spare ticket - sweeeeeet. Sad they didn't work out, but bonus for me! So he and I are off first thing this Friday morning (the game is Friday evening). Saturday we're planning to go on a winery tour for half the day around Marlborough (which will involve taking the ferry from Wellington to Picton, at the top of the South Island, something I've never actually done, so am looking forward to it. Although I hear that stretch of sea between the two islands can be reeeeeeeeally rough....... Good times!). Then that Sunday we'll have a good wander around town and get on a plane and come home (we don't get in until 10.40pm or so). Short and sweet, which is probably how NZ is best visited. Should be really interesting and really kinda fun! Neat! I've only been to Wellington once for a quick weekend. Oh, and once for like a day when Mom and I were there on our Big Tour of the South Island about 5 years ago...... It's not a bad city if you hit the weather right (which is rare). So, knowing the weather is gonna be crap most of the time, I bought a proper rain/wind jacket (on sale, like 75% off - sweet) because that's what the weather does in Wellington and since leaving the place (and NYC come to think of it) I got rid of all that kind of gear. Hmmm. So yes, an Adventure - should be fun!

So there you go. Hope you're all well up there. Hope no one has any natural (or unnatural) disasters to contend with like last weeks' multi-state power outage. I'd say come on down but the weather seems to be turning early, so I'd say your window of opportunity has closed, unless you like Florida-in-the-summer type weather........! Will check in next week, Monday, hopefully, after another Adventure has been had! Hooray!


P.S. Blogger has changed how I can layout my photos, seems I can't put them where I want, other than left, center or right, hmmm - so apologies if they have really goofy and awkward spacing. Give me a minute to work out the bugs of their new system...... 

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...