Monday, November 02, 2009

The Journey Continues with No Work Involved...


Sorry am late. Have a good excuse tho – I was caught up in “studying” InDesign last night and by the time I looked at the clock, my god it was way past time for a glass of wine or starting the little blog..... plus all the brain power had been well used up by then. So here I am – brain on at least 50% power (only did a little bit of studying today as was expecting interruptions from landlord, real estate agent & handyman. Sigh). But here we are! And my toilet is fixed! Hooray for useful interruptions!

So work. Yeeeeeeaahh, I vaguely remember that.... It was something you got up really early to go to, you had to sit in an office all day and do stuff for other people.....? Yeah, think I remember doing that at one time or another....... I sure haven’t seen much of that around here lately...... Tho not for lack of trying, I’ll have you know! I did interview with an agency and it all went incredibly well until the testing phase. Yeah, I have a bit of remembering to do. Sigh. Failed on stuff I’d never done before (as can sometimes happen). So have been busy studying up on the stuff I’ve never done before. Whew! Is neat, sorry I never got to learn it or put it to any real use! Ahhh, but there it is and I’ll be a wiz in no time! But yes, slowly but surely dusting off and shining up those neglected skillZ, applying for jobs, and building up more of my little business..... It all takes an incredible amount of time, but I love it! Learning sooooo much! Slowly but surely! World domination takes time!

And then there was the weekend. Hmmmmm. Quiet but nice in a, well, quiet kinda way. Friday was meant to meet the young folks from old work but came down with a horrible sinus headache. Since spending more time in this whoknowswhat-ridden apartment, have been sneezing and sniffling all the day long. Then again, seeing as its spring, it could just be some dumb tree or bush in bloom. Great. So missed drinks with the kids. Maybe this Friday.......... I’m sure I’ll see them again at some point in life.......

And then Saturday. Yeah. Was nice. Kim came around and we went for an excellent marathon walk along the river near the ‘hood of West End. Little hot, I’ve done that walk before and still managed to forget that there isn’t much shade along there. Nevertheless we powered on and made it to the West End Ferry when we turned and headed into West End and along the main drag. Very quirky, hip and groovy part of town. Lots of hippies tho, and I don’t deal well with patchouli or dreadlocks, but we managed to find a quaint little cafe to have a spot of lunch away from the dreadlocked patchouli-ridden hippies. Lovely!

And then there was Sunday. Very quiet if I do say so myself; did a lot of studying, as you now know. My friend Hasse brought over, as a loaner to help with mah little business, his very modern and high tech little laptop complete with all the latest wiz-bang programs like most of the Adobe Creative Suite (bitchin’!!!) and includes this new fangled Windows 2010 – golly is it modern and really cooool and useful! Usually I get cranky when Microsoft re-does everything just when you’ve figured all the old stuff out. But this, even tho it’s all so different, it is sooooo much more useful and intuitive! And I’ve only been bashing away at it a little bit over the week (been too busy remembering my InDesign stuff!). In fact this little blog is the first thing I’ve done in the new Word. I reallyreally like it, and that’s saying a lot! Hooray for modern technology! Plus he’s also loaned me his very flashy fancy pants 20inch LCD monitor. So is that what stuff really looks like?????!!! Fantastic! So I must say it’s been an absolute pleasure doing all this studying and practicing with this fancy software! Just try to stop me now! The sky’s the limit!

And that, is pretty much that. Halloween passed by virtually unnoticed. They don’t really do it here, it’s an “American thing”. Well, they just don’t know what they’re missing I say. And because they don’t do it here, I kinda forget about it. No Halloween displays in stores or scary movies (or “The Great Pumpkin”!) on TV to remind me, so it just slips past. Sad. I’ll try harder next year, throw a costume party or something. Right now things can be pretty dull stuff at the best of times. But never mind, to keep it all somewhat look-worthy, I’ll include photos from The Big Trip there on the bottom. Hope you like?! Hope you’re all well up there? Drop a line sometime and tell me what’s happening up there, all the carrier pigeon’s tire out over the Pacific before they make it to these shores.



The Big Trip: The Journey Continues in Photos....

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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