Sunday, November 22, 2009

Agents Against Dullness...


Well. Am way late, but on time. Sorry for not checking in last week..... I just couldn’t bring myself to write the little blog, because nothing happened that was any different from the week before and the week before that....... Even though this week wasn’t any livelier, if anything it was less lively! But never mind, here we are, there’s a lovely breeze cooling down the furnace that the days have become, it’s even too hot for many of the birds to bother with the chatter. There’re a couple of them out there but it sounds very half-hearted. Maybe they’ve all melted like me........!

So work. Yep. Slowly but surely will get one..... Checked in with one of my employment agencies, the one that got me the way good gig with the Fire Service in the first place, allllll those years ago. So here’s hoping they can get me another cool gig in the extremely near future. Thing with these agencies, that I blissfully forgot, is that you have to harass them to no end to remind them that you still exist and that yes, you’re still needing a job; Memories of fleas, these agents. And tomorrow I have to go back to the good agency (they get jobs for desktop publishers, designers, etc) and take their InDesign assessment test. The same test I failed spectacularly a couple weeks back on my first interview with them. Failed just so embarrassingly badly....... But only because the stuff they tested on, I’ve never actually had to do and had long forgotten since the class. So have been studying my little brain off (when it isn’t melting from the heat in this non-insulated, tin-roofed, hot-box of an apartment) and am due tomorrow morning to give the thing another crack – I won’t be beaten by a lousy agency assessment test (shaking protest fist in air)! So fingers crossed I at least do better than my first attempt. Sheesh. Otherwise, have been applying for real jobs too...... I probably won’t know what to do if one of them actually calls to see me for an interview! I swear my hands are cramping from all this wishing myself good luck.

And then the weekend(s). Sigh. Quiet. Last weekend was nice because Kim and I went on a marathon walk along the city-end of the riverside boardwalk, alllllllllll the way to the ‘hood of New Farm (hip and groovy restaurants, art galleries, gay-oriented which means expensive, yet still kinda run-down as they refurbish their cute little cottages and bungalows), where we stopped for hamburgers before continuing on into the city (Queen St. Mall) where we stopped again for a few well-deserved glasses of wine! Was our best and longest walk yet! It’s so fun to explore these places and get in shape at the same time – bonus!

But this week did have one bright spot – I scored 2 free passes to go to the preview screening of the new Cohen Brothers movie “A Serious Man”. It was excellent, and not just because it was free, heck I’d’ve paid to go see it! If you like the Cohen Brothers (No Country for Old Men, Raising Arizona, O Brother Where Are Thou, Fargo, etc), then you’ll love their new one. They have this thing where they’ll do a semi-mainstream film and then go off and do one that’s just way left of center. Hard to explain but I just loved it. And then after the film Dom and I had wine and solved the problems of the world, as the movie sort of made you want to do. It was a fantastic night! Hooray for a good free film!

Otherwise, the week and weekends have been quiet. Amazing the control that the bank and the weather can have on a gal. Sure, there’s free stuff to be done, but that means being out in this horrible humid heat, so it’s just easier to stay home and sweat in front of the fan. Besides, I’ve been ploughing through John Steinbeck’s stuff – finished “Grapes of Wrath” pretty quickly (tho reading it made me want fried dough, biscuits and bacon all the time........) and am just over half-way with “East of Eden”, pretty good so far, even if it is a bit morose at times. So my time isn’t spent in total boring idleness. I spend the day studying and looking/applying for work, then read for a break. Yeah, I try to polish it up but it is still pretty boring, I’ll admit. Things will get more exciting soon, I can just feel it!

So there you are. Sorry for The Dull, but it won’t be forever (I can hear the collective “thank sheesh for that!”). But I have to admit, aside from The Dull and no dough, it hasn’t been all bad – I’ve started to set up my own little business, am getting madder skillZ in these computer programs, am reading some fantastic literature, am out walking, am napping, am eating way much better (healthy-wise), am just overall happier for having the big break! I highly recommend it to everyone! Otherwise, I hope you’re all well up there. Maybe drop a line sometime and tell me what’s been happening up there?! I’d say c’mon down, but no, the weather, gah, summer’s come about 2 months early – yay, that means we have this stinking hot and humid until March, so feel free to come down after then! Unless you’re into it. I like to think of it as free detox and weight-loss. Have to put a positive spin on it otherwise will spend every waking moment in the freezer section of the grocery store, and how hard is that to explain even after just 15 minutes? You can only hover so long before attracting suspicion..... So yep, hope you’re all well – drop a line!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...